subroutine chnrt(nptsc,sdate,ichplt,latvol) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR CHNRT routes sediment through channel elements. c c Called from: SR CHNERO c Author(s): Ascough II, R. van der Zweep, V. Lopes, C. Baffaut c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer nptsc, sdate, ichplt real latvol c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c nptsc - c sdate - c ichplt - c latvol - lateral inflow including channel runoff c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real lowerx, net, maxe, leff, uarea, tarea, y(mxcseg), cc3, 1 checku, covsh, delx, detflo, dtot, eata, effshu, 1 endman, excess, gt, gtot, qu, sfu, soloss, ssfb, ssfe, stot, 1 topl, wfa, wleft, wright, xbeg, xchn, qtemp, carea, gpart c integer flag1, flagct, i, ibeg, iseg, k, newp, nk, nt c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Real Variables c c lowerx - c net - c maxe - c leff - c uarea - c tarea - c y(mxcseg) - c cc3 - c checku - c covsh - c delx - c detflo - c dtot - c eata - c effshu - c endman - c excess - c gt - c gtot - c qu - c sfu - c soloss - c ssfb - c ssfe - c stot - c topl - c wfa - c wleft - c wright - c xbeg - c xchn - c qtemp - c carea - c gpart - c c Integer Variables c c flag1 - c flagct - c i - c ibeg - c iseg - c k - c newp - c nk - c nt - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c case12 c case34 c dcap c frichn c fslpar c hydchn c trncap c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c data covsh /1000.0/ c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c override ichplt so that plotting sections of code not c entered c ichplt = 0 c c give a initial value to flag1 so that it is set even if c SR FSLPAR is not called (flag1 set to 5 in SR FSLPAR) c flag1 = 5 c c convert WEPP variable names into CREAMS variable names and c convert variable units from METRIC to ENGLISH c c qe is the peak runoff rate exiting the channel element c (m^3/s --> ft^3/sec) c qe = peakot(ielmt) * 35.31984 c c topl is the difference between the actual channel length and c the effective channel length (m --> ft) c c chnlef is the effective channel length (m) c chnlen(ichan) is the actual channel length (m) c topl = (chnlef-chnlen(ichan)) * 3.281 c c leff is the effective channel length (m --> ft) c leff = chnlef * 3.281 c c uarea is the upper area draining into the channel c element (m^2 --> ft^2) c uarea = uparea(ichan) * 10.76496 c c carea is the channel area (m^2 --> ft^2) c carea = charea(ichan) * 10.76496 c c tarea is the total area draining into the channel c element (m^2 --> ft^2) c tarea = toarea(ichan) * 10.76496 c c endman and chn are total manning's n c nbarch is bare soil manning's n c endman = chnn(ichan) chn = chnn(ichan) c nbarch = chnnbr(ichan) c eata = 1.0 tb = 2.0 * rundur(ielmt) c crsh = chntcr(ichan) * .021 depsid = chneds(ichan) * 3.281 chz = chnz(ichan) c ssfb = slope(1) sfe = ctlslp(ichan) c flagct = ishape(ichan) cflags = ienslp(ichan) c c determine the discharge rate at the top of the channel element c and the lateral inflow rate c c if (tmpvol(nileft(ielmt))+tmpvol(nirght(ielmt))+ c 1 tmpvol(nhleft(ielmt))+tmpvol(nhrght(ielmt)).gt.0.0) then if ( then c c lateral inflow from overland flow areas (runoff Case c I - top inflow and lateral inflow or runoff Case c II - no top