subroutine frznw(lyn,flyn,engtm,frztm,hour) c c +++PURPOSE+++ c This function is responsible for extending the frost depth c c The purpose of this program is to extend the frost depth with c excess heat flow when the heat flow through the frozen layer c system is greater than heat flow from the thermal conductivity c of the unfrozen soil. The excess heat flow is balanced by the c heat of fusion released by freezing water. c c Author(s): Shuhui Dun, WSU c Date: 04/29/2008 c Verified by: Joan Wu, WSU c c c +++ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS+++ integer lyn, flyn, hour real engtm, frztm c c +++ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS+++ c lyn - large layer number c flyn - fine layer number c engtm - time for the energy to apply c frztm - time to freeze the water of the frozen zone in a fine layer. c c +++PARAMETERS+++ include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c +++COMMON BLOCKS+++ c include '' c read: iplane include '' c read: sdate include '' c read: snodpt(iplane),tfrdp(mxplan),tthawd(mxplan),frdp(mxplan), c thdp(mxplan),densg(mxplan) c include '' c fine layer for frost simulation c include '' c include '' c read: dg(i,iplane) c c c +++LOCAL VARIABLES+++ c integer i,j real htreq,ceh2o,lhfh2o,qoutnw,frzwat,vardp,vardm,spcav,pfrzw, 1 varthk c c +++LOCAL DEFINITIONS+++ c htreq - Heat (energy), required to freeze soil of current finer layer (J/m^2). c ceh2o - Coefficient of expansion for water (unitless). c lhfh2o - Latent heat of fusion of water (J/m^3). c qoutnw - energy flux from top for freezing water in frozen zone (W/m^2) c frzwat - the ammount of liquid water in frozen of a fine layer (m) c spcav - space available for holding liquid water in the frozen zone c c vardp - depth variable c varsm - soil moisture variable c varthk - thickmess variable c varsmc - variable for maximum water flow rate an adjecent layer can supply c c +++DATA INITIALIZATIONS+++ c Phase change expention coefficient, water to ice data ceh2o/1.1/ c Latent heat of fusion of ice in J/m3 data lhfh2o/3.35e08/ c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ c frztm = 0. vardm = 0.0 vardp = 0.0 varthk = 0.0 c if (lyn .gt. 1) vardp = solthk(lyn-1 , iplane) c vardp = vardp + dg(lyn,iplane)/nfine(lyn) * flyn c if (vardp .gt. tilld(iplane)) then vardm = tilld(iplane)/kftill + (vardp - tilld(iplane))/kfutil else vardm = vardp/kftill endif c c Heat flux from above qoutnw = surtmp(hour) / (dmfrsn + vardm) c if ((qoutnw + qdry).gt.0.) return c c Prevent div by 0 5-7-2008 jrf c This needs to be checked. if (frozen(lyn,iplane).gt.0.0) then frzwat = nwfrzz(lyn,iplane)/frozen(lyn,iplane) 1 * slfsd(flyn, lyn, iplane) else frzwat = nwfrzz(lyn,iplane) endif spcav = ul(lyn,iplane)/dg(lyn,iplane)*slfsd(flyn, lyn, iplane) 1 - slsic(flyn,lyn,iplane) if(spcav .lt. 0.0) spcav = 0.0 c if ( then frzwat = spcav endif htreq = lhfh2o * frzwat c if (htreq .gt. qoutnw*engtm) then c water could be frozen by the energy pfrzw = qoutnw*engtm / lhfh2o frztm = engtm varthk = pfrzw/frzwat* slfsd(flyn, lyn, iplane) else frztm = htreq/qoutnw varthk = slfsd(flyn, lyn, iplane) endif c nwfrzz(lyn,iplane) = nwfrzz(lyn,iplane) - frzwat frozen(lyn,iplane) = frozen(lyn,iplane) - varthk c if ((frozen(lyn,iplane).lt.0.001) .or. 1 (nwfrzz(lyn,iplane).lt. 0.00001)) then slsic(flyn,lyn,iplane) = slsic(flyn,lyn,iplane) + frzwat 1 + nwfrzz(lyn,iplane) nwfrzz(lyn,iplane) = 0.0 frozen(lyn,iplane) = 0.0 else slsic(flyn,lyn,iplane) = slsic(flyn,lyn,iplane) + frzwat endif c return end