c begin include file cimds.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c Variables in common /imds/ are common to impoundment c element impint and impreg subroutines to modify the c rearrangment of the flow regimes.This part of variables c are used for dscribing the feature of drop spillway. common /imds/ dids(mximp), 1 ddiars(mximp),dlenrs(mximp),dwidrs(mximp), 1 dhrs(mximp),dcoefw(mximp), dcoefo(mximp), 1 ddiabl(mximp),dhitbl(mximp),dwdbl(mximp), 1 dhrh(mximp),dlbl(mximp),dsbl(mximp),dhblot(mximp), 1 dke(mximp),dkb(mximp),dkc(mximp) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer dids real ddiars,dlenrs,dwidrs,dhrs,dcoefw,dcoefo, 1 ddiabl,dhitbl,dwdbl,dhrh,dlbl,dsbl,dhblot,dke,dkb,dkc c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c dids(mximp) - flag for judging whether drop spillway exists c in an impoundment. c ddiars(mximp) - diameter of a circular riser. c dlenrs(mximp) - length of the box section of a rectangular c riser. c dwidrs(mximp) - width of the box section of a rectangular c riser. c dhrs(mximp) - Stage of the riser inlet. c dcoefw(mximp) - weir coefficient. c dcoefo(mximp) - orifice coefficient. c ddiabl(mximp) - diameter of a circular barrel. c dhitbl(mximp) - height of the box section of a rectangular c barrel. c dwdbl(mximp) - width of the box section of a rectangular c barrel. c dhrh(mximp) - height of riser inlet above barrel bottom. c dlbl(mximp) - length of barrel. c dsbl(mximp) - slope of barrel. c dhblot(mximp) - height of barrel outlet above exit channel c bottom. c dkb(mximp) - bend loss coefficient c dkc(mximp) - friction loss coefficient c dke(mximp) - entrance loss coefficient c c end include file cimds.inc