subroutine endout c c****************************************************************** c * c Called from subroutine sedout. * c Summarizes soil loss information for the entire simulation * c period. * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c c********************************************************************* c * c sumirr variables udated * c irrunt * c * c********************************************************************* c include '' c include '' c read outopt, units c include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c Local Variables * c avernf : * c averun : * c unit(2): * c ii : * c aveirr : * c * c****************************************************************** c real avernf, averun, aveirr, sumh2o, pctirg,avemlt integer ii, ipl, jkl, sumevt c character*5 unit(5) data unit /' mm', 'kg/m2',' in.', 'in/yr','mm/yr'/ c ii = 1 c mxevnt = 0 mxmelt = 0 c do 10 jkl = 1, nplane if (nrunot(jkl).gt.mxevnt) mxevnt = nrunot(jkl) if (nmunot(jkl).gt.mxmelt) mxmelt = nmunot(jkl) 10 continue c if (nirrt.eq.0) then write (31,1100) ii, nyear c end new c if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c c write english or metric units for abbreviated average annual output file c write (31,1300) nraint, traint/25.4, unit(3), mxevnt, 1 trunot(nplane)/25.4, unit(3), mxmelt, 1 tmunot(nplane)/25.4, unit(3) else write (31,1350) nraint, traint, mxevnt, 1 trunot(nplane), mxmelt, tmunot(nplane) end if else write (31,1000) ii, nyear c if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c c write english or metric units for abbreviated average annual output file c write (31,1200) nraint, traint/25.4, nirrt, 1 tirrt/25.4, mxevnt, trunot(nplane)/25.4, 1 mxmelt, tmunot(nplane)/25.4, ncommt else write (31,1250) nraint, traint, nirrt, tirrt, 1 mxevnt, trunot(nplane), mxmelt, 1 tmunot(nplane), ncommt end if end if c avernf = traint / float(jyear) averun = trunot(nplane) / float(jyear) avemlt = tmunot(nplane) / float(jyear) c if (nirrt.eq.0) then c if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c c write english or metric units for abbreviated average annual output file c write (31,1600) jyear,avernf/25.4,unit(4),averun/25.4,unit(4), 1 avemlt/25.4,unit(4) else write (31,1650) jyear,avernf,unit(1),averun,unit(1),avemlt, 1 unit(1) end if else aveirr = tirrt / float(jyear) c if(outopt.eq.1.and.units.eq.1)then c c write english or metric units for abbreviated average annual output file c write (31,1400) jyear,avernf/25.4,unit(4),aveirr/25.4,unit(4), 1 averun/25.4,unit(4),avemlt/25.4,unit(4) else write (31,1450) jyear,avernf,unit(1),aveirr,unit(1),averun, 1 unit(1),avemlt,unit(1) end if c do 20 ipl = 1, nplane sumevt = nrunot(ipl) + nmunot(ipl) sumh2o = trunot(ipl) + tmunot(ipl) if ( then pctirg = ((irrunt(ipl)*1000.0) / sumh2o ) * 100.0 else pctirg = 0.0 end if write (31,1500) ipl, pctirg 20 continue irper=pctirg/100 c end if c return 1000 format (//'I. RAINFALL, IRRIGATION, AND RUNOFF SUMMARY',/,5x,8( 1 '-'),2x,10('-'),2x,3('-'),1x,6('-'),1x,7('-'),//,6x, 1 'total summary: ',' years ',i4,' - ',i4) 1100 format (//'I. RAINFALL AND RUNOFF SUMMARY',/,5x,8('-'),1x,3('-' 1 ),1x,6('-'),1x,7('-'),//,6x,'total summary: ',' years ',i4, 1 ' - ',i4) 1200 format (/5x,i5, 1 ' storms produced ',f12.4,1x, 1 ' in. of precipitation',/,5x,i5, 1 ' irrigations supplied ',f12.4,1x, 1 ' in. of water',/,5x,i5, 1 ' rain/irrigation runoff events produced',f12.4,1x, 1 ' in. of runoff',/,5x,i5, 1 ' snow melts and/or',/,10x, 1 ' events during winter produced ',f12.4,1x, 1 ' in. of runoff',/,5x,i5, 1 ' irrigations occurred on days with rainfall',/) 1250 format (/5x,i5, 1 ' storms produced ',f9.2, 1 ' mm of precipitation',/,5x,i5, 1 ' irrigations supplied ',f9.2, 1 ' mm of water',/,5x,i5, 1 ' rain/irrigation runoff events produced',f9.2, 1 ' mm of runoff',/,5x,i5, 1 ' snow melts and/or',/,10x, 1 ' events during winter produced ',f9.2, 1 ' mm of runoff',/,5x,i5, 1 ' irrigations occurred on days with rainfall',/) 1300 format(/5x,i5, 1 ' storms produced ',f12.4,1x,a, 1 ' of precipitation',/,5x,i5, 1 ' rain storm runoff events produced ',f12.4,1x,a, 1 ' of runoff',/,5x,i5, 1 ' snow melts and/or',/,10x, 1 ' events during winter produced ',f12.4,1x,a, 1 ' of runoff',/) 1350 format(/5x,i5, 1 ' storms produced ',f9.2, 1 ' mm of precipitation',/,5x,i5, 1 ' rain storm runoff events produced ',f9.2, 1 ' mm of runoff',/,5x,i5, 1 ' snow melts and/or',/,10x, 1 ' events during winter produced ',f9.2, 1 ' mm of runoff',/) 1400 format (6x,'annual averages'/6x,'---------------'//6x, 1 ' Number of years ', 1 3x,i4,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual precipitation ', 1 f10.4,1x,a,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual irrigation ', 1 f10.4,1x,a,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual runoff from rainfall/irrigation ', 1 f10.4,1x,a,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual runoff from snow melt',/,6x, 1 ' and/or events during winter ', 1 f10.4,1x,a,//,6x, 1 ' Overland Fraction of Mean Annual Runoff'/6x, 1 ' Flow Element Attributed to Irrigation,'/6x, 1 ' Number %') 1450 format (6x,'annual averages'/6x,'---------------'//6x, 1 ' Number of years ', 1 3x,i4,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual precipitation ', 1 f7.2,1x,a,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual irrigation ', 1 f7.2,1x,a,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual runoff from rainfall/irrigation ', 1 f7.2,1x,a,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual runoff from snow melt',/,6x, 1 ' and/or events during winter ', 1 f7.2,1x,a,//,6x, 1 ' Overland Fraction of Mean Annual Runoff'/6x, 1 ' Flow Element Attributed to Irrigation,'/6x, 1 ' Number %') 1500 format (15x,i2,21x,f5.1) 1600 format (6x,'annual averages'/6x,'---------------'//6x, 1 ' Number of years ', 1 3x,i4,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual precipitation ', 1 f10.4,1x,a,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual runoff from rainfall ', 1 f10.4,1x,a,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual runoff from snow melt',/,6x, 1 ' and/or rain storm during winter ', 1 f10.4,1x,a/) 1650 format (6x,'annual averages'/6x,'---------------'//6x, 1 ' Number of years ', 1 3x,i4,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual precipitation ', 1 f7.2,1x,a,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual runoff from rainfall ', 1 f7.2,1x,a,/,6x, 1 ' Mean annual runoff from snow melt',/,6x, 1 ' and/or rain storm during winter ', 1 f7.2,1x,a/) end