flow but lateral inflow) c c qu is the discharge at the top of the channel c element (ft^3/sec) c c qlat is the effective lateral inflow (ft^3/sec/ft) c qu = qe * topl / leff qlat = qe / leff c else c c no effective lateral inflow from overland flow areas or c impoundments (Case III runoff) c qu = qe qlat = 0.0 c end if c qb = qu c c compute flow depth and friction slope at the end of channel c and at the outlet control c if (runvol(ielmt).ge.0.001) call fslpar(ichan,chnz(ichan),endman, 1 leff,ibeg,flag1,cc1,cc3,slope(nptsc),ssfe) c c if channel has no lateral inflow and no outlet control set c friction slope equal to bed slope c if (qlat.le.0.0) cflags = 2 c c if qu > 0.0 get starting position for erosion calculations and c compute friction slope at the top of current channel element c if ( then xbeg = topl / leff if (cflags.eq.1) call frichn(qu,chn,chnz(ichan),cc1,cc3,1,flag1, 1 slope(1),xbeg,leff,ye,xbeg,ibeg,ssfb,ssfe,sfu) if (cflags.eq.2) sfu = slope(1) if (sfu.le.0.6e-4) sfu = 0.6e-4 c else c c initialize variables for top segment of current channel element c wfu = 0.0 flagc = ishape(ichan) c c if rectangular channel then set flow width equal to bottom width c of channel c if (flagc.eq.2) wfu = widb(ichan,1) c effshu = 0.0 sfu = slope(1) c do 10 k = 1, cnpart du(k) = 0.0 tcu(k) = 0.0 gsu(k) = 0.0 gstu(k) = 0.0 10 continue c end if c c compute a weighted average of the sediment inflow c c sedcon is the sediment concentration (kg/m^3) c peakot is the peak runoff rate (m^3/s) c gtot = 0.0 c do 20 k = 1, cnpart c c gtot is the total sediment load entering the top channel c segment (lbs) c c gpart is sediment load entering the top channel segment c for each particle size c gpart = ((tmpvol(nitop(ielmt))*sedcon(k,nitop(ielmt)))+( 1 tmpvol(nhtop(ielmt))*sedcon(k,nhtop(ielmt)))+( 1 tmpvol(ncleft(ielmt))*sedcon(k,ncleft(ielmt)))+( 1 tmpvol(ncrght(ielmt))*sedcon(k,ncrght(ielmt)))+( 1 tmpvol(nctop(ielmt))*sedcon(k,nctop(ielmt)))) * 2.2064 c gtot = gtot + gpart c c gstu is the sediment flux entering the top channel c segment (lbs/sec) c gstu(k) = gpart / rundur(ielmt) c if (rvolat(ielmt).gt.0.0) then c c lateral inflow occurs - determine weighting factor for c each lateral area c wleft = (tmpvol(nileft(ielmt))+tmpvol(nhleft(ielmt))) / 1 rvolat(ielmt) wright = (tmpvol(nirght(ielmt))+tmpvol(nhrght(ielmt))) / 1 rvolat(ielmt) c c dlat is the sediment flux per foot of channel length entering c the channel laterally, weighted as the average of the lateral c areas based upon the runoff volume (lbs/sec/ft) c dlat(k) = ((wleft*qlat*sedcon(k,nileft(ielmt)))+(wright*qlat* 1 sedcon(k,nirght(ielmt)))+(wleft*qlat* 1 sedcon(k,nhleft(ielmt)))+(wright*qlat* 1 sedcon(k,nhrght(ielmt)))) * 0.06241818 else c c if no lateral inflow then lateral sediment load is zero c dlat(k) = 0.0 end if c 20 continue c c compute total sediment (t/a) entering channel element c and set channel contribution equal to zero (lbs/ft) c if ( then c nsedm(1) = nsedm(1) + gtot / uarea * 19.75 c nsedy(1) = nsedy(1) + gtot / uarea * 19.75 c nsedt(1) = nsedt(1) + gtot / uarea * 19.75 nsedm(1) = nsedm(1) + gtot / uarea * 21.78 nsedy(1) = nsedy(1) + gtot / uarea * 21.78 nsedt(1) = nsedt(1) + gtot / uarea * 21.78 c else nsedm(1) = 0.0 nsedy(1) = 0.0 nsedt(1) = 0.0 end if c csedm(1) = 0.0 csedy(1) = 0.0 csedt(1) = 0.0 c c segment by segment plotting file (event mode only) c if ((imodel.eq.2).and.