subroutine drain(soldep,nowcrp) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subroutine is called from WATBAL to calculate daily c drainage flux (m/d) if: c 1) drainage system exists and, c 2) water table is above drainage tiles. c For more detail contact: c Reza Savabi, USDA-ARS, National Soil c Erosion Lab. (317-494-8673) c c Called from WATBAL c Author(s): Savabi c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Deleted reference to include files: PNTYPE.INC, c PTILTY.INC, PMXTIM.INC, PMXTLS.INC, PMXTIL.INC, c PMXCRP.INC, & PMXCUT.INC. c 2) Deleted reference to include files CFLAGS.INC c and CHYDROL.INC. c 3) Changed dimensions on DRFC & DRAWAT from 10 to MXNSL. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 92.25. c Date recoded: 01/12/93 - 1/15/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real soldep integer nowcrp c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c soldep - soil profile depth c ddrain - depth from surface to drainage tiles (m) c drainc - drainage coefficient (m/day) c drdiam - drain tile diameter (m) c unsdep - unsaturated depth from surface to water table (m) c sdrain - drain spacing (m) c drainq - drainage flux (m/day) c satdep - saturated depth from soil surface (m) c satdep - c nowcrp - current crop c iplane - current overland flow element c drseq - drainage sequence based on which crop and overland flow c element in use c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' include '' c read: coca c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c read: por c include '' c read: ssc, fc, thetfc, nsl, solthk, dg c modify: st include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real drfc(mxnsl), d,de,dranks,temp,totdg,totk,wattbl,watyld,vartmp integer jj, mn c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c drfc - layer's field capacity, corrected for entrapped air c dranks - hydraulic conductivity for drainage calculation (m/d) c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c Calculate average soil hydraulic conductivity in saturated zone c (below water table). c totk = 0.0 totdg = 0.0 do 10 mn = 1, nsl(iplane) if (solthk(mn,iplane).gt.unsdep(iplane)) then totk = totk + (ssc(mn,iplane)*dg(mn,iplane)) totdg = totdg + dg(mn,iplane) else totk = 0.0 totdg = 0.0 end if 10 continue c c Get average Ks of saturated layers and convert to m/day. c Assume horizontal flow KZ = KY, where KY = vertical K. c dranks = (totk/totdg) * 86400. c c c Calculate drainage flux (m/day) for tile drains c d = soldep - ddrain(drseq(nowcrp,iplane)) temp = d / sdrain(drseq(nowcrp,iplane)) c cc Drain diameter is needed for DE calculations, cc 0.1 m for Oregon; ie, rr=0.1 c c Calculate "equivalent depth (DE) using DRAINMOD equations c 2-13 to 2/15. c (WEPP Equation 7b.2.6) c if (temp.le..3) then de = d / (1.0+temp*((8.0/3.14)* 1 log(d/drdiam(drseq(nowcrp,iplane)))-3.4)) else de = (sdrain(drseq(nowcrp,iplane))*3.14) / (8.0*(log( 1 sdrain(drseq(nowcrp,iplane))/drdiam(drseq(nowcrp,iplane)))- 1 1.15)) end if c if (unsdep(iplane).lt.ddrain(drseq(nowcrp,iplane))) then wattbl = ddrain(drseq(nowcrp,iplane)) - unsdep(iplane) c sdrain=distance between tiles, m c ------ subsurface flow to drain tubes c (WEPP Equation 7b.2.5) drainq(iplane) = (8.0*dranks*de*wattbl) + (4.0*dranks*(wattbl**2 1 )) / (sdrain(drseq(nowcrp,iplane))**2) else drainq(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c ---- Limit drain flux to the hydraulic capacity of the drainage system. if (drainq(iplane).gt.drainc(drseq(nowcrp,iplane))) 1 drainq(iplane) = drainc(drseq(nowcrp,iplane)) c cc (Need to work on drainage ditch, and where main tile comes to the cc surface. reza june 1990. c c Convert drainage flux to soil water depth using average c drainable porosity (water yield). watyld = por(1,iplane) - (thetfc(1,iplane)+(1.0-coca(1,iplane))) unsdep(iplane) = unsdep(iplane) + (drainq(iplane)/watyld) if (unsdep(iplane).lt.0.0) unsdep(iplane) = 0.0 satdep(iplane) = soldep - unsdep(iplane) c c *** L0 IF *** c If there is drainage from the tiles (DRAINQ > 0), update the c available water content (ST) in each soil layer to reflect c the drainage from each layer, starting at the top. c if (drainq(iplane).gt.0.0) then c *** Begin L1 DO-LOOP *** jj = 0 20 continue jj = jj + 1 c -------- layer's field capacity, corrected for entrapped air drfc(jj) = fc(jj) + ((1-coca(1,iplane))*dg(jj,iplane)) c c *** L2 IF *** c -------- If layer is above field capacity, drain it. cd Modified by S. Dun, March 04, 2008 for frozen soil cd if (st(jj,iplane).gt.drfc(jj)) then vartmp = (dg(jj,iplane) - frozen(jj,iplane))/dg(jj,iplane) if (st(jj,iplane) .gt. drfc(jj)) then c ---------- potential water which can be drained from this layer cd drawat(jj) = st(jj,iplane) - drfc(jj) drawat(jj) = st(jj,iplane) - drfc(jj)*vartmp cd end modifying c c *** L3 IF *** c ---------- If water runs out the drain... if (drainq(iplane).gt.0.0) then c c ------------ If water excess in this layer exceeds or equals what has c run from drain... if (drawat(jj).ge.drainq(iplane)) then c -------------- subtract amount that has run out the drain fron this layer. st(jj,iplane) = st(jj,iplane) - drainq(iplane) if (st(jj,iplane).lt.1e-10) st(jj,iplane) = 1e-10 drainq(iplane) = 0.0 c ------------ If water excess in this layer is less than what has run c from drain... else c -------------- subtract from DRAINQ what this layer can contribute. drainq(iplane) = drainq(iplane) - drawat(jj) c -------------- adjust soil layer water content by same amount of water cd st(jj,iplane) = drfc(jj) st(jj,iplane) = drfc(jj)*vartmp end if c c *** L3 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L2 ENDIF *** end if c c *** End L1 DO-LOOP *** if (( go to 20 c c c *** L0 ENDIF *** end if c return end