subroutine endchn(npart,nraint,traint,nptsc,toplen,nyear,ichplt) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR ENDCHN writes the hydrologic and erosion summary c for the entire simulation period. c c Called from: SR WSHDRV c Author(s): Ascough II, Livingston, R. van der Zweep c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c real traint, toplen integer npart, nptsc, nraint, nyear, ichplt c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c traint - c toplen - c npart - c nptsc - c nraint - c nyear - c ichplt - c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real y(mxcseg), concpc, dx, frac, ppm, tcncpc, tconc, 1 tgs(mxelem), tppm, trunsi, xchn, conv, sdr, wdet c integer i, k, iseg, ipond,ni c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Real Variables c c y(mxcseg) - c concpc - c dx - c frac - c ni - impoundment clean times(<100) c ppm - c tcncpc - c tconc - c tgs - c tppm - c trunsi - c xchn - c conv - conversion factor from lbs to kg (0.4536) c sdr - c wdet - c c Integer Variables c c i - c k - c iseg - c ipond - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c enrcmp c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c ichan = 0 ipond = 0 sdr = 0.00 wdet = 0.0 conv = 0.4536 c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c override ichplt so that plotting sections of code not c entered c ichplt = 0 c c write (38,1000)nyear write (38,1100) c do 10 k = 1, nhill write (38,1300) k,hrot(k)/nyear,sbrvty(k)/nyear,dett(k)/nyear, 1 (dept(k)/nyear) * (-1), hsedt(k)/nyear wdet = wdet + dett(k) 10 continue c write (38,1200) c do 30 ielmt = nhill + 1, nelmt c tgs(ielmt) = 0.0 c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) then ichan = ichan + 1 else ipond = ipond + 1 end if c c get total sediment delivery for each channel c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.3) then tgs(ielmt) = coute(ipond) / conv else c do 20 k = 1, npart tgs(ielmt) = tgs(ielmt) + tgst(k,ielmt) 20 continue c end if c c convert lbs to total kg soil loss or deposition on channel c wdet = wdet + (cdett(ielmt)*conv) c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) write (38,1400) ichan, trunt(ielmt)/nyear, 1 (tgs(ielmt)/nyear) * conv / 1000.0, 1 tronvt(ielmt)/nyear, sbrvtt(ielmt)/nyear if (elmt(ielmt).eq.3) write (38,1500) ipond, trunt(ielmt)/nyear, 1 (tgs(ielmt)/nyear) * conv / 1000.0 c cdett(ielmt) = 0.0 cdept(ielmt) = 0.0 c 30 continue c do 40 ielmt = nhill + 1, nelmt c c convert total runoff volume at the watershed outlet from c m^3 to mm using the local variable trunsi (si units) c trunsi = (trunt(ielmt)/wsarea(ielmt)) * 1000.0 c if (ielmt.eq.nelmt) then c c write to summary output c write (38,1600) nraint/nyear, traint/nyear c write (38,1700) nrunt/nyear, trunsi/nyear c if ( sdr = tgs(nelmt) * conv / wdet if (wdet.le.0) sdr = 0.0 c write (38,2500) wsarea(nelmt) / 10000, 1 (wsarea(nelmt) * (traint/1000))/nyear, tirrt/nyear, 1 trunt(nelmt)/nyear, (tgs(nelmt) * conv/1000.)/nyear, 1 (((tgs(nelmt)*conv)/1000) / (wsarea(nelmt)/10000))/nyear 1 , sdr end if c 40 continue c if ( then c ichan = 0 ipond = 0 c do 60 ielmt = nhill + 1, nelmt c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) then ichan = ichan + 1 else ipond = ipond + 1 end if c c write output if total soil loss for the simulation is > 1 kg c if (tgs(ielmt).gt.2.205) then c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) then if (watsum.le.2.and.ielmt.eq.nelmt) write (38,1800) else if (watsum.le.2.and.ielmt.eq.nelmt) write (38,1900) end if c tconc = 0.0 tcncpc = 0.0 tppm = 0.0 c do 50 k = 1, npart c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) then conc(k,ielmt) = (tgst(k,ielmt)*0.4536) / trunt(ielmt) else conc(1,ielmt) = cloute(ipond) / trunt(ielmt) conc(2,ielmt) = sloute(ipond) / trunt(ielmt) conc(3,ielmt) = saoute(ipond) / trunt(ielmt) conc(4,ielmt) = laoute(ipond) / trunt(ielmt) conc(5,ielmt) = sdoute(ipond) / trunt(ielmt) end if c concpc = conc(k,ielmt) / (wtdh2o*16.0211) ppm = concpc * 1.0e+06 c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) then frac = tgst(k,ielmt) / tgs(ielmt) else frac = conc(k,ielmt) * trunt(ielmt) / coute(ipond) end if c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) then c if (watsum.le.2.and.ielmt.eq.nelmt) write (38,2000) k, 1 crdia(k,ielmt) * 1000 / 3.281 , crspg(k), 1 frsnd(k,ielmt) * 100, frslt(k,ielmt) * 100, 