subroutine enrich(kk,xtop,xbot,xdetst,ldtop,ldbot,lddend,theta, 1 iendfg) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Computes the new particle size distribution of sediment in c runoff following routing through a deposition region; the c equation is an analytical solution of the non-dimensional c sediment load equation for a depositional region. c c Called from subroutine ROUTE. c Author(s): D. Flanagan c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: 1) Common blocks HYDROL was never used. It was c de-referenced. c 2) The calculation "ktrato*tcf1(i,iplane)" is assigned c to "tmpvr1", and relocated to the top of the "do 200" c loop. It cannot be taken OUTSIDE, because it depends c upon I, the counter of the loop. c 3) In the "do 200" loop, the statements: c "if( = 100000." and c "if( = -100000." were moved c from BELOW the first IF-ELSE-ENDIF, to the IF. c 4) The calculations: "xtop + qostar", "xbot + qostar", c and their squares are assigned to "tmpvrX", and c done above the "do 200" loop. c 5) At the "do 100" loop, the IF was taken outside the loop. c CRM - 2/5/91. c 6) PHIFLG added to take floating-point comparisons outside c the "do 200" loop. CRM - 2/5/91. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 90.92. c Date recoded: 01/14/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer kk, iendfg, phiflg real xtop, xbot, xdetst, theta, ldtop, ldbot, lddend c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c kk - slope segment number c xtop - nondimensional horizontal distance where c deposition begins c xbot - nondimensional horizontal distance where c deposition ends c xdetst - normalized distance at top of detachment region c ldtop - nondimensional sediment load at xtop c ldbot - nondimensional sediment load at xbot c lddend - nomalized sediment load at top of detachment c region. c theta - nondimensional interrill detachment parameter c iendfg - flag to indicate last call to enrich at the end c of an overland flow element c phiflg - flag which determines value of PHI. c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' c read: mxhill include '' c read: mxnsl include '' c read: mxplan include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: slplen(mxplan) include '' include '' c read: ktrato, qout, qin include '' include '' c modify: frcflw(mxpart,mxplan),enrato(mxplan), include '' c read: rain(mxplan) include '' include '' c read: qostar,ainftc(mxslp),binftc(mxslp),cinftc(mxslp) include '' c read: irdept(mxplan) include '' include '' c read: npart,frac(mxpart,mxplan),fall(mxpart,mxplan), c frcly(mxpart,mxplan), c frslt(mxpart,mxplan),frsnd(mxpart,mxplan), c frorg(mxpart,mxplan) include '' c read: fidel(mxpart) include '' c read: sand(mxnsl,mxplan), silt(mxnsl,mxplan), c clay(mxnsl,mxplan), orgmat(mxnsl,mxplan) include '' c read: iplane include '' c read: tcf1(mxpart,mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real beta, ratio, expon, ratio2, coef1, coef2, term1, term2, 1 term3, term4a, term4b, ratbot, gadd, aa, bb, cc, pkro, 1 gu(mxpart), gend(mxpart), phi, ssasol, sumg, ssasnd, ssaslt, 1 ssacly, ssaorg, sedmax(mxpart), ssased, sumssa, 1 ftheta(mxpart), intlod, rillod, tmpvr1, tmpvr2, tmpvr3, 1 tmpvr4, tmpvr5 integer i, iiflag c c beta - raindrop induced turbulence coefficient c (equation 10.2.4) c sumssa - variable used to sum SSA for sediment c (equation 10.5.5) c sumg - variable used to sum sediment loads predicted c by equation 10.5.2 c ssasnd - specific surface area of sand in m**2/g c ssaslt - specific surface area of silt in m**2/g c ssacly - specific surface area of clay in m**2/g c ssaorg - specific surface area of organic carbon in c m**2/g c aa - adjusted A transport coefficient for particle c class i c bb - adjusted B transport coefficient for particle c class i c cc - adjusted C transport coefficient for particle