subroutine frostN(hour) c c +++PURPOSE+++ c This is the main driver for the frost subroutines. Based c on the surface, climate and soil conditions it decides c which subroutines are to be called. It considers energy c flow between the frozen layers, snow depth, melting or c freezing and also calls the infiltration capacity calculations. c c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c Modified by S. Dun, Feb 20, 2008 to use a finer resolution in soil depth c c Each soil layer was divided into 10 thin layers for frost simulation. c In the tillage zone (top two 10cm thick soil layers) the fine layer thickness is 1 cm. c While in the untilled zone (20cm thick each layer) the fine layer thickness is 2cm. c If a fine layer is partially frozen, frost depth is either on top or on bottom c depending on if it is in a freezing or thawing process c which is recorded as flag index 3 or 4 in fgfrst(10,mxnsl,mxplan). c --------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Authors(s): John Witte, UofMn WCES @ USDA-ARS-NCSRL c Date: 04/05/93 c c Verified and tested by Reza Savabi, USDA-ARS, NSERL 317-494-5051 c August 1994 c c Recoded by Charles R. Meyer Winter of '96 c Changes: (1) Eliminated calls to AVOID2, CAQWET, and CAQDRY. c Incorporated their code into FROST. c (2) Added greatly modified diagram from CWINT.INC below c and added many comments related to it. c (3) Added check to see if dummy parameters have changed c since last call to FROST. If not a lot of work can c be avoided. c Incorporated into WEPP code by Dennis Flanagan, 3/97 c c ********************************************************************* c * From CWINT.INC: * c ********************************************************************* c * c * c * The Frozen Layered System: WEPP c * -------------------------- Variable c * Name: c * c * ********************************* - Snow depth snodpt c * c * c * _________________________________ - Residue depth c * XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - Residue c * ================================= <-- Surface c * ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( c * )))) Soil thawed from above ))))) c * --------------------------------- <-- Thaw depth thdp c * //// Soil frozen from above ///// c * --------------------------------- <-- Top Frost depth tfrdp c * )))) Soil thawed from above ))))) c * --------------------------------- <-- Top Thaw depth tthawd c * \\\\\\\\\\\\ Frozen \\\\\\\\\\\\ c * \\\\\\\\\\\\ Soil \\\\\\\\\\\\\ c * --------------------------------- <-- Frost depth frdp <= 1.0m c * (((((((((( Stable Temp (((((((((( (thawed from below, c * ))))) Always Above Freezing ))))) or entire profile c * has thawed.) c * c * (Note that Top Thaw depth and Top Freeze depth can swap positions.) c * c * c * NOTES: c * ====== c * c * Tilled Layer - Depth from soil surface to the primary tillage c * ------------ depth for the season previous. (tilld = 0.2m) c * c * Untilled Layer - Depth from bottom of the tilled layer to the c * -------------- stable soil depth. c * c * Stable Soil Depth - Depth @ which soil temperature is stable... c * ----------------- this model assumes this depth is 1 meter below c * the lowest 0-degree isotherm depth. If no c * frost is present, this depth is left at 1 m. c * c ********************************************************************* c c c +++ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS+++ integer hour c c +++ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS+++ c hour - The hour of the