c begin include file cimrf.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c Variables in common /imrf/ are common to impoundment c element impint and impreg subroutines to modify the c rearrangment of the flow regimes.This part of variables c are used for dscribing the feature of Rock-fill check dam. common /imrf/ rirf(mximp), 1 rlnrf(mximp),rhrf(mximp),rhotrf(mximp),rwdrf(mximp), 1 rarf(mximp),rbrf(mximp) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer rirf real rlnrf,rhrf,rhotrf,rwdrf,rarf,rbrf c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c c rirf(mximp) - flag for judging whether rock-fill check dam c exists in an impoundment c rlnrf(mximp) - flow length of rock-fill check dam in an c impoundment c rhrf(mximp) - stage at which flow through the rock-fill c check dam occurs c rhotrf(mximp) - stage at which overtopping flow occurs c rwdrf(mximp) - cross sectional width of the rock-fill c check dam c rarf(mximp) - coefficient given graphically in Haan c et al(1994) determined by using the size c of the rocks and the flow length. c rbrf(mximp) - coefficient given graphically in c Haan et al(1994) determined c by using the size of the rocks. c end include file cimrf.inc