subroutine decomp(nowcrp) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c XXX-NOTE: The computation of POP looks like a real problem that c needs to be corrected! The approach seems unsound, c and the location of this code in this subroutine seems c inappropriate. (See note at end of DECOMP.) c -- CRM -- 12/01/92. c c Estimates changes in residue and root masses, computes remaining c flat, standing, and buried residue, and root masses. Computes c residue cover (COVCAL), and makes adjustments for tillage oper- c ations. Also estimates mass and cover for flat and standing c residues. Predicts buried residue mass and non-living root mass. c Considers up to three successive types of fallen and buried c residues: only one type of standing residue. c c c ADDENDUM: Default parameter for wheat ==> ORATEA = 0.0110 c corn ==> = 0.0100 c soybeans ==> = 0.0200 c For now, ORATER should continue to be set equal to c ORATEA, unless data determines otherwise. c -- D.E. Stott 9/2/92 c c ******************************************************************** c * NOTE: In the User's Documentation equation 8.5.3c is computed * c * on a weight basis. OPTWAT (used in that equation) is * c * also given on a weight basis. However, the computations * c * in equation 8.5.3c are done on a volume basis. This * c * needs to be corrected. -- CRM -- 11/13/92. * c ******************************************************************** c c XXX-NOTE: Why are CRPPRM and PEREN separate common blocks? They c seem to contain the same sorts of variables -- some of which are c appropriate to BOTH perenials AND annuals -- variables like c JDPLT & JDHARV are in CRPPRM, whereas JDCUT, JDBURN, etc. are c in PEREN. -- CRM -- 2/19/92 c c Called from WATBAL (If the land use is cropland) c Author(s): Alberts, Stott, Ferris, Meyer c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 8 c c Changes: c 1) Local variable NRES deleted, since it was always set to c '4'. c 2) Parameter TILTYP not used. Include file PTILTY.INC c dereferenced. c 3) The variables in include files CCRPVR5.INC, CCOVER.INC, c CCRPOUT.INC, and CSOLVAR.INC were not used. They were c dereferenced. c 4) The variables in the SAVE statement below never have an c opportunity to change value after the DATA initialization. c The statement was deleted. c save optwat,tfc,opttmp,varind,ferind,pszind c 5) Deleted second calculation of ENV in "do 999" loop, c since it was identical to the first. c 6) Deleted use of NOWRES as a local variable with a con- c stant value of '1'. c 7) Created following local variables to avoid repeated recal- c culation of: c TMPVR1: c oratea(iresd(nowres,iplane))*varind*ferind*pszind c TMPVR2: c orater(iresd(nowres,iplane))*varind*ferind*pszind c TMPVR3: c 1.0 - fbrnog(4,iplane) c (It was being computed 3 times for each trip c through the "do 15" loop.) c TMPVR4: c rmagy-rmagt(iplane) c TMPVR5: c 1.0 - frmove(4,iplane) c 8) TMPVR* calculations taken outside their respective c loops. c 9) VARIND was deleted at request of D.E. Stott. c CRM -- 3/27/92 c 10) Calculation of RMAGT was determined to be incorrect. c Calculations of SENVIN, FENVIN, & BENVIN were changed c from cumulative to daily to correct for this, as per c instructions from D.E. Stott. -- CRM -- 3/27/92 c 11) Changed the "residue management" IF's to ELSE-IF's. c 12) Since RAIN is expressed in *meters* (not millimeters), c Equation 8.3.5a was incorrect by a factor of 1000. c This was corrected by D.E. Stott -- 9/2/92. c Changed from: c if( then c swatfc = rain/4.0 c to: c if( then c swatfc = rain/0.004 c CRM -- 10/30/92 c 13) Since SOILW is the volume of soil water (meters) in the c layer, and Equation 8.3.5c uses percent saturation by c volume; ie, soil water (meters) / layer thickness c (meters), Equation 8.3.5c was