c begin include file cenrpa3.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + c NOTE : ENRPA3 is never used in SR ROUTE. common /enrpa3/ enrmm1,enrmm2,enryy1,enryy2,enrff1,enrff2, 1 enrmon,enryr,enravg,frcmm1(mxpart), 1 frcmm2(mxpart),frcyy1(mxpart),frcyy2(mxpart), 1 frcff1(mxpart),frcff2(mxpart),frcmon(mxpart), 1 frcyr(mxpart),frcavg(mxpart) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real enrmm1,enrmm2,enryy1,enryy2, 1 enrff1,enrff2,enrmon,enryr,enravg,frcmm1, 1 frcmm2,frcyy1,frcyy2,frcff1,frcff2,frcmon, 1 frcyr,frcavg c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c enrmm1 : used to calculate monthly weighted enrichment ratio c enrmm2 : used to calculate monthly weighted enrichment ratio c enryy1 : used to calculate annual weighted enrichment ratio c enryy2 : used to calculate annual weighted enrichment ratio c enrff1 : used to calculate total weighted enrichment ratio c enrff2 : used to calculate total weighted enrichment ratio c enrmon : enrmm1/enrmm2 used for monthly c weighted enrichment ratio c enryr : enryy1/enryy2 used for annual c weighted enrichment ratio c enravg : enrff1/enrff2 used for total c weighted enrichment ratio c frcmm1(mxpart) : used to calculated monthly weighted c particle size fractions exiting c frcmm2(mxpart) : used to calculated monthly weighted c particle size fractions exiting c frcyy1(mxpart) : used to calculated annual weighted c particle size fractions exiting c frcyy2(mxpart) : used to calculated annual weighted c particle size fractions exiting c frcff1(mxpart) : used to calculated total weighted c particle size fractions exiting c frcff2(mxpart) : used to calculated total weighted c particle size fractions exiting c frcmon(mxpart) : frcmm1/frcmm2 used for monthly weighted c fraction of particle size classes exiting c frcyr(mxpart) : frcyy1/frcyy2 used for annual weighted c fraction of particle size classes exiting c frcavg(mxpart) : frcff1/frcff2 used for total weighted c fraction of particle size classes exiting c end include file cenrpa3.inc