subroutine depeqs(xu,cdep,a,b,phi,theta,x,depeq) c c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Solves the deposition equation. c c Called from subroutine DEPOS. c Author(s): G. Foster, M. Nearing c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: 1) Put the second parameter at the END of the list, c since it gets MODIFIED. Made the analogous changes c in DEPOS which calles it. c 2) Made this FUNCTION DEPEQ into a SUBROUTINE DEPEQS, c since it modifies one of its arguments, and accesses c common blocks. c 3) PROUTE1.INC de-referenced, since MXPLAN is never used. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 90.92. c Date recoded: 01/11/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real xu, cdep, a, b, phi, theta, x, depeq c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c xu - nondimensional distance on an OFE where current c deposition region begins c cdep - c a - shear stress coefficient for current slope section c b - shear stress coefficient for current slope section c phi - nondimensional deposition parameter for current OFE c theta - nondimensional interrill detachment parameter for c current OFE c x - c depeq - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: ktrato include '' c read: qostar c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real ratio, expon, tmpvr1 c ratio - temp variable to store parts of the depeq equation c expon - temp variable to store parts of the depeq equation c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c undflo c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c if (abs(qostar+x).lt.10e-8) x = -qostar - 0.000001 c ratio = (xu+qostar) / (x+qostar) c if( ratio=1.0 if ( ratio = 1.0 c expon = 1.0 + phi call undflo(ratio,expon) c tmpvr1 = 2.0 * a * ktrato depeq = (tmpvr1*phi*(x+qostar)/(2.0+phi)) + (phi/(1.0+phi)) * (b* 1 ktrato-theta-(tmpvr1*qostar)) + cdep * ratio ** expon c return end