subroutine erod(xb,xe,a,b,c,atc,btc,ctc,eata,tauc,theta,phi,ilast, 1 dl,ldlast,xdbeg,ndep) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Calculates soil particle detachment in each slope segment c (to calculate detachment in each segment of the hillslope). c c Called from subroutine ROUTE. c Author: G. Foster, M. Nearing, D. Flanagan c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 10 c c Changes: 1) Common block DETCOM had been left out of V-90.92. It c was put back in. c 2) Common DETCOM should have been saved. That has been c corrected. c 3) You can't initialize a common block with a DATA state- c ment. XX, which SHOULD have been in DETCOM was being c initialized this way. Initialization in BLKDATA will c be used instead. c 4) Some redundant ELSE-IF's changed to ELSE's. c 5) The big "do 30" loop, followed by "50 continue" & c "60 continue", were collectively changed to a set of c "IF-ELSE-ENDIF's" with LOOPFG added to signal when to c break out of the loop. c 6) Some code above "M2 ELSE" changed, and some deleted, c at Dennis's suggestion. -- CRM -- 2/22/91 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 90.92. c Date recoded: 12/21/90 - 1/3/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real xb, xe, a, b, c, eata, tauc, theta, dl, xdbeg, ldlast real atc, btc, ctc, phi integer ilast, ndep c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c xb - distance at beginning of detachment region c xe - distance at end of detatchment region c a - shear stress equation coefficient c b - shear stress equation coefficient c c - shear stress equation coefficient c atc - transport eq. coef c btc - transport eq. coef c ctc - transport eq. coef c eata - n.d. rill erodibility parameter c tauc - n.d. critical shear stress parameter c theta - n.d. interrill erodibility parameter c phi - n.d. deposition parameter c ilast - counter value for last point where load computed c dl - n.d. deposition rate c ldlast - n.d. sediment load calculated at i=ilast c xdbeg - n.d. distance where deposition begins c ndep - flag indicating if deposition begins in c detachment segment c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: xx, eatax, taucx, shr, dcap include '' c read: xinput(101,mxplan) include '' c read: ktrato include '' c modify: load(100), tc(100) include '' c modify: detach(100) include '' c read: qostar include '' c read: iplane c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real ldtry, ldrat, dx, xlast, tcap, xtry, xfrt, detfrt, dettry, 1 detlst, ldrat2, tclast, xterm, xtrmtc integer ibeg, kflag, i, loopfg, currpt c c ldtry - n.d. load returned from runge-kutta procedure - it c is used as long as load is less than tcap c ibeg - beginning point counter c dx - delta x value sent to Runge-Kutta procedure c xlast - n.d. distance at last point where load was computed c dcap - detachment capacity at a point c tcap - transport capacity at a point c xtry - iterative solution for distance to find point c where deposition begins in a detachment segment c xfrt - n.d. distance at front point where deposition is c predicted to occur c detfrt - ratio at front point used to determine if detach. c or deposition conditions occur at x=xfrt c dettry - ratio relating sediment load and transport cap. c at x=xtry c detlst - ratio relating sediment load and transport cap. c at last point (x=xlast) c ldrat - ratio relating sed. load and trans. cap. at point c used when tran. cap. > 0, and sed. load = 0 c ldrat2 - ratio relating sed. load and trans. cap. at point c used when sediment load is greater than 0 c tclast - transport capacity at x=xlast c kflag - flag indicating type of hydrologic plane and c which ratio type to use c loopfg - flag. 1 = exit the L2 & N2 Loops. c currpt - number of the current point when L2 Loop exiteD. c c + + + SAVES + + + save xfrt, detlst, detfrt save /detcom/ c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c runge c c + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + real cross c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c ldrat = 0.0 ldrat2 = 0.0 ndep = 0 ibeg = ilast + 1 c c Verify that the beginning point has not exceeded the end of c the slope segment. c c *** L1 IF *** if ( then if (xinput(ibeg,iplane).le.xe) then c c *** Begin L2 Loop *** c Note: LOOPFG is set to 1 to force an exit from the loop. loopfg = 0 i = ilast 10 continue i = i + 1 c c *** L3 IF *** if (xinput(i,iplane).le.xe) then c c Determine the nondimensional horizontal distance between c the beginning of the current slope segment and next of the c 101 points of the OFE. Also determine transport capacity c at the beginning of the slope segment. [Equation 10.4.6] if (i.le.ibeg) then dx = xinput(i,iplane) - xb xlast = xb xterm = a * xb ** 2 + b * xb + c xtrmtc = atc * xb ** 2 + btc * xb + ctc tclast = xtrmtc * ktrato if ( tclast = 0.0 c c For all other points in the detachment segment, set the c nondimensional horizontal distance increment to the default c of 0.01. Set distance, and obtain load and transport c capacity for the previous point. else dx = 0.01 xlast = xinput(i-1,iplane) ldlast = load(i-1) tclast = tc(i-1) end if c c Calculate dimensionless shear stress at the current c point. [Equation 10.4.1] xterm = a * xinput(i,iplane) ** 2 + b * xinput(i,iplane) + c xtrmtc = atc * xinput(i,iplane) ** 2 + btc * 1 xinput(i,iplane) + ctc c if ( then if ( then shr = exp(0.666667*log(xterm)) else shr = 0.0 end if c xx = xterm c c Calculate detachment capacity at the current point. c [Equations 10.2.3, 10.3.7, 10.3.8, and 10.4.1] dcap = eata * (shr-tauc) if ( dcap = 0.0 eatax = eata taucx = tauc else if ( then dcap = eata * (shr-tauc) if ( dcap = 0.0 eatax = eata taucx = tauc end if c c Calculate dimensionless transport capacity at the current c point. [Equation 10.4.6] tcap = xtrmtc * ktrato if ( tcap = 0.0 tc(i) = tcap c c Check whether on a Case 4 plane past where runoff ends. c If past point, set load equal to zero, and flag the plane c (kflag = 4). if (,iplane) 1 .gt.-qostar) then load(i) = 0.0 kflag = 4 ndep = 0 c c Use Runge-Kutta numerical procedure to solve for sediment c load at the current point. [Page 10.5; Equation 10.3.16] else c call runge(a,b,c,atc,btc,ctc,eata,tauc,theta,dx,xlast, 1 ldlast,load(i)) c c c If transport capacity at the current point is greater c than zero, calculate ratio values used to test whether c current point is in deposition. c KFLG = 1 indicates TC > 0. c KFLG = 2 indicates LOAD > 0. if ( then ldrat = 1.0 - (load(i)/tcap) kflag = 1 detach(i) = dcap * ldrat c dtot(i)=detach(i)+theta if (load(i).gt.0.0) then ldrat2 = (tcap/load(i)) - 1.0 kflag = 2 end if c When transport capacity at the current point <= zero, c if load exceeds zero, MUST use LDRAT2 ratio. else if (load(i).gt.0.0) then ldrat2 = (tcap/load(i)) - 1.0 kflag = 2 c When both load and transport capacity at point are c zero (KFLG = 3). else load(i) = 0.0 kflag = 3 end if end if end if c c c If deposition is predicted at current point, set flag c NDEP = 1, and exit detachment calculations. if (( 1 .lt.0.0)) then ndep = 1 loopfg = 1 else ilast = i end if c if (xinput(i,iplane).ge.1.0) loopfg = 1 c c *** L3 ELSE *** else loopfg = 1 c c *** L3 ENDIF *** end if c c If end of segment has not been reached, and have not encountered c deposition, go back through the L2 Loop. c *** End L2 Loop *** if ( go to 10 c Remember number of current point. currpt = i c c c On the last one of the 101 OFE points in this segment, if deposition c is not occurring, compute load at the end of the segment. c *** M2 IF *** if (ndep.eq.0) then c c On a segment where water flow is present (not a Case 4), c use Runge-Kutta solution. [Page 10.5, Section 10.3.5] if ( then if (,iplane)) then dx = xe - xinput(ilast,iplane) call runge(a,b,c,atc,btc,ctc,eata,tauc,theta,dx, 1 xinput(ilast,iplane),load(ilast),ldlast) xlast = xe else ldlast = load(ilast) xlast = xinput(ilast,iplane) end