c begin include file crinpt6.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /rinpt6/ totsup(mxplan),rtotsu(mxplan),rsuppm(mxplan), 1 dinner(mxplan),food(mxplan),growth(mxplan), 1 ideath(mxplan),sdead(mxplan),rrough(mxplan), 1 bcover(mxplan),rufcov(mxplan) c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + real totsup,rtotsu,rsuppm,dinner,food,growth, 1 sdead,rrough,bcover,rufcov integer ideath c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c totsup(mxplan) : running total of supplemental feed consumed c rtotsu(mxplan) : running total of emergency food supplied by model c rsuppm(mxplan) : emergency food supplied by model to prevent c livestock from straving and dieing. If this is c activated the user needs to be aware that senerio c has been altered and the stocking rate should be c altered to reflect realistic grazing practices. c dinner(mxplan) : c food(mxplan) : daily mass of forage per animal when supplemental c feeding is being utilized c growth(mxplan) : c ideath(mxplan) : flag. 1=live leaves present. No live leaves ==> no c herbicide application c sdead(mxplan) : new standing dead mass killed from herbicide appli- c cation. Typically this is dead woody plants that c have not fallen yet. c rrough(mxplan) : c bcover(mxplan) : c rufcov(mxplan) : c end include file crinpt6.inc