subroutine eplane(ibpln,iepln,slplen,alpha,m,ealpha) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Calculates the equivalent depth discharge coefficient for c using the equivalent plane method; this is for handling c multiple strips down the hillslope. c c ==================================================================== c * Note: The only equation that Chezy was used for is: * c * alphq = (chezy(i)*sqrt(avgslp(i)))**power2 * c * * c * The equation for Chezy is: * c * chezy(i) = alpha(i)/sqrt(avgslp(i)) * c * * c * If the two equations are combined into: * c * sdst = sdst + (suml*alpha(i)**power2)/(tmpvr1-tmpvr2) * c * * c * CHEZY(I) & AVGSLP(I) are not needed. CRM 4/11/91 * c ==================================================================== c c Called from IRS c Author(s): Hernandez, Stone c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Local vars. AVS, SUMS, DSTT, CHEZY(20), DFL, SML & c POWER1 not used -- removed from code. c 2) XNPLN, AVGSLP, & REMAX not needed -- removed from c parameter list. Corresponding changes made in call c from IRS. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.10. c Date recoded: 04/09/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' c read: mxplan c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer ibpln, iepln real slplen(mxplan), alpha(mxplan), m, ealpha c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c ibpln - beginning segment (plane) number c iepln - ending segment (plane) number c slplen - length of each plane (m) c alpha - alpha for individual segment c m - 3/2 c ealpha - equivalent alpha for combined segments c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real suml, power2, power3, cml, tmpvr1, sdst, tmpvr2 integer i c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c suml - total length (m) of all the segments c power2 - 1./m c power3 - (m+1.)/m; ie, power2 + 1. c cml - cumulative length (through current segment in loop) c tmpvr1 - temporary storage variable, changed each time through loop. c sdst - WAS average storage at equilibrium (modified during recoding) c tmpvr2 - holds value of TMPVR1 previous time through the loop. c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c suml = 0. do 10 i = ibpln, iepln suml = suml + slplen(i) 10 continue c c Computation of exponents c power2 = 1. / m power3 = power2 + 1. c cml = 0. sdst = 0. tmpvr2 = 0. do 20 i = ibpln, iepln cml = cml + slplen(i) tmpvr1 = cml ** power3 sdst = sdst + (tmpvr1-tmpvr2) / (alpha(i)**power2) tmpvr2 = tmpvr1 20 continue c c Computation of equivalent alpha c ealpha = (suml/sdst) ** m * suml c return end