if c c On a segment where water flow is not present (Case 4), c past where runoff ends, set load to zero and return to c ROUTE. else ldlast = 0.0 xlast = xe dl = 0.0 return end if c xterm = a * xlast ** 2 + b * xlast + c xtrmtc = atc * xlast ** 2 + btc * xlast + ctc c if ( then c c Calculate shear stress at end of segment ( X = XE ). c [Equation 10.4.1] if ( then shr = exp(0.666667*log(xterm)) else shr = 0.0 end if c xx = xterm c c Calculate detachment capacity at end of segment ( X = XE ). c [Equation 10.2.3, and others] dcap = eata * (shr-tauc) if ( dcap = 0.0 eatax = eata taucx = tauc else if ( then dcap = eata * (shr-tauc) if ( dcap = 0.0 eatax = eata taucx = tauc end if c c Calculate transport capacity at end of segment ( X = XE ). c [Equation 10.4.6] tcap = xtrmtc * ktrato if ( tcap = 0.0 c c There is transport capacity. if ( then ldrat = 1.0 - (ldlast/tcap) dl = dcap * ldrat kflag = 1 c c If load is less than transport capacity at end of segment c (still in detachment condition), return to ROUTE. if ( return c c Transport capacity is zero. else c c If load at end of segment is also zero, return to ROUTE. if (ldlast.le.0.0) then ldlast = 0.0 dl = 0.0 return end if end if c c Set up the last point (XLAST) and front point (XFRT) ratios c used to determine where deposition begins (X = XDBEG). ldrat2 = (tcap/ldlast) - 1.0 kflag = 2 detfrt = ldrat2 if (load(ilast).gt.0.0) detlst = (tc(ilast)/load(ilast)) - 1 1.0 ndep = 1 xfrt = xlast c c XXX -- Note from Dennis that this IF-ELSE-ENDIF could also be improved. c if (xinput(ilast,iplane).eq.xfrt) then xlast = xinput(ilast-1,iplane) if (detfrt.eq.ldrat2) then if (load(ilast-1).gt.0.0) detlst = (tc(ilast-1)/ 1 load(ilast-1)) - 1.0 else if (tc(ilast-1).gt.0.0) detlst = 1.0 - (load(ilast-1)/ 1 tc(ilast-1)) end if else xlast = xinput(ilast,iplane) end if c c On the last of the 101 OFE points on this segment, deposition is c occurring. Compute where deposition begins (X = XDBEG). c c *** M2 ELSE *** else xfrt = xinput(currpt,iplane) if (xlast.le.0.0.and.tclast.le.0.0.and.ldlast.le.0.0) then kflag = 5 detlst = dl detfrt = (phi/(phi+1.0)) * (ktrato*(atc*xfrt*xfrt+btc*xfrt 1 +ctc)-theta) end if if (kflag.eq.1) then detfrt = ldrat if ( then detlst = 1.0 - (ldlast/tclast) else detlst = 0.0 end if else if (kflag.eq.2) then detfrt = ldrat2 if ( then detlst = (tclast/ldlast) - 1.0 else detlst = 0.0 end if end if c c added 8/1/90 by dcf c c If at top of OFE, and ratios are not positive at both the c beginning and end of the segment, say deposition begins at c top of OFE. if (detfrt.le.0.0.and.detlst.le.0.0.and.xlast.le.0.0) then xdbeg = 0.0 return end if c c Prevent a negative value for detachment at the last point. if ( detlst = 0.0 c c *** M2 ENDIF *** end if c c c Iterative proceedure to find point where deposition begins c (X = XDBEG). c c *** Begin N2 Loop *** i = 0 20 i = i + 1 c if(xlast.eq.xfrt)xlast=xfrt-.001 c c Use CROSS function to solve for point (X = XTRY) where c TCAP = LDTRY, or where test ratios equal zero. xtry = cross(xlast,detlst,xfrt,detfrt) dx = xtry - xlast c c Use Runge-Kutta procedure to estimate load at X = XTRY. call runge(a,b,c,atc,btc,ctc,eata,tauc,theta,dx,xlast,ldlast, 1 ldtry) tcap = (atc*xtry**2+btc*xtry+ctc) * ktrato if ( tcap = 0.0 c loopfg = 0 if (kflag.eq.2) then if (ldtry.le.0.0) ldtry = 0.00001 if (abs((tcap-ldtry)/ldtry).lt.0.001) then loopfg = 1 else dettry = (tcap/ldtry) - 1.0 end if else if (kflag.eq.1) then if (tcap.le.0.0) tcap = 0.00001 if (abs((ldtry-tcap)/tcap).lt.0.001) then loopfg = 1 else dettry = 1.0 - (ldtry/tcap) end if else if (kflag.eq.5) then dettry = (phi/(phi+1.0)) * (tcap-theta) end if c if (loopfg.eq.0) then if (dettry.le.0.0) then detfrt = dettry xfrt = xtry else xlast = xtry detlst = dettry ldlast = ldtry end if end if c c *** End N2 Loop *** if ( go to 20 c c xdbeg = xtry dl = 0.0 ldlast = ldtry c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if end if c return end