day that we are calculating. c c +++PARAMETERS+++ include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c +++COMMON BLOCKS+++ include '' c read: tave,vwind,hradmj,hrtemp,rpoth,rad c include '' c read: snodpt(iplane),tfrdp(mxplan),tthawd(mxplan),frdp(mxplan), c thdp(mxplan),densg(mxplan) c c include '' c read: bd c include '' c read: solthk(mxnsl,mxplan),fctill(mxplan),fcutil(mxplan) c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c for bedug include '' c fine layer for frost simulation include '' c read: annual air temperature curve coefficients include '' c read: bdcons, bulk density c include '' c c +++LOCAL VARIABLES+++ c integer i,j,jstart,jend,LN1mbf,FLN1mb,layerN,flyerN,tpbtfg, 1 istart,lntp,flntp c real kufzfl,kufz,ksnow,kres,tmpbl,tmpdp,dmping,tmpvr1,tmpvr2, 1 dpfsfl,vardp,factor,sp,tmpvr3 c ----- Saved Variables used to avoid unnecessary recalculation: c c +++LOCAL DEFINITIONS+++ c qdry - Heat flow from stable soil temperature to the bottom c of the frost layer (W/m^2). c qwet - Heat flow required to freeze H2O in the soil (W/m^2). c qhtout - Heat flow across the four frozen layers (W/m^2). c kufz - Thermal conductivity of unfrozen soil 1 meter blow frost layer (W/m C). c ktopf - Thermal conductivity of layers above first frost layer (W/m C). c kufzfl - Thermal conductivity of a fine layer unfrozen soil (W/m C). c ksnow - Thermal conductivity of the snow pack (W/m C). c kftill - Thermal conductivity of frozen tilled soil (W/m C). c kfutil - Thermal conductivity of frozen untilled soil (W/m C). c kres - Thermal conductivity of residue layer (W/m C). c c tmpbl - average temperature 1 meter below frozen front c tmpdp - depth for the estimated temperature c dmping - dmping depth for yearly cahnge in soil c dpfsfl - depth of the first finer layer c c LNfrst - the soil layer where the bottom of the frost is c LN1mbf - the soil layer 1 meter blow the forst layer c FLNfrs - the fine layer number in LNfrst where frost bottom is c FLN1mb - the fine layer number 1 meter blow the forst layer c FLNbtm - fine layer number of the bottom of know soil profile. c layerN - soil layer number c flyerN - finer soil layer number c tpbtfg - a flag for start point or ending point is required, c 0 for starting point and 1 for ending point. c vardp - depth variable c c frzflg - a flg to indicate freezing or thawing processes c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c cd Modified by S. Dun, April 19, 2007 c The unit of latent heat of fusion of ice needs to be in J/m3 c to make the unit of heat flow in W/m2 cd data lhfh2o/9.3027e04/ real lhfh2o data lhfh2o/3.35e08/ cd End modifying c c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ c initializing variables... kftill = 1.75 kfutil = 2.1 c kres = 0.168 cd kres = 0.0232 kres = 0.05 kres = kres*kresf c c added ability to use varying thicknesses for fine soil c layers. This section defines number of fine layers in each big soil layer c for last layer adjust for fewer fine layers. c jrf 7-31-2008 do 5 i = 1, nsl(iplane) if (i.eq.nsl(iplane)) then c last layer, thickness for each fine layer, since c bottom wepp layers are 200mm 1/10 -> 20mm c nfine setting below should be compatible c nfine(i)*sp -> wepp big layer thickness if ( then sp = 200./fineBot else sp = 100./fineTop endif nfine(i) = int((dg(i,iplane)*1000)/sp) c if there is any left over add another fine layer if ((nfine(i)*sp),iplane)*1000)) then nfine(i) = nfine(i) + 1 endif else c this controls how many fine layers are in each big wepp soil c layer. The