c begin include file cimpr.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c Variables in common /impr/ are common to impoundment c element impint and impreg subroutines to modify the c rearrangment of the flow regimes.This part of variables c are used for dscribing the feature of perforated riser. common /impr/ pipr(mximp), 1 phr(mximp),phb(mximp),phs(mximp),phd(mximp), 1 pdiar(mximp),pas(mximp),pdiab(mximp), 1 phrh(mximp),plbl(mximp),psbl(mximp),pdiabl(mximp), 1 pcb(mximp),pcoefw(mximp),pcoefo(mximp),pcs(mximp), 1 pke(mximp),pkb(mximp),pkc(mximp) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer pipr real phr,phb,phs,phd,pdiar,pas,pdiab,phrh,plbl,psbl,pdiabl, 1 pcb,pcoefw,pcoefo,pcs,pke,pkb,pkc c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c pipr(mximp) - flag for judging whether perforated riser c exists in an impoundment. c phr(mximp) - Stage of riser opening c phb(mximp) - Height below the datum of the restricting c orifice c phs(mximp) - Height of the slots c phd(mximp) - Stage of the datum(i.e. bottom of the slots). c pdiar(mximp) - Diameter of the riser c as(mximp) - Area of the slots c diab(mximp) - Diameter of the restricting orifice c phrh(mximp) - Height of the riser inlet above barrel bottom c plbl(mximp) - Flow length of the barrel c psbl(mximp) - Slope of barrel c pdiabl(mximp) - Diameter of barrel c pcb(mximp) - orifice coefficient for the restricting c orifice c pcoefw(mximp) - weir coefficient. c pcoefo(mximp) - orifice coefficient c pcs(mximp) - orifice coefficient for the slots. c dkb(mximp) - bend loss coefficient c dkc(mximp) - friction loss coefficient c dke(mximp) - entrance loss coefficient c c end include file cimps.inc