subroutine evappm(elevm,nowcrp) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Using Penman-Monteith Method to Calculate the evapotranspirationation c c Note: this routine is now in SI (meters) c c c Called from WATBAL c Author(s): c Reference: FAO 56 c c Date recoded: 04/10/2003 c Recoded by: Shuhui Dun. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real elevm integer nowcrp c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c elevm - elevation of the climate station in meters c nowcrp - current crop c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' cx add by Arthur,June,00 include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' cx end c reza added the next 2 lines 8/18/93 include '' c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c read: tave, radly, tdpt, iwind c modify: vwind c include '' c read: radpot c include '' include '' c read: itype,jdplt,jdharv,jdsene c include '' c read: crpnam c include '' c modify: lai,rescov,rtd c include '' c read: canhgt,cancov, gcover c include '' c read: sumgdd,gddmax,decfct,dropfc c include '' c read: kcb,rawp c read and save last kcb c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c read: thetdr,thetfc c read: salb, cv, tu, nsl, resint(mxplan) c modify: ep, es, fin, st, su, j1, j2, s1, s2, et, eo include '' c read mon=month include '' c read obmint obmaxt c include '' cx read: rain cx include '' cx read: wmelt cx include '' cx read: irdept cx include '' cx read: irapld c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real gma,alb,xx,yy,rto,dlt,ed,ee,fwv,pb, 1 ra, ralb1, rbo, rhd, rn, rso, xl, 1 emaxt,emint,kcbadj,TEW,REW,wfevp, 1 etke,etkr,etks,TAW,RAW,wftrp,etorc,etcsc,rawpaj, 1 epdp,tpdp,etcadj,kcmax,eaj,kecon,potes,bpotes, 1 et(mxplan) integer xitflg,crpindx,i c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c eaj - soil cover index (actually, the fraction UN-covered.) c tk - daily average air temperature (degree Kelvin) c dlt - slope of the saturated vapor pressure c gma - the second part of Priestly Taylor equation c alb - Albedo (fraction) c xx - soil evaporation (potential of stage 1 and 2) c yy - depth of soil layer which provide water for soil c evaporation 7.3.1 c rto - available water for soil evaporation/m c ho - net radiation, used in the Priestly Taylor equation (unused) c aph - is 1.28, conversion factor ETp/ETeq (not used) c xitflg - flag. 1=exit do-140 loop. c fphu - ratio of total growing degree days received so far, to c total growing degree days expected at senescence (0-1). c rhd - Relative humidity. c ed - saturated water vapor pressure at dew point c ee - daily average water vapor pressure. c emaxt - saturated water vapor pressure at maximum temperature. c emint - saturated water vapor pressure at minimum temperature. c kcbadj - adjust basal crop coefficient. c strstg - current crop development stage start date. c stgend - current crop development stage end date. c TEW - maximum water that can be evaporated from soil (mm) c REW - cumulative evaporation at the end of stage 1 (mm) c wfevp - water available at the begining of the day for evaporation(mm) c wetting events are assumed occour before evaporation. c etke - soil evaporation coefficient c etkr - evaporation reduction coefficient c etfew - exposed and wetted soil fraction c etfw - soil fraction wetted by wetting events. c TAW - total root zone soil water that can be extracted by crop (mm). c RAW - raidly soil water in the root zone for crop to extract (mm). c wftrp - water available for traspiration at the begining of the day c soil water recharge is countered next day. c etorc - crop ET under refference condition (mm). c etcsc - crop ET under standard condition (mm). c rawpaj - adjusted water stress coefficient. c etcadj - adjusted crop ET (mm) c kcbcon - basal crop coefficient. c kcmax - maximum value of Kc following rain or irrigation c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c ************************************************************************ c ** This section of the code computes evapotranspiration (EO). ** c ************************************************************************ c c ---- compute the fraction of soil that is uncovered (EAJ) c (WEPP Equation 7.2.3) cv : residue amount cd eaj = exp(-0.5*(cv+.1)) c c ---- Compute corrected soil albedo (ALB), using albedo input by user c (SALB) and soil cover index (EAJ). c (WEPP Eq. 7.2.2) c cd if (lai(iplane).gt.0.0) then cd alb = 0.23 * (1.0-eaj) + salb(iplane) * eaj cd else cd alb = salb(iplane) cd end if c *************************************** c S. Dun 11/10/2002 c FAO PENMAN-MONTIETH reference ET0 c kcmax = 0.0 eaj = 0.0 kecon = 0.0 potes = 0.0 bpotes = 0.0 c alb = 0.23 c albedo of hypothetical grass surface ra = radly / 23.9 xl = 2.501 - 0.002361 * tave ralb1 = ra * (1-alb) c c FAO 56 page 40. ed = 0.6108 * exp(17.27*tdpt/(tdpt+237.3)) emaxt = 0.6108 * exp(17.27*tmax/(tmax+237.3)) emint = 0.6108 * exp(17.27*tmin/(tmin+237.3)) ee = 0.5*(emaxt+emint) c c radpot is calculated in winter routines only in the winter c it needs to be calculated every day therefore the calculation c in sunmap must be called from contin not in winter c as in this version JEF 3/20/91 rso = radpot / 23.9 c c -------- estimate the net outgoing longwave radiation (RBO) rbo = (0.34-0.14*sqrt(ed)) * 4.9e-9 * ((tmax+273.2) ** 4 + 1 (tmin+273.2)**4)/2*(1.35*ra/rso-0.35) c c -------- calculate net radiation (RN) rn = ralb1 - rbo c c NOTE - The wind generated c by CLIGEN is for a 10 meter height c fwv = vwind * 4.87/(alog(67.8*10.0-5.42)) c FAO 56 (47) dlt = 4098.0/(tave+237.3)**2 * 1 0.6108 * exp(17.27*tave/(tave+237.3)) c FAO 56 (13) pb = 101.3*(1.0- 0.0065*elevm/293.0)**5.26 c FAO 56 (7) c ------ compute psychrometric constant kpa/c (GMA) c gma = 0.000665 * pb c FAO 56 (8) c c the unit of eo is (m/d) etorc = (0.408 * dlt * rn + 1 gma*(900.0/(tave+273))*(ee-ed)*fwv) 1 /(dlt+ gma *(1.+ 0.34* fwv)) c FAO 56 (6) c eo = etorc*0.001 c Coded at 04/10/2003 c Dual crop coefficient approach to crop evapotranspiration c under standard condition c crpindx = itype(nowcrp,iplane) cd if(,iplane).and. cd 1,iplane)) then c rhd = ed/emaxt*100 c if((lai(iplane).gt.0.0).and.(rtd(iplane).gt.0.0)) then c Adjustment of middle season crop coefficient c for climate condition kcbadj = kcb(crpindx) +(0.04*(fwv-2.)-0.004*(rhd-45))* 1 (canhgt(iplane)/3.)**0.3 c FAO 56 (62) else cd crpstg = 0 kcbadj = 0 endif cd According to Stöckle et al c basal crop coefficient kcbcon = kcbadj*(1-exp(-0.45*lai(iplane))) c soil evaporation coefficient if( then etke = kcbadj*exp(-0.45*lai(iplane)) else etke = 1.2 endif c c calculation of soil evaporation reduction coefficient c In the TEW formula 0.1m is the depth of the surface soil layer c that is subject to drying by way of evaporation 0.10~0.15m. c REW is a formula from linear regression of Table 19 (FAO56 p144) c Notes for previous day water depletion calculation: c st(mxnsl,mxplan) is available water content per soil layer(m) c at the end of previous day. This value is from the difference c between soil water content and wilting point soil water c content. Because the available water for evaporation is from c the difference between water content and half of wilting c point water content. So we add half of wilting point water c content to calculate available water for using st value. c TEW = 0.0 REW = 0.0 wfevp = 0.0 c epdp = 0.1 c do 10 i = 1, nsl(iplane) if (i.eq.1) then yy = 0.0 else yy = solthk(i-1,iplane) endif if (solthk(i,iplane).lt.epdp) then TEW = TEW+1000*(thetfc(i,iplane)- 1 0.3*thetdr(i,iplane))*(solthk(i,iplane)-yy) REW = REW+(57.856*(thetfc(i,iplane)- 1 thetdr(i,iplane))+0.280)*(solthk(i,iplane)-yy)/epdp wfevp = wfevp+1000*(st(i,iplane) + 1 0.7*thetdr(i,iplane)*(solthk(i,iplane)-yy)) c Frozen soil effects was not considered yet. else TEW =TEW + 