subroutine frwatc(wbtofs) c c +++PURPOSE+++ c c The purpose of this program is for exchanging soil water content from c the frost routine with that from water blance routine and for other routines. c c In other routines, we do not have the finer soil layers. Therefore soil water c content were lump together when frost simulation ends. c c At the beginning the frost forms, soil water content were treated uniform in a soil layer c and same soil water content were assgined to each fine layer in a soil layer.(in forstN.for) c When frost exists, the increase or decrease ammount of soil water in a layer is divieded c into the unfrozen fine layers uniformly. c c c Author(s): Shuhui Dun, WSU c Date: 02/28/2008 c Verified by: Joan Wu, WSU c c +++ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS+++ integer wbtofs c c +++ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS+++ c c wbtofs - flag to indicate if the soil water content is from water balance c to frost routine or other way around c 0 for frost to other routines c 1 for from water balance to frost routine c c +++PARAMETERS+++ include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c c +++COMMON BLOCKS+++ c include '' c read: iplane include '' c read: sdate include '' c read: snodpt(iplane),tfrdp(mxplan),tthawd(mxplan),frdp(mxplan), c thdp(mxplan),densg(mxplan) c include '' c fine layer for frost simulation c include '' c include '' c Saxton and Ralwls model coefficients c include '' c read: dg(i,iplane) c c c +++LOCAL VARIABLES+++ c integer frstn,i,j,fglckw,jend real slufdp,sumfzd,sumsw,sumice,sumst,varchg, 1 varufd,varsw,varwat,vardp,varufp, 1 lackw,varswc,wlck,vartmp,nwinc,spcav c c +++LOCAL DEFINITIONS+++ c c frstn - frost existing fine layer number in a soil layer c c sldp - fine soil layer unfrozen depth c sumfzd - variable for sum of frozen depth c sumsw - variable for sum of liquid water c sumst - variable for available soil water c sumice - variable for sum of ice water ammount c fglckw - a flag indictates water shall be get off from next layer c 0 for no water needs go to next layer c 1 for there is water needs go to next layer. c lackw - the amount of water could not gave from current layer. c nwinc - the ammount of unfrozen water increased for a large soil layer c c +++DATA INITIALIZATIONS+++ c c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ c if (wbtofs .eq. 0) then c from frost to water balance routines c wlck = 0.0 do 10 i = 1, nsl(iplane) c sumfzd = 0. sumsw = 0. sumst = 0. sumice = 0. jend = nfine(i) c do 20 j = 1, jend c sumfzd = sumfzd + slfsd(j,i,iplane) sumice = sumice + slsic(j,i,iplane) c slufdp = dg(i,iplane)/jend -slfsd(j,i,iplane) c if( then c vartmp = slsw(j,i,iplane) - wlck/slufdp c if (vartmp .le. thetdr(i,iplane)) then wlck = (thetdr(i,iplane) - vartmp)*slufdp slsw(j,i,iplane) = thetdr(i,iplane) else slsw(j,i,iplane) = vartmp wlck = 0.0 endif sumst = sumst +(slsw(j,i,iplane) -thetdr(i,iplane)) 1 *slufdp sumsw = sumsw + slsw(j,i,iplane)*slufdp endif 20 continue c frozen(i,iplane) = sumfzd frzw(i,iplane) = sumice - 1 thetdr(i,iplane)* frozen(i,iplane) st(i,iplane) = sumst + nwfrzz(i,iplane) soilw(i,iplane) = sumsw + nwfrzz(i,iplane) yst(i,iplane) = st(i,iplane) cd Added by S. Dun, May 19, 2009 if(frozen(i,iplane).lt. 0.001) nwfrzz(i,iplane)= 0.0 cd end adding c 10 continue c elseif (wbtofs .eq. 1) then c from water balance to frost routines fglckw = 0 lackw = 0.0 c do 30 i = 1, nsl(iplane) c jend = nfine(i) c if (st(i,iplane) .eq. 0.0) then c nwfrzz(i,iplane) = 0.0 do 25 j = 1, jend slsw(j,i,iplane) = thetdr(i,iplane) 25 continue c else c varwat = st(i,iplane) - yst(i,iplane) c if ((abs(varwat).gt.1.0e-7) .or. 1 (fglckw.eq.1)) then c if (varwat .lt. 0) then c drain water in the frozen zone first if( nwfrzz(i,iplane).gt. 0.0 ) then varwat = varwat + nwfrzz(i,iplane) if (varwat.le.0.0) then nwfrzz(i,iplane) = 0.0 else nwfrzz(i,iplane) = varwat varwat = 0.0 endif endif c if( then do 15 j = 1, jend c water drained vardp = dg(i,iplane)/jend - slfsd(j,i,iplane) if ( varchg = (slsw(j,i,iplane) - saxfc(i,iplane))*vardp c drain the first layer if ( then if (varchg .le. -varwat) then slsw(j,i,iplane) = saxfc(i,iplane) varwat = varwat + varchg else slsw(j,i,iplane) = slsw(j,i,iplane) +varwat/vardp varwat = 0.0 endif endif endif 15 continue endif c else c water is added in to this layer if (frozen(i,iplane) .ge. 0.001) then c water infiltrated into a frozen layer nwinc = varwat/dg(i,iplane)* frozen(i,iplane) spcav = ul(i,iplane)/dg(i,iplane) * frozen(i,iplane) 1 - frzw(i,iplane) - nwfrzz(i,iplane) if(spcav .lt. 0.0) spcav = 0.0 c if ( then nwinc = spcav endif c nwfrzz(i,iplane) = nwfrzz(i,iplane) + nwinc varwat = varwat - nwinc if( then nwfrzz(i,iplane) = nwfrzz(i,iplane) + varwat varwat = 0.0 endif endif endif c varswc = 0.0 varsw = 0.0 varufp = dg(i,iplane) - frozen(i,iplane) if (varufp .gt. 0.001) then c change of soil water content (soil water per meter of soil) varsw = varwat /varufp endif c if ((abs(varsw) .gt. 0.00001).or.(fglckw.eq.1)) then do 40 j = 1, jend c need handle possible negative values vardp = dg(i,iplane)/jend - slfsd(j,i,iplane) varswc = varsw c if ( then if(fglckw.eq.1) then varswc = varsw - lackw/vardp fglckw = 0 lackw = 0.0 endif c if( then slsw(j,i,iplane) = slsw(j,i,iplane) + varswc else varchg = slsw(j,i,iplane) - thetdr(i,iplane) if(varchg .ge. (-varswc))then slsw(j,i,iplane) = slsw(j,i,iplane) + varswc else fglckw = 1 lackw = -(varswc + (slsw(j,i,iplane) 1 - thetdr(i,iplane)))*vardp slsw(j,i,iplane) = thetdr(i,iplane) endif endif endif 40 continue c endif endif c endif 30 continue c endif c return end