incorrect. This correct- c ed by D.E. Stott -- 9/2/92. c Changed by D. Stott from: c if(soilw(1,iplane).lt.optwat) then c fwatfc = soilw(1,iplane)/optwat c to: c if((soilw(1,iplane)/dg(1,iplane)).lt.optwat) then c fwatfc = (soilw(1,iplane)/dg(1,iplane))/optwat c CRM -- 10/30/92 c -- XXX -- Or WAS it fully corrected? The note with the equation c indicates it needs percent by WEIGHT. -- CRM -- 11/06/92. c 14) Equation to calculate root decomposition was *supposed* to c use ORATE*R*. It was being calculated using ORATE*A*. c this was corrected by D.E. Stott -- 9/2/92. c 15) OPTWAT, TFC, & OPTTMP were changed from 0.35, 6.1, & 30.0 c to 0.30, 6.4, & 33.0 respectively. -- CRM -- 11/09/92. c 16) The following line was added to the "Flat residue removed" c section: c rilrm(nowres,iplane)=rilrm(nowres,iplane)*tmpvr5 c and the following lines were removed: c if((tilseq(nowcrp,iplane).gt.0) .and. c 1 (iridge(tilseq(nowcrp,iplane)).ne.1)) c 2 rilrm(nowres,iplane)=rigrm(nowres,iplane) c 17) Since residue removal only deals the FLAT residue (not c standing), the following line was deleted from the residue c removal management section: c rmagt(iplane)=rmagt(iplane)*tmpvr5 c 18) While vainly attempting to convert cover calculations c to weight calculations, I noticed we had residue falling c UP the furrow! Added the following statement to correct c the problem. -- CRM -- 11/30/92 c if(deltrm .lt. 0.0) deltrm = 0.0 c 19) For ridge-till systems, residue movement is supposed to c be simulated for 60 days after harvest (not just 59). c the following line: c elseif( .and. c changed to: c elseif( .and. dah.le.60)then c 20) Updated the calculation of residue flat on the ground c today (RMOGT) to reflect actual interrill/rill fractions c rather than assuming a 50:50 split as per Livingston. c 21) References to JDBURN(4,iplane), JDCUT(4,iplane), and c JDMOVE(4,iplane) were changed to JDBURN(NOWCRP,iplane), c JDCUT(NOWCRP,iplane), and JDMOVE(NOWCRP,iplane), since c these are the values actually acquired in RESUP. c 22) The line: c if(tilseq(nowcrp,iplane).gt.0) then c was added back to the M3 & N1 loops to check for c positive subscripts on IRIDGE. -- CRM -- 12/10/92. c 23) The variable WGHT1 was added at the beginning of the c residue management/shifting section to handle S. Living- c ston's new calculation of RMOGT. -- CRM -- 12/10/92. c 24) The lines: c rmogt(nowres,iplane)=wght1*rilrm(nowres,iplane) + c 1 (1.0-wght1)*rigrm(nowres,iplane) c were changed to: c rmogt(1,iplane)=wght1*rilrm(1,iplane) + c 1 (1.0-wght1)*rigrm(1,iplane) c This was to correct an oversight. NOWRES was not defined. c CRM -- 12/10/92. c 25) The lines: c rmogt(1,iplane)=wght1*rilrm(1,iplane) + c 1 (1.0-wght1)*rigrm(1,iplane) c were changed to: ^ c rmogt(1,iplane)=wght1*rilrm(1,iplane) + c 1 (1.0-wght1)*rilrm(1,iplane) c CRM -- 12/10/92. c 26) The lines: c rmogt(1,iplane)=wght1*rilrm(1,iplane) + c 1 (1.0-wght1)*rigrm(1,iplane) c were incorrect (D. Flanagan) They were changed to: c rmogt(1,iplane)=wght1*riGrm(1,iplane) + c 1 (1.0-wght1)*riLrm(1,iplane) c CRM -- 12/31/92. c 27) Moved call to DECOMP from within SR WATBAL to SR CONTIN, c because we need to perform residue management and tillage c and update residue cover BEFORE we compute the c infiltration parameters for today. Some questions remain c as to how this move will impact the actual decomposition c itself (will be using yesterday's soil moisture in soil c layer 1, with today's rainfall and temperature info). c Best solution would be to split DECOMP into two parts - c the first which has only decomposition and is called by c SR WATBAL at the end of the day, and the second which c would have the residue management code and would be c called by SR CONTIN before the current day's infiltration c and erodibility parameter adjustments have been made. c DCF -- 2/3/93 c 28) Changed 'optwat' from a constant to a percentage of the c soil porosity in the top soil layer, 'avpor' This allows c the optimum water content to be set equal to 60% of the c total porosity filled with water. This is an extablished c optimum for soil microbial activity. This also allows c 'optwat' to be dynamic, allowing for changes in bulk c density. 