c class i c ftheta - fraction of interrill detachment attributed to c particle class i c gu - nondimensional sediment load for particle c class i at x=xtop c intlod - interrill load contribution from detachment region c above deposition region c ratio - ratio of x terms in the last component of c equation 10.5.2 c phi - nondimensional deposition parameter for a c particle class i (equation 10.3.13) c expon - phi correction variable to prevent machine c overflow c ratio2 - ration correction variable to prevent machine c overflow c coef1 - coefficients and terms of equations 10.5.1 and c 10.5.2 c coef2 - coefficients and terms of equations 10.5.1 and c 10.5.2 c term1 - coefficients and terms of equations 10.5.1 and c 10.5.2 c term2 - coefficients and terms of equations 10.5.1 and c 10.5.2 c term3 - coefficients and terms of equations 10.5.1 and c 10.5.2 c term4a - coefficients and terms of equations 10.5.1 and c 10.5.2 c term4b - coefficients and terms of equations 10.5.1 and c 10.5.2 c gend(mxpart) : predicted nondimensional sediment load for the c particle class i at x=xbot c sedmax(mxpart) : maximum possible sediment load in a particle c class i at x=xbot c ratbot - running sum of sediment in classes that have c not exceeded sedmax c iiflag - flag to indicate if reproportioning among c classes should be calculated c gadd - additional sediment load added to particle c class i during reporportioning c ssased - specific surface area for particle class i in c the sediment c ssasol - total specific surface area for the insitu c soil on current plane c i - counter variable used to indicate particle c class c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c undflo c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c Change to computation of beta made 11/20/92 to c be consistent with similar computation in SR PARAM c if (rain(iplane).le.0.0.and.irdept(iplane).le.0.00001) then beta = 1.0 else beta = 0.5 end if c sumssa = 0.0 sumg = 0.0 c c The specific surface area values for sand, silt, clay, c and organic carbon are those used in the CREAMS model, c the values given below have units of (m**2)/g c ssasnd = 0.05 ssaslt = 4.0 ssacly = 20.0 ssaorg = 1000.0 c c At the beginning of a depositional section (or the last time c through at the end of a plane) compute the fraction of each c particle type - using a weighted average of sediment inputs c from last depositional region and the erosional region between. c if ( then intlod = theta * (xtop-xdetst) rillod = ldtop - lddend - intlod if( do 10 i = 1, npart frcflw(i,iplane) = (frcflw(i,iplane)*lddend+frac(i,iplane)* 1 rillod+fidel(i)*intlod) / ldtop 10 continue end if c c Determine if this is the last call at the end of an overland flow c element if iendfg=1 c c *** L1 IF *** if ( then c do 20 i = 1, npart if (qout.le.0.0) frcflw(i,iplane) = 0.0 c c Calculate the specific surface area of the sediment. c ssased = frcflw(i,iplane) * ((frsnd(i,iplane)*ssasnd+ 1 frslt(i,iplane)*ssaslt+frcly(i,iplane)*ssacly)/(1.0+ 1 frorg(i,iplane))+frorg(i,iplane)*ssaorg/1.73) sumssa = sumssa + ssased 20 continue c c Calculate the specific surface area of the surface soil c for the current plane. c ssasol = (orgmat(1,iplane)*ssaorg/1.73) + (sand(1,iplane)*ssasnd 1 +silt(1,iplane)*ssaslt+clay(1,iplane)*ssacly) / (1.0+ 1 orgmat(1,iplane)) c c Calculate an enrichment ratio of the specific surface area. c enrato(iplane) = sumssa / ssasol + 0.005 c c *** L1 ELSE *** else c c c c added 4/6/90 by dcf c c c If there is water flowing off of the Overland FLow Elements, c then calculate the particle sorting and enrichment ratio. c (Case 2 and 3 hydrologic planes.) c *** L2 IF *** if ( then pkro = (qout-qin) / slplen(iplane) c c Proportion transport capacity to the individual size classes. c Calculate the sediment load at the end of the depositional c region