1 frcly(k,ielmt) * 100, frorg(k,ielmt) * 100, frac c else c if (watsum.le.2.and.ielmt.eq.nelmt) write (38,2100) k, 1 frac c if ( write (38,2100) k, frac c end if c tconc = tconc + conc(k,ielmt) tcncpc = tcncpc + concpc tppm = tppm + ppm c 50 continue c if (ielmt.eq.nelmt) call enrcmp(2,ielmt,nelmt,tgs, 1 elmt(ielmt)) c else c if (watsum.le.2.and.ielmt.eq.nelmt) write (38,2200) c end if c 60 continue c else c end if c if (ichplt.eq.1) then c c write out channel profile plotting data c write (37,2300) c iseg = nptsc y(iseg) = 0.0 c do 70 i = 1, nptsc - 1 dx = (chnx(ichan,iseg)-chnx(ichan,iseg-1)) * 3.281 y(iseg-1) = y(iseg) + dx * chnslp(ichan,iseg) iseg = iseg - 1 70 continue c do 80 iseg = 1, nptsc xchn = (chnx(ichan,iseg)-toplen) * 3.281 write (37,2400) xchn, y(iseg), nsedt(iseg) / nyear, - 1 csedt(iseg) / nyear 80 continue c end if c c Added by S.Dun ipond=0 do 100 ielmt = nhill + 1, nelmt c if (elmt(ielmt).eq.2) goto 100 ipond = ipond + 1 write(38,3000) ipond,alnum(ipond) ni=alnum(ipond) if ( ni=100 do 90 i=1,ni write( 38,3100) i,alvol(ipond,i)/3.28**3, 1 aldate(ipond,i),alyear(ipond,i),alhs(ipond,i)/3.281 90 continue 100 continue c end add return c c 1000 format (////,16x,i5,' YEAR AVERAGE ANNUAL VALUES FOR WATERSHED',/, 1 15x, '------ ---- ------- ------ ------ --- ---------',//) 1100 format (/17x,'Runoff',8x,'Subrunoff',5x,'Soil',10x,'Sediment',6x, 1 'Sediment',/,17x, 1 'Volume',8x,'Volume',8x,'Loss',10x,'Deposition',4x,'Yield',/, 1 'Hillslopes',7x,'(m^3)',9x,'(m^3)',9x,'(kg)',10x,'(kg)',10x, 1 '(kg)',/,10('-'),7x,5(10('-'),4x)) cd 1200 format (///,'Channels',9x,'Discharge',5x,'Sediment',6x,/,'and', cd 1 14x,'Volume',8x,'Yield',/,'Impoundments',5x,'(m^3/yr)',6x, cd 1 '(tonne/yr)',/,12('-'),5x,2(10('-'),4x),/) 1200 format (///'Channels',9x,'Discharge',5x,'Sediment',6x,'Upland', 1 6x,'Subsuface Flow'/, 1 'and',14x,'Volume',8x,'Yield',9x,'Charge',8x,'Volume' /, 1 'Impoundments',5x,'(m^3)',9x,'(tonne)',7x,'(m^3)',10x, 1 '(m^3)'/,12('-'),5x,2(10('-'),4x),2(10('-'),3x),/) 1300 format ('Hill ',i4,5(2x,f12.2)) 1400 format ('Channel ',1x,i3,1x,4(f9.1,5x)) 1500 format ('Impoundment',1x,i2,1x,2(f9.1,5x)) 1600 format (/,i4,' storms produced ',f8.2,' mm. of rainfall on', 1 ' an AVERAGE ANNUAL basis') 1700 format (/,i4,' events produced ',f8.2,' mm. of runoff',/,5x, 1 'passing through the watershed outlet on', 1 ' an AVERAGE ANNUAL basis',/) 1800 format ('Sediment Particle Information Leaving Channel:',/,/, 1 '-----------------------------------------------', 1 '------------------------',/, 1 ' Particle Composition', 1 ' Fraction',/,'Class Diameter Specific ', 1 '------------------------ In Flow',/,9x, 1 '(mm) Gravity % Sand % Silt % Clay % O.M.', 1 ' Exiting',/, 1 '-------------------------------------------------------', 1 '------------------------') 1900 format ('Sediment Particle Information Leaving Impoundment:',//, 1 '-------------------------------------------------------',/, 1 ' Fraction',/,'Class In Flow',/, 1 ' Exiting',/, 1 '-------------------------------------------------------') 2000 format (1x,i2,4x,f6.3,6x,f4.2,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,5x, 1 f5.3,4x,f5.3) 2100 format (1x,i2,10x,f5.3) 2200 format (/,19x,'*** total soil loss < 1 kg ***') 2300 format (//,10x,'Annual Average Sediment Yield',//,10x, 1 ' x y sed yld chan',/,10x, 1 ' (ft) (ft) (t/ac) (lbs/ft ch)',/,10x, 1 ' ---- ---- ------- -------') 2400 format (12x,f5.1,3x,f5.1,6x,f9.2,3x,f9.2) 2500 format (/,' Average Annual Delivery From Channel Outlet:',/, 1 ' ------- ------ -------- ---- ------- ------',/,/, 1 'Total contributing area to outlet = ', 1 f10.2, 1 ' ha',/,'Avg. Ann. Precipitation volume in contributing', 1 ' area = ',f10.0,' m^3/yr',/, 1 'Avg. Ann. irrigation volume in contributing area = ', 1 f10.0, 1 ' m^3/yr',/,'Avg. Ann. water discharge from outlet ', 1 ' = ',f10.0,' m^3/yr',/, 1 'Avg. Ann. sediment discharge from outlet =' 1 ,f12.1,1x,' tonnes/yr',/, 1 'Avg. Ann. Sed. delivery per unit area of watershed ', 1 '= ',f11.1,' T/ha/yr',/, 1 'Sediment Delivery Ratio for Watershed = ', 1 f10.3,//) 3000 format('Impoundment',1x,i3,1x,'automatically cleaned', 1 1x,i3,1x,'times',/, 1 '--------------------------------------------') 3100 format('No.',1x,i3,1x,'cleaned out',1x,f10.2,1x,'m^3 sediment at', 1 ' Day',1x,i3,1x,'of Year',1x,i3,1x,'sed-stage=',f8.2,' m') c end add end