'avpor' is called from c optwat = avpor(iplane)*0.60 c DES -- 4/3/93 c 29) Streamlined the calculation of the tmpfac. See comments c and equations for tmpfac below. DES -- 4/3/93 c 30) Deleted the M3 IF-ELSE and altered the code so that all c systems (ridged or non-ridged) use the same computations c for tillage-induced effects on surface residue. This will c allow easy insertion of separate MFO values for interrill c and rill areas, as requested by SCS. dcf 8/25/93 c 31) variable initialization in data statements moved to c code body jca2 8/31/93 c 32) Altered the equation for calculating the watfac for c wet conditions to allow for the impact of oxygen c depletion. For water contents (%WFP) > 60% c c fwatfc = optwat/(soilw(1,iplane)/dg(1,iplane)) c c DES -- 1/30/94 c 33) Added code to use different MFO (tillage intensity) c values for interrill and rill areas. dcf 2/3/94 c 34) Changed from using variable RAIN to variable PRCP c and now also use TAVE in calculation of SWATFC, c because new winter routines (contin.for) no longer c set RAIN to zero when TAVE is less than zero. c Perhaps we should use TMAX instead of TAVE??? dcf 6/3/94 c 37) Changed the calculation of the water function to c use soil water information for top 2 soil layers since c comparison was being made with AVPOR which is computed c based on these top 2 layers. dcf 5/4/95 c 36) Changed limits for temperature function. c FROM if ( then c TO if ( then c based on newest DECOMP documentation and check c with Stott. dcf 5/5/95 c c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.50. Later c updated to version 92.25. c c Date recoded: 12/26/91 - 02/19/92. c and: 05/12/92 - 05/12/92. c and: 10/30/92 - 12/01/92. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c Changes dated in April 1993 made to WEPP version 93.0 (DES) c Changes dated in January 1994 made to WEPP version 93.13 (DES) c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer nowcrp c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c nowcrp - index of the current crop c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: avpor(mxplan) c include '' c read: mfo(mxtill,mxtlsq,mxcrop),rmfo(mxtill,mxtlsq,mxcrop) c modify: rmogt(mxres,mxplan), rmagt(mxplan), smrm(mxres,mxplan), c rtm(mxres,mxplan). c include '' c read: cn(ntype), aca(ntype), cf(ntype), ar(ntype) c include '' c read: tave c include '' c read: tilseq(mxcrop,mxplan) c include '' c read: jdplt(mxcrop,mxplan), jdharv(mxcrop,mxplan), c iresd(mxres,mxplan), iroot(mxres,mxplan) c include '' c read: oratea(ntype) c modify: senvin(mxplan), fenvin(mxres,mxplan), benvin(mxres,mxplan) include '' c read: crpnam(iplane) c include '' c include '' c read: manver c read: prcp include '' c modify csenes(iplane) if residue addition c include '' c modify: pop(mxplan) c read: popmat(mxplan), jdburn(mxcrop,mxplan), c jdcut(mxcrop,mxplan), jdmove(mxcrop,mxplan), c fbrnog(mxcrop,mxplan), fbrnag(mxcrop,mxplan), c frmove(mxcrop,mxplan), srmhav(mxplan), fact(ntype) c include '' c read: iridge(mxtlsq) c modify: rilrm(mxplan),rigrm(mxres,mxplan) c include '' c read: iplane include '' c read: resman c include '' c read: sdate, mdate(mxtill,mxtlsq) c modify: indxy(mxplan) c include '' c read: soilw(mxnsl,mxplan) c include '' c read: rspace(mxplan), width(mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real flrcov, rmogy(mxres), optwat, atemp, 1 