(ichplt.eq.1)) then c write (37,1300) sdate iseg = nptsc y(iseg) = 0.0 c do 30 i = 1, nptsc - 1 delx = x(iseg) - x(iseg-1) y(iseg-1) = y(iseg) + delx * slope(iseg) iseg = iseg - 1 30 continue c if ( then gt = gtot / uarea * 21.78 else gt = 0.0 end if c c temporarily set xchn and dtot to zero to write to file c xchn = 0.0 dtot = 0.0 c write (37,1400) xchn, y(1), gt, dtot c end if c c start computational loop for current channel element c newp = 1 c do 150 i = 2, nptsc cd Added by S. Dun, 04/10/2008 to avoid crash sfl = slope(i) cd end adding c if ( then c c initialize variables at the upper boundary c newp = 0 sfu = sfl qu = ql wfu = wfl effshu = effshl c do 40 k = 1, cnpart du(k) = dl(k) tcu(k) = tcl(k) gsu(k) = gsl(k) gstu(k) = gstl(k) 40 continue c end if c c x is the distance from the top of the effective channel (ft) c c xbeg is the relative distance from the top of the c effective channel (ft) c c lowerx is the distance from the top of the actual channel (ft) c xbeg = x(i) / leff lowerx = x(i) c if ( then c c ql is the discharge rate at the lower end of the current c segment (ft^3/sec) c ql = qe * x(i) / leff c else ql = qb end if c dx = x(i) - x(i-1) c c get starting position and friction slope at the lower end c of current channel segment c if ( call frichn(ql,chn,chnz(ichan), 1 cc1,cc3,i,flag1,slope(i),xbeg,leff,ye,xbeg,ibeg,ssfb,ssfe, 1 sfl) c if ( sfl = slope(i) if (cflags.eq.2.and.i.eq.nptsc) sfl = sfe if (sfl.le.0.6e-4) sfl = 0.6e-4 if (sfu.le.0.6e-4) sfu = 0.6e-4 c write(6,*) i,'sfu = ',sfu,'; sfl = ',sfl c if (.not.((newp.eq.0).or.(qu.le.0.0))) then c flagc = ishape(ichan) c c if erodible channel (flagc = 3) and depb (updated depth c of erodible layer at the lower boundary of the lower end c of previous segment) is zero, the x-section at the upper c end of current segment is updated to a rectangular shape c (flagc = 2) for hydraulic calculations c if (flagc.eq.3.and.depb(ichan,i-1).le.1e-4) flagc = 2 c c call hydchn to calculate hydraulic parameters at the upper end c of current segment c call hydchn(flagc,qu,sfu,cc1,chnz(ichan),widb(ichan,i-1),wfu, 1 chn,crsh,covsh,effshu) c c compute sediment load per unit width at the upper end of c segment c do 50 k = 1, cnpart gsu(k) = gstu(k) / wfu 50 continue c end if c flagc = ishape(ichan) c c if erodible channel (flagc = 3) and depa (updated depth of c erodible layer at the upper boundary of lower end of previous c segment) is zero, the x-section at the lower end of current c segment is updated to a rectangular shape (flagc = 2) for c hydraulic calculations c if (flagc.eq.3.and.depa(ichan,i).le.1e-4) flagc = 2 c c call hydchn to calculate hydraulic parameters at the lower end c of current segment c call hydchn(flagc,ql,sfl,cc1,chnz(ichan),wida(ichan,i),wfl,chn, 1 crsh,covsh,effshl) c c compute flow width in channel (wfa) as the average of the c upper and lower widths c wfa = (wfl+wfu) / 2.0 c c compute deposition parameter (phi) using wfa c c if qlat is zero then compute a temporary qlat to use c in the phi equation c if (qlat.le.0.0) qtemp = ((carea/(tarea-carea))*qe) / leff if ( qtemp = qlat c do 60 k = 1, cnpart phi(k) = eata * crfall(k,ielmt) * wfa / qtemp 60 continue c if (.not.