subroutine furadv( i rwdth, m ii, o retflg) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subprogram performs the advance and continuing phase c calculations for the furrow irrigation component. c c Called from FURROW c Author(s): E. R. Kottwitz. c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 12 c c Changes: c 1) Changed dummy parameter 'I' to a more unique 'II'. c 2) Before recoding this module had 20 GOTO's. c 3) Made all the addresses consecutive. (Radical!) c 4) Inverted 2 IF-ELSE-ENDIF's under "CONTINUING PHASE" c to move GOTO's to the bottom. This makes it easier c to eventually eliminate them. c 5) Added 22 equation numbers supplied by Kottwitz, c and verified the accuracy of the numbers, inverted c IF-ELSE-ENDIF's and all. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 93.06. c Date recoded: 07/02/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer ii,retflg real rwdth c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c ii - primary kinematic wave calculation counter c retflg - flag indicating model status when returning to subprogram c FURROW c rwdth - assumed row width for OFE into which water is introduced c (m) c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: slplen(mxplan) c include '' c modify: runoff(mxplan),peakro(mxplan) c include '' c read: aqcnst,aqexp c modify: ircon2 c write: ircon1 c include '' c read: advdis,spavz,surge,tend(mxsrg),tstart(mxsrg) c modify: aflow(0:xsteps,2),infltr(0:xsteps,2),infvlm(mxplan), c inoptm(0:xsteps),irapld(mxplan),nsurge,ntend(mxsrg), c ntstrt(mxsrg),qspply(mxplan),runosg,srg,srgflg, c tadvan(0:xsteps),timflg,timtot,xpostn(0:xsteps) c write: nqsppl(mxsrg) c include '' c read: kosta,kostf,kostk c include '' c modify: noirr c write: irsyst c include '' c write: norun(mxplan) c include '' c read: nplane c modify: iplane c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer j,minflg,npriod real aest,atoler,deltat,deltax,dtcnst,dtime,dtmin,spava, 1 tdtmin,tiavq,ttoler c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c j - secondary kinematic wave calculation counter c minflg - c npriod - number of continuing phase time increments c aest - initial estimate of flow area (m**2) c atoler - flow area tolerance value for Newton-Raphson iterations c (m**2) c deltat - computed time increment (s) c deltax - advance distance increment (m) c dtcnst - coefficient used to extimate next time increment c dtime - computed time increment for continuing phase (s) c dtmin - c spava - space averaging coefficient for flow area for advance c phase c tdtmin - c tiavq - time averaging coefficient for flow rate c ttoler - advance time tolerance value for Newton-Raphson c iterations (s) c c + + + FUNCTION DECLARATIONS + + + external irflow c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + 2000 format(/' Water supply rate for depletion level scheduling is too' 1 /' low. Depletion level irrigation will be skipped.'/) c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + data atoler/0.000001/,dtcnst/1.08/,spava/0.65/,tiavq/0.35/, 1 ttoler/1.0/ c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c depirr c furrec c irflow (access is through subprogram newrap) c irprnt c newrap c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c ----- ADVANCE PHASE ----- c c Initialize variable c runosg = 0.0 c c Calculate flow rate for upper end of OFE c qflow(0,2) = qspply(srg) c c Calculate flow area for upper end of OFE c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.10, solved for A) c aflow(0,2) = (qspply(srg)/aqcnst)**(1.0/aqexp) c c Initial estimate of advance time to end of first length increment c tadvan(1) = tstart(srg)+spava*aflow(0,2)*(xpostn(1)-xpostn(0))/ 1 qspply(srg) c c If next statement is true estimated advance time is greater than c time at end of surge so set tadvan(1)=tend(srg) c if(tadvan(1).gt.tend(srg))then tadvan(1)=tend(srg) timflg = 1 endif c c Label 10 marks the position where control is passed when iterating c to find time step for first length increment c 10 continue c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4) infltr(0,2) = kostk*(inoptm(0)+tadvan(1)-tadvan(0))**kosta+kostf* 1 (inoptm(0)+tadvan(1)-tadvan(0)) c c ---- (special case of WEPP Equation 12.14) deltat = (spava*aflow(0,2)+spavz*(infltr(0,2)-infltr(0,1)))* 1 (xpostn(1)-xpostn(0))/qspply(srg)-tadvan(1)+tadvan(0) c c If next statement is true then advance time to end of first length c increment has not been found so try again c c *** L0 IF *** if(abs(deltat).gt.ttoler)then tadvan(1) = tadvan(1)+deltat c c If next statement is true then advance might not reach end of c first length increment before end of surge c c *** L1 IF *** if(tadvan(1).ge.tend(srg))then c c If next statement is true then set tadvan(1) = tend(srg) c (Note: srg = 1 if noirr = 1) Otherwise the model is still trying c to find duration of first surge (for depletion level scheduling). c c *** L-1.5 IF *** if( tadvan(1) = tend(srg) c c If next statement is true then advance might not reach end c of first length increment by end of surge so set timflg=1 c and continue. If statement is false advance will not reach c end of first length increment by end of surge. c c *** L2 IF *** if( timflg = 1 c c *** L2 ELSE *** else c c Determine new position of calculation cell boundary relative c to the upper end of the OFE c ---- (special case of WEPP Equation 12.14, solved for c DELTAX) deltax = qspply(srg)*(tadvan(1)-tadvan(0))/(spava* 1 aflow(0,2)+spavz*(infltr(0,2)-infltr(0,1))) c c If next statement is true then increment surge and continue c advance phase. If statement is false then go to depletion c phase c c *** L3 IF *** if( c c If next statement is true then complete recession will occur c before beginning of next surge so go to depletion phase. If c statement is false inflow is continuous but changing so c continue advance phase c if(tstart(srg+1)-tend(srg).gt.1.0)then xpostn(1) = xpostn(0)+deltax ii = 1 goto 170 else srg = srg+1 qflow(0,2) = qspply(srg) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.10, solved for A) aflow(0,2) = (qspply(srg)/aqcnst)**(1.0/aqexp) inoptm(1) = inoptm(0)+(inoptm(1)-inoptm(0))*deltax/ 1 (xpostn(1)-xpostn(0)) inoptm(0) = tend(srg-1)-tadvan(0) tadvan(0) = tstart(srg) xpostn(1) = xpostn(0)+deltax srgflg = 1 timflg = 0 goto 20 endif c c *** L3 ELSE *** else xpostn(1) = xpostn(0)+deltax ii = 1 goto 170 c c *** L3 ENDIF *** endif c c *** L2 ENDIF *** endif c c *** L-1.5 ELSE *** else c ---- supply rate is too low: continue without irrigation. goto 180 c c *** L-1.5 ENDIF *** endif c c *** L1 ENDIF *** endif goto 10 c c *** L0 ENDIF *** endif c c If next statement is true then advance time to end of first length c increment was calculated as being equal to end of surge without c shifting calculation cell boundary (a rare special case) c c *** M0 IF *** if(tadvan(1).eq.tend(srg))then c c If next statement is true then the model is still trying to c find duration of first surge (for depletion level scheduling). c c *** M1 IF *** if(noirr.eq.1)then c c If next statement is true then the supply rate is too low and c the model will continue without irrigation. c if(abs(tend(1)-86400.0).le.1.0) goto 180 c c *** M1 ELSEIF *** elseif(tstart(srg+1)-tend(srg).gt.1.0 .or. srg.eq.surge)then c c Go to depletion phase c ii = 1 goto 170 c c *** M1 ELSE *** else c c Increment surge c srg = srg+1 qflow(0,2) = qspply(srg) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.10, solved for A) aflow(0,2) = (qspply(srg)/aqcnst)**(1.0/aqexp) inoptm(0) = tend(srg-1)-tadvan(0) tadvan(0) = tstart(srg) srgflg = 1 c c *** M1 ENDIF *** endif c c *** M0 ENDIF *** endif 20 ii = 1 c c Label 25 marks the position where control is passes to increment c primary counter for kinematic wave calculations c 25 ii = ii+1 dtmin = 1e6 minflg = 0 tdtmin = 0.0 c c Shift aflow and infltr arrays c do 30 j = 0, ii-2 aflow(j,1) = aflow(j,2) qflow(j,1) = qflow(j,2) infltr(j,1) = infltr(j,2) 30 continue c c Make initial estimate of advance time to end of length increment i c if(tadvan(ii-1).eq.tstart(srg))then tadvan(ii) = tstart(srg)+inoptm(ii-2)*(xpostn(ii)-xpostn(ii-1))/ 1 (xpostn(ii-1)-xpostn(ii-2))*dtcnst else tadvan(ii) = tadvan(ii-1)+(tadvan(ii-1)-tadvan(ii-2))* 1 (xpostn(ii)-xpostn(ii-1))/(xpostn(ii-1)- 2 xpostn(ii-2))*dtcnst endif c c If next statement is true then adjust estimated advance time c if(srgflg.eq.1)then