subroutine enrprt(jun,iyear,nowcrp) c c****************************************************************** c * c Called from subroutine sedout. * c Prints out the particle size distributions of the sediment * c in the runoff and the enrichment ratios for all overland * c flow elements in a profile. * c * c****************************************************************** c c argument declarations c integer iyear, jun, nowcrp c****************************************************************** c * c Arguments * c jun - * c iyear - * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' include '' c include '' c c******************************************************************* c * c Local Variables * c mths(12) : names of months of year * c diam(mxpart) : diameter of particle class i in mm * c fsand(mxpart) : percent of sand in particle class i * c fsilt(mxpart) : percent of silt in particle class i * c fclay(mxpart) : percent of clay in particle class i * c forg(mxpart) : percent of organic matter in class i * c i : counter variable used to indicate particle class * c * c******************************************************************* c c XXX Use of the global SAVE does not follow the WEPP coding conventions c This needs to be fixed so that only the local variables which c need to have their values retained are saved. dcf 5/18/94 save real fsand(mxpart), fsilt(mxpart), fclay(mxpart), forg(mxpart), 1 diam(mxpart) character*4 mths(12) integer i c data mths /'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 1 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'/ c c if(iroute.eq.0) then c write(jun,50) c return c endif c c do 10 i = 1, npart diam(i) = dia(i,nplane) * 1000. fsand(i) = frsnd(i,nplane) * 100. fsilt(i) = frslt(i,nplane) * 100. fclay(i) = frcly(i,nplane) * 100. forg(i) = frorg(i,nplane) * 100. 10 continue c if ( then if ( then c JEF 4/4/91 c if(cnfail(nplane).ne.0)then c if (contrs(nowcrp,nplane).eq.0) then if (contrs(nowcrp,nplane).ne.0) write(jun,1800) write (jun,1100) do 20 i = 1, npart write (jun,1300) i, diam(i), spg(i), fsand(i), fsilt(i), 1 fclay(i), forg(i), frac(i,nplane), frcflw(i,nplane) 20 continue write (jun,1200) write (jun,1400) mths(mon), day, year - ibyear + 1, 1 enrato(nplane) c else c write (jun,1800) c end if else write (jun,1000) end if end if c if ( then c if (contrs(nowcrp,nplane).eq.0) then if (contrs(nowcrp,nplane).ne.0) write(jun,1800) write (jun,1100) do 30 i = 1, npart write (jun,1300) i, diam(i), spg(i), fsand(i), fsilt(i), 1 fclay(i), forg(i), frac(i,nplane), frcmon(i) 30 continue write (jun,1200) write (jun,1500) mths(mon), year - ibyear + 1, enrmon c else c write (jun,1800) c end if end if c if ( then c if (contrs(nowcrp,nplane).eq.0) then if (contrs(nowcrp,nplane).ne.0) write(jun,1800) write (jun,1100) do 40 i = 1, npart write (jun,1300) i, diam(i), spg(i), fsand(i), fsilt(i), 1 fclay(i), forg(i), frac(i,nplane), frcyr(i) 40 continue write (jun,1200) write (jun,1600) year - ibyear + 1, enryr c else c write (jun,1800) c end if end if c if (iyear.eq.1) then write (jun,1100) do 50 i = 1, npart write (jun,1300) i, diam(i), spg(i), fsand(i), fsilt(i), 1 fclay(i), forg(i), frac(i,nplane), frcavg(i) 50 continue write (jun,1200) write (jun,1700) enravg c write(34,900) enravg end if c c******************************************************************** c * c Format statements * c * c******************************************************************** c c900 format(f6.2) c return 1000 format (/5x,'Final element not routed - no enrichment', 1 ' information') 1100 format (/5x,'Sediment particle information leaving profile',/, 1 '-------------------------------------------------------', 1 '------------------------',/, 1 ' Particle Composition', 1 ' Detached Fraction',/,'Class Diameter Specific --- 1------------------------------',' Sediment In Flow',/,9x, 1 '(mm) Gravity % Sand % Silt % Clay % O.M.', 1 ' Fraction Exiting',/, 1 '-------------------------------------------------------', 1 '------------------------') 1200 format ('---------------------------------------------------', 1 '----------------------------'/) 1300 format (1x,i2,4x,f6.3,6x,f4.2,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,4x,f5.1,5x, 1 f5.3,4x,f5.3) 1400 format (/5x,'SSA enrichment ratio leaving profile for ',a3,1x,i3,1 1 x,i4,' = ',f6.2) 1500 format (/5x,'Weighted SSA enrichment ratio leaving profile', 1 ' for ',a3,1x,i4,' = ',f6.2) 1600 format (/5x,'Weighted SSA enrichment ratio leaving profile', 1 ' for year ',i4,' = ',f6.2) 1700 format (/5x,'Average annual SSA enrichment ratio leaving', 1 ' profile = ',f6.2) 1800 format (//5x,'CONTOURING IS ACTIVE - NOT ALL/ANY SEDIMENT LOSS', 1 /5x,'exits from bottom of profile. PS Values reported', 1 /5x,'here are for last OFE on profile.') c1800 format (//5x,'CONTOURS ON LAST OVERLAND FLOW ELEMENT',/,5x, c 1 ' thus no sediment reaches end of profile and',/,5x, c 1 ' sediment fractions and enrichment ratio are zero here') end