c begin include file csumout.inc c + + + COMMON BLOCK DESCRIPTION + + + c + + + INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE + + + common /sumout/ nraint,nrainy,nrainm,traint,trainy, 1 trainm,nrunot(mxplan),nrunoy(mxplan), 1 nrunom(mxplan),trunot(mxplan), 1 trunoy(mxplan),trunom(mxplan),mxevnt, 1 nmunot(mxplan),nmunoy(mxplan), 1 nmunom(mxplan),tmunot(mxplan), 1 tmunoy(mxplan),tmunom(mxplan),mxmelt, 1 mrro,miro,mrain,mirig,mmro,mmelt, 1 yrro,yiro,yrain,yirig,ymro,ymelt, 1 arro,airo,arain,airig,amro,amelt, 1 yrdet,yrdep,dirig,trro c + + + VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + + + integer nraint,nrainy,nrainm,nrunot,nrunoy,nrunom, 1 mxevnt,nmunot,nmunoy,nmunom,mxmelt real traint,trainy,trainm,trunot,trunoy,trunom, 1 tmunot,tmunoy,tmunom,yrdet,yrdep, 1 mrro,miro,mmelt,mrain,mirig,mmro, 1 yrro,yiro,ymelt,yrain,yirig,ymro, 1 arro,amro,airo,amelt,arain,airig,dirig,trro c c + + + VARIABLE DEFINITIONS + + + c nraint : number of total rainfall events during the c simulation period c nrainy : number of rainfall events per year during simulation c traint : total rainfall amount during the simulation period(m) c trainy : total rainfall amount per year during simulation (m) c trainm : total rainfall amount per year during simulation(m) c nrainm : number of rainfall events per month during c simulation c nrunot(mxplan) : number of total runoff events during the c simulation period c nrunoy(mxplan) : number of total runoff events per year during c simulation c trunot(mxplan) : total runoff amount during the simulation c period (mm) c trunoy(mxplan) : total runoff amount per year during c simulation (mm) c nrunom(mxplan) : number of total runoff events per month c during simulation c trunom(mxplan) : total runoff amount per month during c simulation (mm) c nmunot(mxplan) : number of total runoff events during the c simulation period from snow melt/winter events c nmunoy(mxplan) : number of total runoff events per year during c simulation from snow melt/winter events c tmunot(mxplan) : total runoff amount during the simulation c period (mm) from snow melt/winter events c tmunoy(mxplan) : total runoff amount per year during c simulation (mm) from snow melt/winter events c nmunom(mxplan) : number of total runoff events per month c during simulation from snow melt/winter events c tmunom(mxplan) : total runoff amount per month during c simulation (mm) from snow melt/winter events c mxmelt : maximum number of snow melt/winter events over c all Overland Flow Elements c mxevnt : maximum number of summer runoff events over c all Overland Flow Elements over entire simulation c c c yrdep : total deposition on hillslope for year c c yrdet : average detachment on hillslope for year c c mrro : monthly rain runoff for final summaries c miro : monthly irrigation runoff for final summaries c mmelt : monthly melt runoff for final summaries c mrain : monthly rainfall for final summaries c mirig : monthly irrigation amount for final summaries c c yrro : yearly rain runoff for final summaries c yiro : yearly irrigation runoff for final summaries c ymelt : yearly melt runoff for final summaries c yrain : yearly rainfall for final summaries c yirig : yearly irrigation amount for final summaries c c trro : total rain runoff for final summaries c tiro : total irrigation runoff for final summaries c tmelt : total melt runoff for final summaries c train : total rainfall for final summaries c tirig : total irrigation amount for final summaries c c end include file csumout.inc