c begin include file cperen1.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /peren1/ partcf(ntype),fact(ntype),rtmmax(ntype), 1 tmpmin(ntype),tmpmax(ntype),imngmt(mxcrop,mxplan) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real partcf,fact,rtmmax,tmpmin,tmpmax integer imngmt c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c partcf(ntype) : portion of vegetative biomass partitioned c fact(ntype) : standing to flat residue adjustment factor c rtmmax(ntype) : maximum root mass for a perennial crop c (tons/acre) c tmpmin(ntype) : minimum daily temperature (degrees C) c tmpmax(ntype) : maximum daily temperature (degrees C) c imngmt(mxcrop,mxplan) : cropping system c 1) annual c 2) perennial c 3) fallow c end include file cperen1.inc