top two layers are handled as one class and the c remaining soil layers handled separetly. if ( then nfine(i) = fineTop else nfine(i) = fineBot endif endif 5 continue FLNbtm = nfine(nsl(iplane)) c Find the fine layer number for the bottom of the soil profile (ending point). c The fine layer numbers are used in estimating thermal conductivity c and water residtribution of the unfrozen zone. cd if (fsdfg(iplane).eq. 0) then c vardp = solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) c call locate(vardp,layern,flyern,1) c FLNbtm = flyern c endif c initiate the soil water content and ice content of finer layers if ((frdp(iplane).lt. 0.001).and. 1 (slsic(1,1,iplane).lt.0.00001)) then c No frost frzflg = 0 fgthwd(iplane) = 0 c do 10 i = 1, nsl(iplane) do 10 j = 1, nfine(i) fgfrst(j,i,iplane) = 0 slfsd(j,i,iplane) = 0.0 slsw(j,i,iplane) = soilw(i,iplane)/dg(i,iplane) yst(i,iplane) = st(i,iplane) slsic(j,i,iplane) = 0.0 10 continue elseif(fsdfg(iplane).eq. 0) then c initial frost is not zero frzflg = 1 fgthwd(iplane) = 0 c c Find the fine layer number for the bottom of initiate frozen layer. vardp = frdp(iplane) call locate(vardp,layern,flyern,1) c do 11 i = 1, layern if (i .eq. layern) then jend = flyern else jend = nfine(i) endif do 11 j = 1, jend fgfrst(j,i,iplane) = 1 slfsd(j,i,iplane) = dg(i,iplane )/nfine(i) cd Modified by S. Dun, April 08, 2009 cd slsw(j,i,iplane) = (soilw(i,iplane) - st(i,iplane)) cd 1 /dg(i,iplane) slsw(j,i,iplane)= thetdr(i,iplane) yst(i,iplane) = st(i,iplane) cd slsic(j,i,iplane) = st(i,iplane) slsic(j,i,iplane) = soilw(i,iplane)/nfine(i) cd end modifying 11 continue c if (flyern.eq.nfine(i)) then istart = layern + 1 jstart = 1 else istart = layern jstart = flyern + 1 endif c do 12 i = istart, nsl(iplane) c do 12 j = jstart, nfine(i) fgfrst(j,i,iplane) = 0 slfsd(j,i,iplane) = 0.0 slsw(j,i,iplane) = soilw(i,iplane)/dg(i,iplane) yst(i,iplane) = st(i,iplane) slsic(j,i,iplane) = 0.0 12 continue elseif (hour.eq.1) then call frwatc(1) c flag = 1 for soil water content from water balnce routine to frost routine endif fsdfg(iplane) = 1 c c initialize the water distribution time arry at the begining of an hour c do 15 i = 1, nsl(iplane) do 16 j = 1, nfine(i) sltime(j,i,iplane) = 0. 16 continue 15 continue c c Depth of middle of the first finer layer dpfsfl = dg(1,iplane )/nfine(1)/2. c c Find the start location of the unfrozen zone vardp = frdp(iplane) call locate(vardp,layern,flyern,0) LNfrst = layern FLNfrs = flyern c c c ************************************************************* c *** BALANCE the HEAT FLOW from the unfrozen soil layers *** c *** to the frozen layers. Note that the temperature is *** c *** normally assumed constant (at 7 degrees Celsius) at *** c *** depths 1 meter below the freezing front. *** c ************************************************************* c cd S. Dun, Jan 05, 2008, The assumption of 7 C has been ahanged. c a temperature value is estimated using annual air temperature sin curve c and an assumption of yearly soil damping depth 2 meter c Flowing soil temperature profile equation in G. Campbell "Environmental Physics" c c Estimate temperature 1 meter below the frost layer. c If estimated temperature is below 0C, then the heat from blow is 0 dmping = 2.0 tmpdp = frdp(iplane) + 1.0 tmpbl = YavgT + YampT * exp(-tmpdp/dmping) 1 *sin(2*3.14/365. *(sdate-YpshfT)- tmpdp/dmping) c c *********************************************************** c *** Heat conducted from the warm soil blow frost layer *** c *********************************************************** c ------ Calculate QDRY, heat flow from [the dry layers] beneath c the frost layer. c c if (tmpbl.le.0) then qdry = 0. else c Estimate thermal conductivity of 1 meter below the frost layer. c The harmonic mean of the known layers is used for the whole 1 meter. c c Ending loction of 1 meter blow the frost layer vardp = frdp(iplane) + 1.0 c if (vardp .gt. (solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) - 0.001)) then LN1mbf = nsl(iplane) FLN1mb = FLNbtm else call locate(vardp,layern,flyern,1) LN1mbf = layern FLN1mb = flyern endif c c Harmonic mean of thermal conductivity for 1 meter below frost tmpvr2 = 0. c do 20 i = LNfrst, LN1mbf c if (i .eq. LNfrst) then jstart = FLNfrs else jstart = 1 endif c if (i .eq. LN1mbf) then jend = FLN1mb else jend = nfine(i) endif c do 30 j = jstart, jend c Calculate Thermal conductivity of unfrozen soil tmpvr1 = 0.5096 + 7.4493 * slsw(j,i,iplane) 1 - 8.7484 * slsw(j,i,iplane) ** 2 kufzfl = tmpvr1 * (0.0014139*bdcons(i,iplane) - 1.0588) 1 *ksoilf c c The value 10 is for 10 finer layers in each soil layer if ( then tmpvr2 = tmpvr2 + dg(i,iplane)/nfine(i)/kufzfl endif c 30 continue 20 continue c Harmonic mean of thermal conductivity of the 1.0 meter soil if (tmpvr2 .gt. 0.0) then kufz = 1.0/tmpvr2 else c A value when soil water content is 0.0 and bulk density around 1000kg/m3 kufz = 0.2 endif c c the value 1.0 meter is for the distance between 0C and tepbl qdry = kufz * tmpbl / 1.0 c endif c c ************************** c *** Heat flux from Top *** c ************************** c c Surface temperature would not be greater than 0C if there is snow on ground if ((surtmp(hour) .gt. 0.01) .and. snodpt(iplane).gt. 0.001) then surtmp(hour) = 0. endif c c if (abs(surtmp(hour)) .lt. 0.01) then c Temperature gradient is small. qhtout = 0.0 else c Harmonic mean of thermal conductivity above the freezing front tmpvr2 = 0. c c Considering thermal conductivity of the snow pack c model from Sturm et al., 1997 if ((snodpt(iplane) .gt. 0.001).and. 1 (densg(iplane).gt.0.)) then c ksnow = 0.0000029694 * densg(iplane) ** 2 c if (densg(iplane).lt. 156) then ksnow = 0.023 + 0.234 * (densg(iplane)/1000.) else ksnow = 0.138 - 1.01*(densg(iplane)/1000.) 1 + 3.233* (densg(iplane)/1000.)** 2 endif c c It seems themal conductivity estimated here is too small for frost simulation c the adjustment factor is from calibration of Morris, MN and Pullman, WA c ksnow = ksnow * ksnowf c tmpvr2 = tmpvr2 + snodpt(iplane)/ksnow endif c Considering thermal conductivity of the residue if (resdep(iplane) .gt. 0.001) then tmpvr2 = tmpvr2 + resdep(iplane)/kres endif c c Denominator for thermal conductivity from snow and residue dmfrsn = tmpvr2 c c Considering thermal conductivity of the top frost layer c Calculate heat flow through the top layers to extend the top frost or thawd depth. c if (surtmp(hour).lt. 0.0) then c When surface temperature below freezing.... c if (thdp(iplane).gt. 0.001) then c There is a thawing layer on top using the middle of the first fine layer tmpvr1 = 0. c elseif(tfrdp(iplane).gt.0.001) then c The frost is sandwitch layers.the surface layer is a frost layer tmpvr1 = tfrdp(iplane) else c No frost sandwitch, using frost depth directly tmpvr1 = frdp(iplane) endif c c Set minimum heat conduction distance the middle of the first fine layer if ( tmpvr1 = dpfsfl c if (tmpvr1.le.tilld(iplane)) then tmpvr2 = tmpvr2 + tmpvr1/kftill else tmpvr2 = tmpvr2 + tilld(iplane)/kftill 1 + (tmpvr1 - tilld(iplane))/kfutil