subroutine brkpt(nbrkpt,mxint) c****************************************************************** c * c This subroutine is called from SR STMGET to read in rainfall * c breakpoint data. The first column of data read in is time * c after midnight in hours(f4.2) and the second column is the * c accumulated rainfall in mm(f6.2). Irrigation is not an option * c when breakpoint input is used. * c * c****************************************************************** c * c Arguments * c nbrkpt - number of rainfall breakpoints * c mxint - maximum rainfall intensity (m/s) * c * c****************************************************************** c * c Argument Declarations * c * integer nbrkpt real mxint c****************************************************************** c * c Parameters * c mxplan : maximum number of over land flow elements * c mxtlsq : maximum number of tillage sequences * c mxtill : maximum number of tillage operations per tillage * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' include '' include '' include '' c Added by S. Dun, Feb 20, 2008 c for record storm start time for breakpoint data include '' c End adding c c****************************************************************** c c c local variables c real pptcum(100), drain, dtime,pktime integer i c c read in break points and convert into seconds and meters do 10 i = 1, nbrkpt read (13,*,end=20) timem(i), pptcum(i) if (i.eq.1) stmstr = timem(1) timem(i) = (timem(i)-stmstr) * 3600. pptcum(i) = pptcum(i) / 1000. 10 continue 20 continue c stmdur = 0.0 mxint = 0.0 pktime = 0.0 c compute rainfall intensity in m/s do 30 i = 1, nbrkpt - 1 c drain = pptcum(i+1) - pptcum(i) if (drain.eq.0.0) then c c XXX Commented out following line - The time value should not be c zero according to Jeff Stone - even for periods of zero c intensity within a storm. c dtime = 0.0 dtime = timem(i+1) - timem(i) intsty(i) = 0.0 else if ( then write (6,1000) day, mon, year stop else dtime = timem(i+1) - timem(i) if (dtime.le.0.0) then write (6,1100) day, mon, year stop end if intsty(i) = drain / dtime end if c c compute storm duration stmdur = stmdur + dtime dur = stmdur if (intsty(i).gt.mxint) then mxint = intsty(i) pktime = stmdur - dtime / 2. end if c write (6,*)timem(i)/3600.,intsty(i)*3.6e+06 30 continue c c compute normalized peak intensity and time to peak c XXX Commented out following 2 lines because these parameter values c are not needed in breakpoint simulations - and now their values c will be incorrectly estimated since STMDUR computation above c has been corrected. dcf 9/19/94 c timep = pktime / stmdur c ip = mxint / (pptcum(nbrkpt)/stmdur) c c set rainfall intensity of last interval equal to zero intsty(nbrkpt) = 0.0 prcp = pptcum(nbrkpt) p = prcp c return 1000 format (/1x,'*** Error in breakpoint input data. ***',//1x, 1 'Date of precipitation : ',i2,1x,i2,1x,i4,/,1x, 1 'The cumulative precipitation volume decreased. Check',/1x, 1 'climate input file and restart simulation.') 1100 format (/1x,'*** Error in breakpoint input data. ***',//1x, 1 'Date of precipitation : ',i2,1x,i2,1x,i4,/,1x, 1 'The breakpoint time is less than the preceeding time.',/, 1 1x,'Check climate input file and restart simulation.') end