((newp.eq.0).or.(qu.le.0.00001))) then c c compute transport capacity at the upper end of segment c call trncap(effshu,gsu,ielmt,tcu) c c assume there is a potential for detachment at the c upper end of segment (set excess = 1.0) c excess = 1.0 c do 70 k = 1, cnpart c c if the transport capacity of a particle size c is exceeded then compute deposition c if (tcu(k).le.1e-8) then excess = 0.0 go to 80 end if c excess = amin1(excess,(1.0-gsu(k)/tcu(k))) 70 continue c c detachment occurs when there is an excess in the c transport capacity of the flow c 80 if ( then c c compute detachment rate at the upper end of segment. first, c set maximum allowable erosion rate without overfilling c then transport capacity (maxe) c maxe = 1000.0 c c reset flagc c flagc = ishape(ichan) c c if erodible channel (flagc = 3) and depb (updated depth of c erodible layer at the lower boundary of lower end of previous c segment is zero, compute detachment and erode (widening) c channel cross section (assuming a rectangular shape) c if (flagc.eq.3.and.depb(ichan,i-1).le.1e-4) flagc = 2 c cd Added by S. Dun, 04/10/2008 to avoid crash if ( sfu = 0.00001 cd end adding call dcap(1,flagc,qu,sfu,cc1,chnz(ichan),effshu,depsid, 1 depb(ichan,i-1),werb(ichan,i-1),wfu,chn,crsh,covsh,maxe, 1 excess,tb,ielmt,df,ichan) c c if channel is rectangular and of "frictious" width (computed c as a function of shear stress) at the lower boundary of c lower end of previous segment is greater than flow width at c the upper end of current segment, then make bottom of c rectangular channel (widb) equal to "eroded" bottom (werb) c if (flagc.eq.2.and.werb(ichan,i-1).gt.wfu) widb(ichan,i-1) = 1 werb(ichan,i-1) c c compute total detachment capacity (du) c do 90 k = 1, cnpart du(k) = df(k) * wfu 90 continue c else c c compute deposition rate at the upper end of segment c do 100 k = 1, cnpart c du(k) = (phi(k)/qu) * (tcu(k)*wfu-gstu(k)) du(k) = crfall(k,ielmt)*wfu/qu * (tcu(k)*wfu-gstu(k)) if (du(k).gt.0.0) du(k) = 0.0 100 continue c end if c c reset excess c excess = 1.0 end if c c compute "initial" potential load based on the total load from c upslope segment (gstu) and addition from lateral inflow (dlat) c do 110 k = 1, cnpart potld(k) = (gstu(k)+dlat(k)*dx) / wfl 110 continue c write(6,'(a11,5e12.4)') 'pot. load: ',(potld(k), k=1,cnpart) c c compute transport capacity based on "initial" potential load c call trncap(effshl,potld,ielmt,tcl) c write(6,'(a11,5e12.4)') 'ini. cap.: ',(tcl(k), k=1,cnpart) c write(6,*) crsh, covsh, effshu, effshl c c initialize flags nt and nk c nt = 0 nk = 0 c c check for the possibility of detachment occurring at the c upper end of segment c do 120 k = 1, cnpart c dtcdx(k) = (tcl(k)*wfl-tcu(k)*wfu) / dx c c check for the special case when there is no top c inflow, (ie. qu = 0.0), and the rate of lateral sediment c inflow, dlat, exceeds the transport capacity of the c channel segment, dtc/dx c c if ((i.eq.2).and.(qu.eq.0.0).and.(dtcdx(k).lt.dlat(k))) c if ((i.eq.2).and.