1000*(thetfc(i,iplane)- 1 0.3*thetdr(i,iplane))*(epdp-yy) REW = REW+(57.856*(thetfc(i,iplane)-thetdr(i,iplane)) 1 +0.280)*(epdp-yy)/epdp wfevp = wfevp+1000*(st(i,iplane)* 1 (epdp-yy)/(solthk(i,iplane)-yy)+ 1 0.7*thetdr(i,iplane)*(epdp-yy)) goto 20 endif 10 continue 20 continue c c adding in wetting event influence before evaporation wfevp = wfevp + fin*1000 c if ((TEW-wfevp).le.REW) then etkr = 1.0 else etkr = (wfevp/(TEW - REW))**2 endif c c Soil water stress on crop c Double count the avaiable water for evaporation and transpiration c for the top 0.1~0.15m. But I think it get correction when water c is actually substract from its availvabel water. TAW = 0.0 RAW = 0.0 wftrp = 0.0 c tpdp = rtd(iplane) if (solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane).lt.tpdp) then tpdp = solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) endif c do 30 i = 1, nsl(iplane) if (i.eq.1) then yy = 0.0 else yy = solthk(i-1,iplane) endif if (solthk(i,iplane).lt.tpdp) then TAW = TAW+1000*(thetfc(i,iplane)- 1 thetdr(i,iplane))*(solthk(i,iplane)-yy) wftrp = wftrp+st(i,iplane)*1000 else TAW =TAW + 1000*(thetfc(i,iplane)- 1 thetdr(i,iplane))*(tpdp-yy) wftrp = wfevp+st(i,iplane)*1000* 1 (tpdp-yy)/(solthk(i,iplane)-yy) goto 40 endif 30 continue 40 continue c etcsc = kcbadj*etorc rawpaj = rawp(crpindx) +0.04*(5.-etcsc) c FAO 56 (83) RAW = rawpaj*TAW c if ((TAW-wftrp).le.RAW) then etks = 1.0 else etks = wftrp/(TAW - RAW) endif cd etcadj = etorc*(etks*kcbadj+etke*etkr) c c ************************************************************************ c ** This section of the code computes soil evaporation with residue ** c ************************************************************************ cd es(iplane) = etorc*etke*etkr*0.001 c potes = etorc*etke*0.001 if ( then bpotes = potes - resint(iplane) c ---- compute the fraction of soil that is uncovered (EAJ) c (WEPP Equation 7.2.3) cv : residue amount eaj = exp(-0.5*(cv+.1)) kcmax = 1.2 +(0.04*(fwv-2.)-0.004*(rhd-45))* 1 (canhgt(iplane)/3.)**0.3 c kecon = min(etke*etkr, eaj*kcmax) es(iplane) = kecon*bpotes/etke + resint(iplane) else es(iplane) = potes endif c ep(iplane) = etorc*etks*kcbcon*0.001 et(iplane) = es(iplane) + ep(iplane) c c water redistribution in the soil xx = es(iplane) cx Added by Arthur Xu, modified by S.Dun cx the condition is added to correct the water balance problem if (resint(iplane).ge.0.0) then xx = es(iplane) - resint(iplane) resint(iplane) = 0.0 end if if ( then st(1,iplane) = st(1,iplane)-xx xx = 0.0 goto 60 endif cx <----------------------------------------------> c Evaporate maximum potential water from each soil layer. cx xitflg = 0 j2 = 0 50 continue j2 = j2 + 1 c ------ if cum. soil depth exceeds "soil evaporated depth"... if (solthk(j2,iplane).gt.epdp) then j1 = j2 - 1 yy = 0. if ( yy = solthk(j1,iplane) rto = st(j2,iplane) * (epdp-yy) / (solthk(j2,iplane)-yy) c if ( then st(j2,iplane) = st(j2,iplane) - xx if (st(j2,iplane).lt.1e-10) st(j2,iplane) = 0.00 xx = 0.0 else xx = xx - rto st(j2,iplane) = st(j2,iplane) - rto if (st(j2,iplane).lt.1e-10) st(j2,iplane) = 0.00 cd es(iplane) = es(iplane) - xx cd et(iplane) = et(iplane) - xx end if xitflg = 1 c c ------ if water available in soil layer exceeds potential soil evap... else if (st(j2,iplane).gt.xx) then st(j2,iplane) = st(j2,iplane) - xx xx = 0.0 if (st(j2,iplane).lt.1e-10) st(j2,iplane) = 0.00 xitflg = 1 c else xx = xx - st(j2,iplane) st(j2,iplane) = 0. end if c ------ (force immediate exit from loop.) if ( j2 = nsl(iplane) if ( go to 50 c cd if (xitflg.eq.0) then es(iplane) = es(iplane) - xx et(iplane) = et(iplane) - xx cd end if 60 continue c cd added by DSH 2002/09/18 c write (60,1000) sdate,et(iplane),es(iplane),ep(iplane), c 1 eo, kcb(crpindx),rawp(crpindx) cd write(60,2000) sdate,rn,cancov(iplane),rescov(iplane), cd 1 sumgdd(iplane),gddmax(crpindx),lai(iplane) 1000 format(1x,i5,6f15.6) c2000 format(1x,i5,6f12.3) return end