endif else c When surface temperature above 0C if (thdp(iplane).gt. 0.001) then c There is a thawing layer on top using the middle of the first fine layer c c Harmonic mean of thermal conductivity for thawed layer above frost call locate(thdp(iplane),layern,flyern,1) LNtp = layern FLNtp = flyern c do 40 i = 1, LNtp c jstart = 1 c if (i .eq. LNtp) then jend = FLNtp else jend = nfine(i) endif c do 50 j = jstart, jend c Calculate Thermal conductivity of unfrozen soil tmpvr1 = 0.5096 + 7.4493 * slsw(j,i,iplane) 1 - 8.7484 * slsw(j,i,iplane) ** 2 kufzfl = tmpvr1 * (0.0014139*bdcons(i,iplane) 1 - 1.0588) * ksoilf c c The value 10 is for 10 finer layers in each soil layer if ( then tmpvr2 = tmpvr2 + dg(i,iplane)/nfine(i)/kufzfl endif c 50 continue 40 continue endif c Harmonic mean of thermal conductivity if (tmpvr2 .le. 0.0) then c A value when soil water content is 0.20 and bulk density around 1500kg/m3 c kufz = 1.75 tmpvr2 = dpfsfl/1.75 endif endif c c Thermal conductivity above first frost layer c ktopf = (snodpt(iplane) + resdep(iplane) + tmpvr1) /tmpvr2 c c Thermal gradient of the layer: c surtmp(hour)/ (snodpt(iplane) + resdep(iplane) + tmpvr1) c c Heat flux from above qhtout = surtmp(hour) / tmpvr2 c record the denominator of qhtout qoutdm = tmpvr2 endif c c c ************************************* c *** Freezing or Thawing process ? *** c ************************************* c if ((tthawd(iplane) .gt. 0.001).or.(thdp(iplane).gt.0.001)) then c Sandwitch style frost formed or will be formed if (qhtout .lt. 0.0) then c top freezing and bottom thawing frzflg = 2 elseif (qhtout .eq. 0.0) then if (qdry .eq. 0.0) then frzflg = 0 else frzflg = 4 endif else c thawing both ends frzflg = 3 endif c elseif (frdp(iplane).gt. 0.001) then c sigle layer frost if (qhtout .le. 0.0) then if((qdry + qhtout).lt.0.0) then c bottom freezing frzflg = 1 elseif ((qdry + qhtout).eq.0.0) then c balanced frzflg = 0 else c bottom thawing frzflg = 4 endif else c thawing both ends frzflg = 3 endif else c no frost layer if((qdry + qhtout).lt.0.0) then c bottom freezing frzflg = 1 else c balanced frzflg = 0 endif endif c c ************************************************** c if (frzflg .eq. 1) then c bottom freezing call frzng(hour) call watdst(0.0, 3600., 2) c elseif (frzflg .eq. 2) then c top freezing & bottom thawing call frzng(hour) if (qdry .gt. 0.) call mltbtm(hour) call watdst(0.0, 3600., 2) c elseif (frzflg .eq. 3) then c both ends thawing call mlttp(hour) if ((qdry .gt. 0.).and.(fgthwd(iplane).ne.1)) 1 call mltbtm(hour) call watdst(0.0, 3600., 0) c elseif (frzflg .eq. 4) then c bottom thawing call mltbtm(hour) call watdst(0.0, 3600., 0) c endif c c if ((hour.eq.24) .or. (fgthwd(iplane).eq.1)) call frwatc(0) c flag = 0 for soil water content from frost routine to other routine c c Check to make sure that computed frost/thaw depths do not c exceed soil thickness. dcf 3/17/97 c if(frdp(iplane).gt.solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane)) 1 frdp(iplane)=solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) if(thdp(iplane).gt.solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane))then thdp(iplane) = 0.0 frdp(iplane) = 0.0 endif c if ((frdp(iplane).eq.0.0).and.(fgfrst(1,1,iplane).ne.0)) then frdp(iplane) = 0.005 endif c c Added by S. Dun, June 16, 2007, for Debuging cd Write(62, 1000) sdate, hour, year 1000 Format(1x, 3I6) cd do 35 i = 1, nsl(iplane) cd write(62,1500) (slsw(j,i,iplane),j=1,10) 1500 format(1x, 10E12.3) cd35 continue c end adding c return end