t1, t2, tmpfac, swatfc, fwatfc, ferind, pszind, 1 tmpvr1, tmpvr2, tmpvr3, tmpvr4, tmpvr5, wght1, 1 env, rmagy, envinx,sumwat integer i1, i2, numres, i, nowres c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c flrcov - surface cover provided by flat residues c rcinit - initial residue cover on ridges at harvest c rigcvy - residue cover on ridges before shifting today c rigcvt - residue cover remaining on ridges after shifting today c rmogy - "residue mass on ground yesterday"; ie, yesterday's value c of RMOGT c optwat - optimum soil water content; calculated as 60% c of the total soil porosity. c atemp - constant used in temperature function; now set to 6.1 c opttmp - optimum temperature used in function; now set to 33 (C) c t1 - (avg. daily temp. [Celsius] + atemp) ** 2 c t2 - (opttmp [Celsius] + atemp) ** 2 = 1528.81 c tmpfac - temperature factor for residues (same factor is used for c standing, flat, buried residues & roots); 0 TFC = ----------------- ** c ** t2^2 t2^2 ** c ** ** c ************************************************************* c c if ( then t1 = (tave+atemp) ** 2 c The following is now set as a constant in the DATA INITIALIZATION c statements above. c t2 = (opttmp + atemp) ** 2 tmpfac = t1 * (2*t2-t1) / t2 ** 2 else tmpfac = 0.0 end if c c ********************************************************************** c * NOTE: SENVIN, FENVIN, & BENVIN are set by either *water* or * c * *temperature* -- whichever is limiting to decomposition. * c * senvin - daily environmental index for standing residues. * c * fenvin - daily environmental index for flat residues * c * benvin - daily environmental index for buried residues and roots * c ********************************************************************** c Calculate environmental index: separate indices for c standing, flat, and buried residues; later calculations c for roots use the same index as the buried residues. c c ************************************************************* c ** (Revised form of Equation 8.3.4, altered to work ** c ** with *daily* values of "M" in equation 8.3.7) ** c ** -- for standing residues -- ** c ** ** c ** ENVIND(t) = Min(TCF, WCF) ** c ************************************************************* senvin(iplane) = min(tmpfac,swatfc) c c ************************************************************* c ** (Revised form of Equation 8.3.4, altered to work ** c ** with *daily* values of "M" in equation 8.3.7) ** c ** -- for flat & buried residues -- ** c ** -- for up to 3 residue types. -- ** c ** ** c ** ENVIND(t) = Min(TCF, WCF) ** c ************************************************************* envinx = min(tmpfac,fwatfc) do 10 i = 1, numres fenvin(i,iplane) = envinx benvin(i,iplane) = envinx 10 continue c c c *************************************************************** c * rmagt - residue [bio]mass above ground (standing) today * c * rmogt - residue [bio]mass on the ground (flat on the soil * c * surface) today * c * smrm - submerged (buried) residue (from above ground) * c * [bio]mass today * c * rtm - non-living root [bio]mass * c * rigrm - flat residue mass on ridges * c * rilrm - flat residue mass in rills/furrows * c *************************************************************** c c Compute Changes in Residue and Root Masses. c c ... Compute decomposition of standing material (residue mass c standing above ground) (expanded version of Equation 8.3.7. c TMPVR1 takes the place of "ORateA * FI * PS" in Equation 8.3.7.) c ************************************************************* c ** (Corrected form of Equation 8.3.7) ** c ** -- for standing residues -- ** c ** ** c ** M(t) = M(t-1) * exp(-ENVIND(t) * ORateA * FI * PS) ** c ** ** c ************************************************************* c tmpvr1 = oratea(iresd(1,iplane)) * ferind * pszind rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) * exp(-senvin(iplane)*tmpvr1) if (rmagt(iplane).lt.0.00001) rmagt(iplane) = 0.00001 c c ----- fraction of interrill area wght1 = (rspace(iplane)-width(iplane)) / rspace(iplane) c do 20 nowres = 1, numres c c ...... Compute decomposition of flat residue c ************************************************************* c ** (Corrected form of Equation 8.3.7) ** c ** -- for flat residues -- ** c ** ** c ** M(t) = M(t-1) * exp(-ENVIND(t) * ORateA * FI * PS) ** c ** ** c ************************************************************* c env = exp(-fenvin(nowres,iplane)*tmpvr1) c rilrm(nowres,iplane) = rilrm(nowres,iplane) * env rigrm(nowres,iplane) = rigrm(nowres,iplane) * env if (rilrm(nowres,iplane).lt.0.00001) rilrm(nowres,iplane) = 1 0.00001 if (rigrm(nowres,iplane).lt.0.00001) rigrm(nowres,iplane) = 1 0.00001 rmogt(nowres,iplane) = wght1 * rigrm(nowres,iplane) + (1.0-wght1 1 ) * rilrm(nowres,iplane) c c c ...... Compute decomposition of buried mass c ************************************************************* c ** (Corrected form of Equation 8.3.7) ** c ** -- for buried residues -- ** c ** ** c ** M(t) = M(t-1) * exp(-ENVIND(t) * ORateR * FI * PS) ** c ** ** c ************************************************************* c smrm(nowres,iplane) = smrm(nowres,iplane) * env if (smrm(nowres,iplane).lt.0.00001) smrm(nowres,iplane) = 1 0.00001 c c c ...... Compute decomposition of root mass c TMPVR2 takes the place of "ORateR * FI * PS" in Equation 8.3.7.) c ************************************************************* c ** (Corrected form of Equation 8.3.7) ** c ** -- for root residues -- ** c ** ** c ** M(t) = M(t-1) * exp(-ENVIND(t) * ORateA * FI * PS) ** c ** ** c ************************************************************* c tmpvr2 = orater(iresd(1,iplane)) * ferind * pszind env = exp(-benvin(nowres,iplane)*tmpvr2) rtm(nowres,iplane) = rtm(nowres,iplane) * env if (rtm(nowres,iplane).lt.0.00001) rtm(nowres,iplane) = 0.00001 c 20 continue c c c ****************************************************************** c * CHANGE IN STANDING & FLAT RESIDUE MASSES DUE TO MANAGEMENT * c ****************************************************************** c rmagy = rmagt(iplane) rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) * fact(iresd(1,iplane)) c c ************************************************************** c * NOTE: In the next 2 statements, it may appear that *all* * c * the "delta-residue" is being used *twice*; ie, in * c * *both* RILRM and RIGRM. However, this is not the * c * case since the residue masses are expressed *per * c * unit area*. CRM -- 10/13/92. * c ************************************************************** c c ---- update ridge & rill residue masses rilrm(1,iplane) = rilrm(1,iplane) + (rmagy-rmagt(iplane)) rigrm(1,iplane) = rigrm(1,iplane) + (rmagy-rmagt(iplane)) c ---- update residue mass on the ground rmogt(1,iplane) = wght1 * rigrm(1,iplane) + (1.0-wght1) * 1 rilrm(1,iplane) c c *** L1 IF *** c Burning c if (sdate.eq.jdburn(nowcrp,iplane).and.jdburn(nowcrp,iplane).ge. 1 jdharv(nowcrp,iplane)) then c ------ fraction of residue mass remaining tmpvr3 = 1.0 - fbrnog(nowcrp,iplane) do 30 nowres = 1, numres c -------- update ridge & rill residue masses rigrm(nowres,iplane) = rigrm(nowres,iplane) * tmpvr3 rilrm(nowres,iplane) = rilrm(nowres,iplane) * tmpvr3 c -------- update residue mass on the ground c (WEPP Equation 8.4.12) rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmogt(nowres,iplane) * tmpvr3 30 continue c ------ update residue mass above the ground c (WEPP Equation 8.4.11) rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) * (1.