c begin include file cimreg.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c Variables in common /imreg/ are common to impoundment c element impint and impreg subroutines to modify the c rearrangment of the flow regimes. common /imreg/ daf(mxstc,10,mximp), dbf(mxstc,10,mximp), 1 dcf(mxstc,10,mximp), ddf(mxstc,10,mximp), 1 def(mxstc,10,mximp), dhaf(mxstc,10,mximp), 1 dhtf(mxstc,10,mximp), dhlf(mxstc,10,mximp), 1 dnfr(mxstc,mximp) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real daf, dbf, dcf, ddf, def, dhaf, dhtf, dhlf integer dnfr c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c daf(mxstc,10,mximp) : used for initial outflow functions - c structure i, flow regime j c dbf(mxstc,10,mximp) : used for initial outflow functions - c structure i, flow regime j c dcf(mxstc,10,mximp) : used for initial outflow functions - c structure i, flow regime j c ddf(mxstc,10,mximp) : used for initial outflow functions - c structure i, flow regime j c def(mxstc,10,mximp) : used for initial outflow functions - c structure i, flow regime j c dhaf(mxstc,10,mximp) : adjusting stage used for initial outflow- c function i, flow regime j c dhtf(mxstc,10,mximp) : transitional stage at which flow regime j- c begins for outflow function i c dhlf(mxstc,10,mximp) : limiting lowest stage used for initial- c outflow function i, flow regime j c dnfr(mxstc,mximp) : number of flow regimes for structure i c c end include file cimreg.inc