subroutine covcal(iresd,iplane) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Calculates the fraction of soil cover provided by flat residue, c and by standing stems (stubble). c c Note: Flat residue cover fraction is calculated using a probability c equation developed by James M. Gregory for a single residue c type at a single point in time. This method assumes uniform c pieces of residue and a spatially random distribution of those c pieces. c WEPP (and RUSLE) attempt to adapt Gregory's equation to multi- c ple residue types, assuming that the coefficient relating cover c to mass does not change with time. It is intuitively obvious c that for multiple residue types, one can use Gregory's equation c for each type individually and subtract the overlap between c types to compute total cover. Since the residue is assumed to c be randomly distributed, the amount to be subtracted is simply c the product of the current cover coefficient and the previous c one. What is perhaps less obvious, is that the power of the c exponential in Gregory's equation is simply the amount of cover c that would result if no overlap occurs, and thus type and size c of the pieces make no difference -- the various residue masses c may simply be multiplied by their cover coefficients, and the c resulting sum plugged into Gregory's equation. This was con- c firmed by performing the calculations both ways. CRM -- 1/13/93. c c Called from DECOMP c Author(s): Yoder, Stott, Laflen c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 8. c Also see: "Soil Cover Prediction with c Various Amounts and Types of Crop Residue". c 1982. James M. Gregory. Trans. ASAE. c pp 1333-1337. c c Changes: c 1) Eliminated reference to PTILTY.INC. c 2) Eliminated reference to CCONTCV.INC. c 3) Moved Equation 8.3.9 inside do-10 loop. c (RE: 1/11/93 conversation with D. Flanagan.) c This resulted in TEST2 increases in: Rill & Interrill c Cover, Ksat, and Effective Duration. Peak Runoff went c down. c 4) Since variables TMASS and TMASS2 really represent c *area* and not *masses*, changed the variable names c to AREA and AREA2. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 92.332 c Date recoded: 01/11/93 to 01/12/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer iresd(mxres,mxplan), iplane, numres c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c iresd - array of residue types in this simulation c iplane - current OFE c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c modify: inrcov, rilcov c include '' c write: rescov c include '' c read: rmagt c include '' c read: cf c include '' c read: basmat c include '' c read: srmhav c include '' c read: rilrm, rigrm c modify: rigcov c include '' c read: rspace c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer nowres real strcov, area, area2 c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c nowres - c strcov - c area - area of the ridge that would be covered by residue, if no c overlap of the residue occurred; ie, maximum possible. c area2 - area of the ridge that would be covered by residue, if no c overlap of the residue occurred; ie, maximum possible. c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c ---- Determine number of residues currently being tracked (NUMRES). if (iresd(3,iplane).ne.0) then numres = 3 else if (iresd(2,iplane).ne.0) then numres = 2 else numres = 1 end if c c Calculate STRCOV, Soil Cover due to Standing Residue Mass c (cross-sectional area of standing stalks). For purpose of c this calculation, it is assumed that ratio of standing c residue mass (RMAGT) to standing residue mass at harvest c (SRMHAV), is the same as the ratio of current stubble c population to stubble population at harvest. This ratio c is multipled by the stem basal area at maturity for the c crop of interest. c (Modified WEPP Equation 8.3.10) c c c added trap to prevent divide by zero if user has input a c value of zero for cutting height (making partcf = 0.0 ) c dcf 3/8/94 c if(srmhav(iplane) .gt. 0.0)then strcov = rmagt(iplane) / srmhav(iplane) * basmat(iplane) else strcov = 0.0 endif if( c c c Sum up the flat residue cover provided by each residue type, c using Equation 11 from the Gregory paper. CF is the average c cover per unit mass, assuming no overlap; ie, the average c cover per unit weight provided by a single piece of residue. c The sum represents the maximum area that could be covered if c all the residue were laid out side by side. CRM -- 1/13/93. c area = 0.0 area2 = 0.0 do 10 nowres = 1, numres c ------ sum of ridge flat residue cover area = area + cf(iresd(nowres,iplane)) * rigrm(nowres,iplane) c ------ sum of rill flat residue cover area2 = area2 + cf(iresd(nowres,iplane)) * 1 rilrm(nowres,iplane) 10 continue c c c Total soil cover in ridges & rills; ie, flat residue plus stubble. c (WEPP Equation 8.3.11) rigcov(iplane) = 1.0 - exp(-area) + strcov if (rigcov(iplane).lt.0.0) rigcov(iplane) = 0.0 if (rigcov(iplane).gt.0.999) rigcov(iplane) = 0.999 c rilcov(iplane) = 1.0 - exp(-area2) + strcov if (rilcov(iplane).lt.0.0) rilcov(iplane) = 0.0 if (rilcov(iplane).gt.0.999) rilcov(iplane) = 0.999 c c inrcov(iplane) = rigcov(iplane) rescov(iplane) = ((rspace(iplane)-width(iplane))/rspace(iplane)) * 1 inrcov(iplane) + (width(iplane)/rspace(iplane)) * 1 rilcov(iplane) c return end