for each size class. c c Calculations removed from within the "do 200" loop: tmpvr2 = xbot + qostar tmpvr3 = xtop + qostar tmpvr4 = tmpvr2 ** 2 tmpvr5 = tmpvr3 ** 2 c if (abs(pkro).gt.1e-15) then phiflg = 1 else if ( then phiflg = 2 else phiflg = 3 end if c do 30 i = 1, npart tmpvr1 = ktrato * tcf1(i,iplane) aa = tmpvr1 * ainftc(kk) bb = tmpvr1 * binftc(kk) cc = tmpvr1 * cinftc(kk) ftheta(i) = fidel(i) * theta gu(i) = frcflw(i,iplane) * ldtop c if (phiflg.eq.1) then phi = beta * fall(i,iplane) / pkro if ( phi = 100000. if ( phi = -100000. else if (phiflg.eq.2) then phi = 100000. else phi = -100000. end if c ratio = tmpvr3 / tmpvr2 c c new section calling undflo 8/2/89 c SECTION CORRECTED 10/11/89 by dcf c if ( ratio = 1.0 expon = phi ratio2 = ratio call undflo(ratio2,expon) c coef1 = phi * aa / (phi+2.0) coef2 = (phi*bb+ftheta(i)-2.0*aa*phi*qostar) / (1.0+phi) term1 = coef1 * tmpvr4 term2 = coef2 * tmpvr2 term3 = aa * qostar ** 2 - bb * qostar + cc c term4a = ratio2 ** expon if ( term4a = 0.0 term4b = gu(i) - coef1 * tmpvr5 - coef2 * tmpvr3 - term3 gend(i) = term1 + term2 + term3 + term4a * term4b if (gend(i).lt.0.0) gend(i) = 0.0 sumg = sumg + gend(i) 30 continue c c c Correction added 6/16/90 by dcf - if enrichment routine c calculates that there is no load at all at end of region - c must still provide a size distribution for to agree with c other part of model calculations that predict a load. c (this likely will only happen when transport capacity c is zero and there is no interrill detachment on the OFE). c In this case - return to ROUTE.F - assuming that particle c size exiting the deposition region is the same that c entered. c c *** L3 IF *** if ( then c c c Adjust the individual fraction sediment loads at c the end of the section so that they total to the c load computed in the deposition routines elsewhere c in the model. Also, compute the maximum possible c sediment load in a particle class which is the sum c of the sediment entering at the top (gu(i)) plus the c interrill contribution (ftheta(i)*(xbot-xtop)). c do 40 i = 1, npart gend(i) = gend(i) * ldbot / sumg sedmax(i) = gu(i) + ftheta(i) * (xbot-xtop) if (gend(i).lt.1.0e-15) gend(i) = 1.0e-15 40 continue c c Check that the mass of sediment in any particle class does c not exceed the total possible mass in that class which is c the sum of the sediment entering the segment at the top (gu(i)) c plus the detached interrill sediment (ftheta(i)*(xbot - xtop)) c If it does, set the mass in the class to sedmax, and then c reproportion the leftover mass to the remaining particle classes. c 50 ratbot = 0.0 sumg = 0.0 iiflag = 0 do 60 i = 1, npart if (gend(i).gt.sedmax(i)) then gend(i) = sedmax(i) iiflag = 1 else if (gend(i).lt.sedmax(i)) then ratbot = ratbot + gend(i) end if sumg = sumg + gend(i) 60 continue c c Here if at least one of the particle classes has been c set with gend(i) = sedmax(i) then the other classes that c have not been set gend(i) = sedmax(i) are reproportioned. c if ( then do 70 i = 1, npart if (gend(i).lt.sedmax(i)) then gadd = (ldbot-sumg) * gend(i) / ratbot gend(i) = gend(i) + gadd end if 70 continue end if c XXX -- What prevents this from becoming an infinate loop ? c CRM -- 2/06/91 if ( go to 50 c c Compute fraction at the end of the depositional region. c c Following code changed 3/23/93 by dcf to prevent divide by zero c if ( then do 80 i = 1, npart frcflw(i,iplane) = gend(i) / sumg 80 continue else do 90 i = 1, npart frcflw(i,iplane) = 0.0 90 continue end if c c *** The L3 ENDIF end if c c *** The L2 ELSE c ...... If flow ends on the OFE (no outflow) set all fractions to zero, c since no sediment is leaving. (Case 4 hydrologic plane.) else do 100 i = 1, npart frcflw(i,iplane) = 0.0 100 continue c c *** The L2 ENDIF end if c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c return end