c begin include file cpfrst.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /pfrst/frzflg, 1 LNfrst,FLNfrs,FLNbtm,qdry,qwet,qhtout, 1 ktopf,kftill,kfutil,qoutdm,dmfrsn c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer frzflg,LNfrst,FLNfrs,FLNbtm real ktopf,kftill,kfutil,qdry,qwet,qhtout,qoutdm 1 ,dmfrsn c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c frzflg :flag to indicate freezing or thawing processes c 0 - balanced, c 1 - bottom freezing, c 2 - top freezing and bottom thawing, c 3 - thawing from both end c 4 - bottom thawing c LNfrst - the soil layer where the bottom of the frost is c FLNfrs - the fine layer number in LNfrst where frost bottom is c FLNbtm - fine layer number of the bottom of know soil profile. c c qdry - Heat flow from stable soil temperature to the bottom c of the frost layer (W/m^2). c qwet - Heat flow required to freeze H2O migrate to frozen front (W/m^2). c qhtout - Heat flow across the frozen layers (W/m^2). c qoutdm - the denominator for qout = surfaceT/qoutdm (1/(W/m C)) c dmfrsn - the denominator form residue and snow on surface (1/(W/m C)) c c ktopf: thermal conductivity above the the working to surface (W/m C) c kftill - Thermal conductivity of frozen tilled soil (W/m C). c kfutil - Thermal conductivity of frozen untilled soil (W/m C). c end include file cpfrst.inc