-fbrnag(nowcrp,iplane)) c *********************************************************************** c * NOTE: In the User Documentation AND TILAGE.F (where they are read * c * in) AND in common block PEREN (where they are stored) FBRNAG * c * & FBRNOG are BACKWARDS!! In the equations immediately above, * c * they follow the convention of 'A' designating "above the * c * ground; ie, standing" and 'O' designating "on the ground; ie, * c * flat". -- CRM -- 11/16/92. * c *********************************************************************** c c *** L1 ELSE-IF *** c Standing residue cut c else if (sdate.eq.jdcut(nowcrp,iplane)) then c ------ "remember" RMAGT rmagy = rmagt(iplane) c ------ re-compute standing residue mass c (WEPP Equation 8.4.13) rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) * (1.-frcut(nowcrp,iplane)) c ------ compute decrease in standing residue mass tmpvr4 = rmagy - rmagt(iplane) do 40 nowres = 1, numres c -------- add mass of cut residue to ridge & rill residue masses rilrm(nowres,iplane) = rilrm(nowres,iplane) + tmpvr4 rigrm(nowres,iplane) = rigrm(nowres,iplane) + tmpvr4 c -------- add mass of cut residue to residue mass on the ground c (WEPP Equation 8.4.14) rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmogt(nowres,iplane) + tmpvr4 40 continue c c *** L1 ELSE-IF *** c Flat residue removed option modified to be a tillage operation c handled below (for management files version 98.3 and up c else if (,iplane)) then c ------ fraction of flat residue mass remaining tmpvr5 = 1.0 - frmove(nowcrp,iplane) do 45 nowres = 1, numres c -------- update ridge & rill residue masses rilrm(nowres,iplane) = rilrm(nowres,iplane) * tmpvr5 rigrm(nowres,iplane) = rigrm(nowres,iplane) * tmpvr5 c -------- update residue mass on the ground c (WEPP Equation 8.4.15) rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmogt(nowres,iplane) * tmpvr5 45 continue c c *** L1 END-IF *** end if c c c ********************************************* c * CHANGE IN RESIDUE MASS DUE TO TILLAGE * c ********************************************* c c ---- index of tillage implement within sequence (scenario) i1 = indxy(iplane) c ---- index of tillage sequence (scenario) i2 = tilseq(nowcrp,iplane) c c *** M1 IF *** c Check whether there is tillage on this crop, this OFE. if ( then c c *** M2 IF *** c Check whether this is a management date. if (sdate.eq.mdate(i1,i2)) then if(,i2).le.4.)then c ******************************************************************** c * OLD DECOMP CODE PRIOR TO MULTIPLE RESIDUE ADDITIONS AND REMOVALS * c * OR NO RESIDUE REMOVALS OR ADDITIONS TO A NEWER MANAGEMENT FILE * c ******************************************************************** do 60 nowres = 1, numres rmogy(nowres) = rmogt(nowres,iplane) 60 continue rmagy = rmagt(iplane) c -------- Calculate standing residue mass today (RMAGT) c based on yesterday's value. c (WEPP Equation 8.4.6) rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) * 1 exp(-8.535*mfo(i1,i2,iresd(1,iplane))**2) c c Calculate change in residue mass due to tillage for c ridged or non-ridged systems c c (WEPP Equation 8.4.7 applied to ridge and rill areas) rigrm(1,iplane) = rigrm(1,iplane) + (rmagy-rmagt(iplane)) rilrm(1,iplane) = rilrm(1,iplane) + (rmagy-rmagt(iplane)) c rmogy(1) = wght1 * rigrm(1,iplane) + (1-wght1) * 1 rilrm(1,iplane) c do 70 nowres = 1, numres c ------------ cover from flat residues (on ridges) c flrcov = (1.0-exp(-cf(iresd(nowres,iplane))* 1 rigrm(nowres,iplane))) * (1.0- 1 mfo(i1,i2,iresd(nowres,iplane))) if ( flrcov = 0.0 if ( flrcov = 0.999 c ------------ residue mass on ridges c rigrm(nowres,iplane) = log(1-flrcov) / (- 1 cf(iresd(nowres,iplane))) c c ------------ cover from flat residues (in rills) flrcov = (1.0-exp(-cf(iresd(nowres,iplane))* 1 rilrm(nowres,iplane))) * (1.0- 1 rmfo(i1,i2,iresd(nowres,iplane))) if ( flrcov = 0.0 if ( flrcov = 0.999 c c ------------ Compute residue mass in rills (RILRM) from flat c residue cover (FLRCOV) and flat residue cover coef. (CF). c (Revised WEPP Equation 8.3.13) rilrm(nowres,iplane) = log(1-flrcov) / (- 1 cf(iresd(nowres,iplane))) rmogt(nowres,iplane) = wght1 * rigrm(nowres,iplane) + 1 (1.0 - wght1) * rilrm(nowres,iplane) 70 continue c c Computation of new submerged residue masses due to tillage c do 80 nowres = 1, numres smrm(nowres,iplane) = smrm(nowres,iplane) + 1 rmogy(nowres) - rmogt(nowres,iplane) 80 continue else c ********************************************************************* c * NEW RESIDUE CODE ALLOWING MULTIPLE RESIDUE ADDITIONS AND REMOVALS * c ********************************************************************* c c resman(mxtill,mxtilsq): residue management option for this operation c 10 = residue addition with no disturbance c 11 = residue removal with no disturbance c 12 = residue addition with disturbance c 13 = residue removal with disturbance c c if this is a residue addition date for this OFE c if(resman(i1,i2).eq.10.or.resman(i1,i2).eq.12)then c c update residue tracking c c do 90 nowres = 1, numres rmogy(nowres) = rmogt(nowres,iplane) 90 continue iresd(1,iplane)=iresad(i1,i2) call resup(nowcrp,resman(i1,i2)) if(resman(i1,i2).eq.10) 1 write(6,1000)resad(i1,i2),crpnam(iresd(1,iplane)), 1 iplane,mdate(i1,i2) if(resman(i1,i2).eq.12) 1 write(6,1010)resad(i1,i2),crpnam(iresd(1,iplane)), 1 iplane,mdate(i1,i2) rmogt(1,iplane)=resad(i1,i2) rilrm(1,iplane)=rmogt(1,iplane) rigrm(1,iplane)=rmogt(1,iplane) c c if this is a residue removal date for this OFE else if(resman(i1,i2).eq.11.or.resman(i1,i2).eq.13)then c amount of residue removed if any if(resman(i1,i2).eq.11) 1 write(6,1050)frmove(i1,i2)*100,iplane,mdate(i1,i2) if(resman(i1,i2).eq.13) 1 write(6,1100)frmove(i1,i2)*100,iplane,mdate(i1,i2) c ------ fraction of flat residue mass remaining tmpvr5 = 1.0 - frmove(i1,i2) do 100 nowres = 1, numres c -------- update ridge & rill residue masses rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmogt(nowres,iplane) * tmpvr5 rilrm(nowres,iplane) = rilrm(nowres,iplane) * tmpvr5 rigrm(nowres,iplane) = rigrm(nowres,iplane) * tmpvr5 c -------- update residue mass on the ground c (WEPP Equation 8.4.15) 100 continue end if c rmagy = rmagt(iplane) c -------- Calculate standing residue mass today (RMAGT) c based on yesterday's value. c (WEPP Equation 8.4.6) c c if residue removal with disturbance if(resman(i1,i2).eq.13) 1 rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) * 1 exp(-8.535*mfo(i1,i2,iresd(1,iplane))**2) c if(resman(i1,i2).eq.12) 1 rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) * 1 exp(-8.535*mfo(i1,i2,nowcrp)**2) c c Calculate change in residue mass due to tillage for c ridged or non-ridged systems c c (WEPP Equation 8.4.7 applied to ridge and rill areas) rigrm(1,iplane) = rigrm(1,iplane) + (rmagy-rmagt(iplane)) rilrm(1,iplane) = rilrm(1,iplane) + (rmagy-rmagt(iplane)) rmogy(1) = wght1 * rigrm(1,iplane) + (1-wght1) * 1 rilrm(1,iplane) c c c Computation of new submerged residue masses due to tillage c do 110 nowres = 1, numres if(resman(i1,i2).eq.10.or.resman(i1,i2).eq.11)then smrm(nowres,iplane) = smrm(nowres,iplane) else smrm(nowres,iplane) = smrm(nowres,iplane) 1 + rmogy(nowres) - rmogt(nowres,iplane) if(smrm(nowres,iplane).lt.0.00001) 1 smrm(nowres,iplane)=0.00001 end if 110 continue cc *** M2 END-IF *** end if c *** M1 END-IF *** end if c end if c c XXX Problem here with residue moving from interrill to rill area c when rills are narrow - get unrealistic amounts of residue c piling up in the rills. Commented out this code (N1 IF) c until problem is resolved, based on Nearing recommendation. c dcf 8/25/94 c c ****************************************************************** c * RESIDUE MOVEMENT FROM RIDGE TO FURROW IN RIDGE-TILLAGE SYSTEMS c ****************************************************************** c c *** N1 IF's (Note check for positive subscript.) *** c if ( then c if (iridge(i2).eq.1) then cc ------ "days after harvest" c dah = sdate - jdharv(nowcrp,iplane) cc *** N2 IF *** cc If this is a harvest date.... c cc NOTE - change code to if(dah.eq.1) because change in order of cc subroutine calls in SR CONTIN has messed this up ---- we call cc DECOMP at the beginning of the simulation day before WATBAL cc and PTGRA and RESUP have been called - since RESUP has not yet cc been called on an sdate=jdharv we have not yet incremented cc iresd by 1, so on dah=0 numres may only equal 1 when it cc should be 2. c if (dah.eq.1) then c do 90 nowres = 1, numres cc ---------- compute ridge cover at harvest, from residue cc mass on ridges cc (Note: "1 - exp(-cf)" converts from *mass* to *cover*.) c rcinit(nowres,iplane) = 1 - c 1 exp(-cf(iresd(nowres,iplane))*rigrm(nowres,iplane)) c 90 continue cc *** N2 ELSE-IF *** cc If it's less than 60 days after harvest, calculate residue cc redistribution from ridges to furrows by wind, rain & gravity. c else if ( then c do 100 nowres = 1, numres cc ---------- residue cover on ridges before redistribution c rigcvy = 1 - exp(-cf(iresd(nowres,iplane))* c 1 rigrm(nowres,iplane)) cc ---------- residue cover remaining on the ridges today cc (prorated over the 60 days following harvest, down to cc 30 percent). cc (WEPP Equation 8.3.12) c rigcvt = rcinit(nowres,iplane) - (rcinit(nowres,iplane)- c 1 0.30) / 60.0 * dah cc ---------- mass of residue moved from the ridges into the cc furrows today cc (WEPP Equation 8.3.13) c deltrm = log(1.-(rigcvy-rigcvt)) / (- c 1 cf(iresd(nowres,iplane))) c if ( deltrm = 0.0 cc ---------- residue mass in the rills cc (WEPP Equation 8.3.14) c rilrm(nowres,iplane) = rilrm(nowres,iplane) + deltrm cc ---------- residue mass on the ridges cc (WEPP Equation 8.3.16) c rigrm(nowres,iplane) = rigrm(nowres,iplane) - deltrm c rmogt(nowres,iplane) = wght1 * rigrm(nowres,iplane) + (1.0 c 1 -wght1) * rilrm(nowres,iplane) c 100 continue cc *** N2 END-IF *** c end if cc *** N1 END-IF's *** c end if c end if c XXX End of commented out code for problem with residue movement c from interrill to rills for ridge tillage systems. dcf 8/25/94 c c c --- Compute the fraction of flat surface residue cover, standing c residue cover, and average surface cover call covcal(iresd,iplane) c c Compute (POP) population of standing stalks(?) from the ratio of c standing residue mass today (RMAGT) to standing residue at c harvest (SRMHAV), and population at maturity (POPMAT). c c added trap to prevent divide by zero if user has input a c value of zero for cutting height (making partcf = 0.0 ) c dcf 3/8/94 c if(srmhav(iplane) .gt. 0.0)then pop(iplane) = (rmagt(iplane)/srmhav(iplane)) * popmat(iplane) else pop(iplane) = 0.0 endif c if (pop(iplane).gt.popmat(iplane)) pop(iplane) = popmat(iplane) c c -- XXX -- This computation of POP looks like a real problem to me! c The approach seems unsound -- POP will max out before c maturity is reached. The location of this code seems c inappropriate -- the code has nothing to do with c computing residue or decomposition. I suggest it be c moved to the rangeland (or perennial) plant growth c routines. -- CRM -- 12/01/92. c return 1000 format(1x,f4.1,'(kg/m^2) ',A10,' RESIDUE ADDED TO PLANE ' 1 ,i2,', NO DISTURBANCE, ON DAY',i4) 1010 format(1x,f4.1,'(kg/m^2) ',A10,' RESIDUE ADDED TO PLANE ' 1 ,i2,', WITH DISTURBANCE, ON DAY',i4) 1050 format(1x,f4.1,'% RESIDUE REMOVED FROM PLANE ' 1 ,i2,', NO DISTURBANCE, ON DAY',i4) 1100 format(1x,f4.1,'% RESIDUE REMOVED FROM PLANE ' 1 ,i2,', WITH DISTURBANCE, ON DAY',i4) end