( 1 du(k) = phi(k) / (1+phi(k)) * (dtcdx(k)-dlat(k)) c 1 du(k) = (phi(k)/(qlat+phi(k))*(dtcdx(k)-dlat(k))) c checku = tcu(k) * wfu c if ( nk = nk + 1 if (du(k).gt.0.0) nt = nt + 1 120 continue c flagct = ishape(ichan) c c if all tci's > gsi's (nk = cnpart) or all dui's > 0.0 c (nt = cnpart) there is detachment at the upper end of c channel segment c c four erosion cases are possible: c if (nk.eq.cnpart.or.nt.eq.cnpart) then c c Case III : du > 0.0 (detachment) and dl < 0.0 (deposition) c Case IV : du > 0.0 (detachment) and dl > 0.0 (detachment) c call case34(ichan,ielmt,cnpart,i,flagct) c else c c Case I : du < 0.0 (deposition) and dl < 0.0 (deposition) c Case II: du < 0.0 (deposition) and dl > 0.0 (detachment) c call case12(ichan,ielmt,cnpart,i,flagct) c end if c do 130 k = 1, cnpart gstl(k) = gsl(k) * wfl 130 continue c if (flgout(ichan).eq.6) write (38,1000) lowerx - topl c gtot = 0.0 stot = 0.0 dtot = 0.0 c do 140 k = 1, npart gtot = gtot + gstl(k) * rundur(ielmt) net = (gstl(k)-gstu(k)) * rundur(ielmt) / dx stot = stot + net detflo = (((gstl(k)-gstu(k))/dx)-dlat(k)) * rundur(ielmt) dtot = dtot + detflo if (flgout(ichan).eq.6) write (38,1100) k, net, detflo 140 continue c c nsedm(i) is the total sediment yield (t/a) passing c through channel segment i c c csedm(i) is the weight of soil either eroded or deposited per c unit length from the i-th channel segment (lb/ft) c nsedm(i) = nsedm(i) + gtot / tarea * 21.78 nsedy(i) = nsedy(i) + gtot / tarea * 21.78 nsedt(i) = nsedt(i) + gtot / tarea * 21.78 c csedm(i) = csedm(i) + dtot csedy(i) = csedy(i) + dtot csedt(i) = csedt(i) + dtot c c sum soil loss and deposition totals for channel c if ( then cdetm(ielmt) = cdetm(ielmt) + dtot * dx cdety(ielmt) = cdety(ielmt) + dtot * dx cdett(ielmt) = cdett(ielmt) + dtot * dx else if ( then cdepm(ielmt) = cdepm(ielmt) + dtot * dx cdepy(ielmt) = cdepy(ielmt) + dtot * dx cdept(ielmt) = cdept(ielmt) + dtot * dx end if c if (flgout(ichan).eq.6) write (38,1200) stot, dtot c if ((imodel.eq.2).and.(ichplt.eq.1)) then c c write out channel profile plotting data c xchn = x(i) - topl write (37,1400) xchn, y(i), gtot / tarea * 21.78, -dtot end if c c write(6,'(5e12.4)') (gsl(k), k=1,npart) c write(6,*) c 150 continue c soloss = 0.0 c do 160 k = 1, cnpart c c compute sediment concentration (lb/ft^3) of particle class c conc(k,ielmt) = gstl(k) / qe c c compute sediment load (lbs) of particle class c ggs(k,ielmt) = runvol(ielmt) * 35.319837 * conc(k,ielmt) c c sum up total sediment yield (lb/ft^2) c soloss = soloss + ggs(k,ielmt) / tarea c c convert sediment concentration from lb/ft^3 to kg/m^3 c sedcon(k,ielmt) = conc(k,ielmt) * 16.020973 c if ( then tgst(k,ielmt) = tgst(k,ielmt) + ggs(k,ielmt) tgsy(k,ielmt) = tgsy(k,ielmt) + ggs(k,ielmt) tgsm(k,ielmt) = tgsm(k,ielmt) + ggs(k,ielmt) tgsd(k,ielmt) = ggs(k,ielmt) else tgsd(k,ielmt) = 0.0 end if c 160 continue c do 170 k = 1, cnpart c c compute the fraction in each particle class c if ( then frcflw(k,ielmt) = ggs(k,ielmt) / (soloss*tarea) else frcflw(k,ielmt) = 0.0 end if c 170 continue c return 1000 format (' ',//,12x,'soil loss for the segment ',f6.1,' ft. from ', 1 'the channel top',/,19x, 1 'particle net soil loss chan soil loss',/,19x, 1 ' type (lbs/ft of channel segment)'/,19x, 1 ' ---- ------- -------') 1100 format (21x,i2,9x,f9.2,9x,f9.2) 1200 format (/,21x,'total',7x,f9.2,9x,f9.2) 1300 format (//,10x,'total soil loss for day',i3,//10x, 1 ' x y sed yld chan',/,10x, 1 ' (ft) (ft) (t/ac) (lbs/ft ch)'/,10x, 1 ' ---- ---- ------- -------') 1400 format (12x,f5.1,3x,f5.1,6x,f9.2,3x,f9.2) end