c begin include file cimrou.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c Variables in common /imrou/ are common to impoundment c element user interface and the water surface profile routine c and refer to parameters utilized in performing a water surface c profile. common /imrou/ bwes, sses, nes, pypos, zes, mdwit, dwt, 1 rfrac, yc, qesr, depth, ncross c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer mdwit, ncross real bwes, sses, pypos(30), zes(30), dwt, rfrac, yc, qesr, 1 depth(30), nes c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c bwes : bottom width of trapezoidal emergency spillway/open channel c dwt : convergence tolerance for emergency spillway routing routine c depth(30) : flow depth for emergency spillway cross section i c mdwit : maximum number of iterations used in subroutine route c ncross : number of emergency spillway cross sections c nes : manning's n for emergency spillway vegetation c pypos(30) : stage of emergency spillway cross section i c qesr : emergency spillway flow entered into the routing subroutine c rfrac : fraction of y1 that y2 is allowed to change (used c in routing subroutine) c sses : side slopes of trapezoidal emergency spillway cross section c yc : critical depth entered into routing subroutine c zes(30) : distance from approach beginning of emergency c spillway cross section i c end include file cimrou.inc