c begin include file cinpman2.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /inpman2/ activ1(ntype),wood1(ntype),her1(ntype), 1 updat1(ntype),regro1(ntype),dlea1(ntype), 1 alte1(ntype),burne1(ntype),chang1(ntype), 1 hur1(ntype),reduc1(ntype),acces1(ntype), 1 suppm1(ntype),digmi1(ntype),digma1(ntype), 1 jgra1(ntype),ssda1(ntype,ntype2),are2(ntype), 1 sen1(ntype,ntype2),idrai1(ntype) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real her1,updat1,regro1,dlea1,alte1,burne1,chang1, 1 hur1,reduc1,acces1,suppm1,digmi1,digma1,are2 integer activ1,wood1,ssda1,sen1,idrai1,jgra1 c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c activ1(ntype) : flag for activated herbicides for rangeland c wood1(ntype) : flag for decomp. of standing biomass due to herbicide c her1(ntype) : fraction change in evergreen biomass c updat1(ntype) : fraction increase of foliage c regro1(ntype) : frac. change in above and below ground biomass c dlea1(ntype) : frac. reduction in live biomass (0-1) c alte1(ntype) : frac. increase in forage c burne1(ntype) : frac. change in standing dead biomass c chang1(ntype) : frac. change in potential above ground biomass c hur1(ntype) : frac. change in evergreen biomass c reduc1(ntype) : frac. reduction in residue c acces1(ntype) : frac. of forage available for construction c suppm1(ntype) : avg. amt. of supp. feed per day (kg/day) c digmi1(ntype) : min. digestibility of forage c digma1(ntype) : max. digestibility of forage c jgra1(ntype) : number of grazing cycles per year on rangeland c ssda1(ntype,ntype2) : julian start of supp. feeding c are2(ntype) : grazing area (m^2) c sen1(ntype,ntype2) : julian end of supp. feeding c idrai1(ntype) : c end include file cinpman2.inc