subroutine dblex c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Generates step functions to represent delta-t and delta-- c intensity, for cases where intensity is NOT constant, by c solving a double exponential distribution function. c (Updates INTDL(20) & TIMEDL(20). ) c c Note: Either DBLEX is called from DISAG, or CONST is, but c NOT BOTH! c c This is a double exponential distribution c 1. for 0 <= timedl(i) <= tp c i(timedl(i)) = a*exp(b*timedl(i)) c timedl(i+1) = (1.0/b)*log(1.0 + b*fq/a) c 2. for tp <= timedl(i) <= 1.0 c i(timedl(i)) = ip*exp(-c*(timedl(i)-tp)) c timedl(i) = tp-(1.0/c)*log(1.0 - (c/ip)*(fq-tp)) c c Called from DISAG. c Author(s): Lane, Lopez, Stone c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Statement: if(timep .ge. 1.)timep=0.99 c Changed to: if(timep .gt. 0.99) timep=0.99 c Note: This ALSO seems to cause changes in the predicted c point of maximum detachment, when the detachment c rate is nearly constant. CRM 4/9/91 (See APPMTH.) c 2) Statement removed: intdl(1) = a c (It was being re-calculated before it was used, in the c "do 20" loop.) c 3) The "do 20" loop was eliminated by integrating it's c code into the "do 10" loop. c 4) SAVE statement, which saves ALL local variables, removed. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.10. c Date recoded: 04/09/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c includes for sdate tracking debug include '' include '' include '' include '' c end includes for sdate tracking c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: timedl(20) c write: intdl(20) c include '' c read: ninten(mxplan) c include '' c read: timep, ip, deltfq c include '' c read: iplane c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer err, i, i1 real a, u, b, d, fqx c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c err - Flag. 0: equation solved. c 1: no solution for given A. c a - constant in the equation: 1 - exp(-U) = A*U. c (in this routine, A = 1/Ip.) c u - see A above c b - coefficient in double exponential c d - coefficient in double exponential c fqx - For idntermediate calcs. Starts with the value of 0. c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c eqroot c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c * c****************************************************************** c c c Check to make sure Ip is in range so machine can make the c calculations without a machine overflow, make Ip <= 60.0 c if Ip was greater than 60.0 c if ( ip = 60.0 if ( timep = 0.99 c c Newton's method for B and then A in i(t)=a*exp(b*t) c c Original Code: c u = eqroot(1./ip,err) call eqroot(1./ip,err,u) b = u / timep a = ip * exp(-u) c c The formulas for dissagregation give u=btp=d(1-tp). c d = u / (1.-timep) c c (TIMEDL(1) and INTDL(NINT) are initialized in DISAG.) c timedl(ninten(iplane)) = 1.0 fqx = 0.0 do 10 i = 1, ninten(iplane) - 1 i1 = i + 1 if ( then fqx = fqx + deltfq if (fqx.le.timep) then timedl(i1) = (1.0/b) * log(1.0+(b/a)*fqx) else timedl(i1) = timep - (1.0/d) * log(1.0-(d/ip)*(fqx-timep)) end if end if c c intdl(i) = deltfq / (timedl(i1)-timedl(i)) c c inserted to avoid devide by zero when using SALFORD95 Compiler c 11/12/98. Added again 4-24-2008 when extensive floating trap c compiler options are used on Intel compiler. c if ((timedl(i1)-timedl(i)).gt.0)then intdl(i) = deltfq / (timedl(i1)-timedl(i)) else c print*, sdate,timedl(i1), timedl(i) intdl(i) = deltfq / 0.00001 endif c c end of SALFORD95 insert c 10 continue c return end