c begin include file cflgfs.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /flgfs/ fgfrst(10,mxnsl,mxplan), 1 slfsd(10,mxnsl,mxplan), 1 slsw(10,mxnsl,mxplan), slsic(10,mxnsl,mxplan), 1 sltime(10,mxnsl,mxplan),nfine(mxnsl), 1 fineTop,fineBot,wintRed c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer fgfrst,nfine,fineTop,fineBot,wintRed real slfsd,slsw,slsic,sltime c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c fgfrst: flag for frost or not in each 1 cm or 2cm of the soil in the profile c 0 -- no frost; c 1 -- totally frozen c 2 -- frozen at the top of the thin layer c 3 -- frozen at the bottom of the thin layer c c slfsd: thickness of the frozen layer in a thin layer (m) c slsw : liquid soil water content in the thin layer (-) c slsic: ice amount in the thin layer (m) c sltime: the time of water redistribution has used for a fine layer (s) c nfine: number of fine layers for each major soil layer c fineTop: number of fine layers in each of top 2 10cm layers c fineBot: number of fine layers in remaining layers c wintRed: flag to indicate if water redistribution in frost should be done c c end include file cflgfs.inc