subroutine enrcmp(flag,ielmt,nelmt,tgs,elem) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR ENRCMP computes the textural composition of deposited c sediment and the specific surface area index. c c Called from: SRS ANNCHN, ENDCHN, MONCHN, STROUT c Author(s): Ascough II, R. van der Zweep, V. Lopes c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: c Recoded by: Jim Ascough II c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c real tgs(mxelem) integer flag, ielmt, nelmt, elem c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c tgs - c flag - c ielmt - c nelmt - total number of elements c elem - flag : 2 for a channel, 3 for an impoundment. c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real sedcly, sedorg, sedslt, sedsnd, sscly, ssorg, sssed, ssslt, 1 sssnd, sumcly, sumorg, sumsed, sumslt, sumsnd, total integer flgprt, k c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c Real Variables c c sedcly - c sedorg - c sedslt - c sedsnd - c sscly - c ssorg - c sssed - c ssslt - c sssnd - c sumcly - c sumorg - c sumsed - c sumslt - c sumsnd - c total - c c Integer Variables c c flgprt - c k - c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c flgprt = 0 c sumsed = 0.0 sumcly = 0.0 sumslt = 0.0 sumsnd = 0.0 sumorg = 0.0 c ssorg = 1000.0 sscly = 200.0 ssslt = 4.0 sssnd = 0.05 c total = solorg(ielmt) + 1.0 c sssoil(ielmt) = ssorg * solorg(ielmt) / 1.73 + (sscly* 1 solcly(ielmt)+ssslt*solslt(ielmt)+sssnd*solsnd(ielmt)) / total c c sstot=sstot+sssoil(ielmt) c c if(ielmt.eq.nelmt)then c do 10 i = nhill + 1, nelmt c enrch2=enrch2 + (tgs(i)*(sssoil(i)/sstot)) c 10 continue c end if c do 10 k = 1, cnpart sumsed = sumsed + conc(k,ielmt) sumcly = sumcly + conc(k,ielmt) * frcly(k,ielmt) sumslt = sumslt + conc(k,ielmt) * frslt(k,ielmt) sumsnd = sumsnd + conc(k,ielmt) * frsnd(k,ielmt) c c c XXX flgprt set to 0 at beginning of this routine c sjl 06-26-95 03:45pm c if ( then sumorg = sumorg + conc(k,ielmt) * frorg(k,ielmt) end if c 10 continue c c if ( then c sedcly = sumcly / sumsed sedslt = sumslt / sumsed sedsnd = sumsnd / sumsed c c c XXX flgprt set to 0 at beginning of this routine c sjl 06-26-95 03:45pm c if ( then sedorg = sumorg / sumsed else sedorg = solorg(ielmt) * sedcly / solcly(ielmt) end if c total = 1.0 + sedorg sssed = ssorg * sedorg / 1.73 + (sscly*sedcly+ssslt*sedslt+ 1 sssnd * sedsnd) / total enrich = sssed / sssoil(ielmt) c else c c if the last element is an impoundment or if the runoff is clear c of sediment, the enrichment ratio is not calculated. c enrich = 1001 c end if c if( then if ( then c if ( write (38,1000) sedcly, sedslt, sedsnd, sedorg, 1 sssed, enrich c else if (watsum.eq.0.and.ielmt.eq.nelmt) then c if ( write (38,1000) sedcly, sedslt, sedsnd, sedorg, 1 sssed, enrich c end if c else if ( then c if ( write (38,1100) c end if c end if c return 1000 format (//'Distribution of Primary Particles and',/, 1 'Organic Matter in the Eroded Sediment:',//,41('-'),/,7x, 1 'type',12x,'fraction',/,7x,4('-'),12x,8('-'),/,7x,'clay',13x, 1 f6.3,/,7x,'silt',13x,f6.3,/,7x,'sand',13x,f6.3,/,3x, 1 'organic matter',7x,f6.3,/,41('-'),//, 1 'Index of specific surface = ',f7.2,' m**2/g of', 1 ' total sediment',/, 1 'Enrichment ratio of specific surface = ',f7.2/) 1100 format (// 1 'The Enrichment Ratio is not calculated in this case.'/) end