tadvan(ii) = tadvan(ii)*qspply(srg-1)/qspply(srg) srgflg = 0 endif c c If next statement is true then advance time estimate exceeds time c at end of surge so set tadvan(ii)=tend(srg). Otherwise, model is c still trying to find duration of first surge (depletion level c scheduling) c if(tadvan(ii).ge.tend(srg))then tadvan(ii) = tend(srg) timflg = 1 endif c c Label 35 marks the position where control is passed while c iterating for the proper advance time to end of length increment i c c Calculate infiltration at upper end of OFE c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4) 35 infltr(0,2) = kostk*(inoptm(0)+tadvan(ii)-tadvan(0))**kosta+kostf* 1 (inoptm(0)+tadvan(ii)-tadvan(0)) c c Do loop to calculate flow area and infiltration (infiltrated c volume per unit furrow length) for rectangular cells c do 40 j = 1, ii-1 c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4) infltr(j,2) = kostk*(inoptm(j)+tadvan(ii)-tadvan(j))**kosta+ 1 kostf*(inoptm(j)+tadvan(ii)-tadvan(j)) c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.13) ircon2 = (tiavq/aqcnst*(qflow(j,1)-qflow(j-1,1))-(1.0- 1 tiavq)/aqcnst*qflow(j-1,2)+(spava*(aflow(j-1,2)- 2 aflow(j-1,1))-(1.0-spava)*aflow(j,1)+spavz* 3 (infltr(j-1,2)-infltr(j-1,1))+(1.0-spavz)*(infltr(j,2)- 4 infltr(j,1)))*(xpostn(j)-xpostn(j-1))/aqcnst/ 5 (tadvan(ii)-tadvan(ii-1)))/(1.0-tiavq) c c If next statement is true then area of flow is very small. if c statement is false then calculate flow area and continue c if( aflow(j,2) = 0.00005 qflow(j,2) = aqcnst*aflow(j,2)**aqexp else c c Method of making initial estimate of flow area depends on c value of j relative to i c if( aest = aflow(j-1,2)+aflow(j,1)-aflow(j-1,1) if(aest.le.0.0)aest = aflow(j-1,1) else aest = aflow(j-1,1) endif c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.12) ircon1 = (1.0-spava)*(xpostn(j)-xpostn(j-1))/(1.0-tiavq)/ 1 aqcnst/(tadvan(ii)-tadvan(ii-1)) c c NOTE: The call to IRFLOW from NEWRAP includes the expected c argument. The argument is not required here. c call newrap(aest,atoler,irflow,aflow(j,2)) qflow(j,2) = aqcnst*aflow(j,2)**aqexp endif 40 continue c c Calculate change in estimate of advance time c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.14) deltat = (xpostn(ii)-xpostn(ii-1))*(spava*aflow(ii-1,2)+spavz* 1 (infltr(ii-1,2)-infltr(ii-1,1)))/(1.0-tiavq)/ 2 qflow(ii-1,2)-tadvan(ii)+tadvan(ii-1) c c If next statement is true then advance time to end of length c increment has not been found so try again and check for possible c advance time greater than time at end if surge c c *** N0 IF *** if(abs(deltat).gt.ttoler .and. minflg.eq.0)then if(abs(deltat).ge.abs(dtmin))then if(minflg.eq.0)minflg = 1 tadvan(ii) = tdtmin+dtmin else dtmin = deltat tdtmin = tadvan(ii) tadvan(ii) = tadvan(ii)+deltat endif c c If next statement is true then advance might not reach end of c length increment and adjustments might be necessary. If c statement is false then then try new estimate of advance time c c *** N1 IF *** if(tadvan(ii).ge.tend(srg))then c c If next statement is not true then the model is still trying to c find duration of first surge (for depletion level scheduling). c So set tadvan(1) = tend(srg) (Note: srg = 1 if noirr = 1) c c *** N-1.5 IF *** if( c c The supply rate is not too low and the model will continue c with irrigation. c tadvan(ii) = tend(srg) c c If next statement is true then advance will not reach end of c length increment before end of surge so increment surge. If c statement is false then advance might not reach end of length c increment before end of surge so set timflg=1 and continue c c *** N2 IF *** if(timflg.eq.1)then timflg = 0 c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.14, solved for DELTAX) deltax = (1.0-tiavq)*qflow(ii-1,2)*(tadvan(ii)- 1 tadvan(ii-1))/(spava*aflow(ii-1,2)+spavz* 2 (infltr(ii-1,2)-infltr(ii-1,1))) c c If next statement is true then shift prior calculation c boundary downslope. If statement is false then shift c current calculation boundary upslope. In both cases c linearly interpolate for inoptm and adjust aflow, infltr, c and tadvan variables c if(deltax/(xpostn(ii)-xpostn(ii-1)).le.0.5 .or. 1 ii.eq.xsteps) then inoptm(ii-1) = inoptm(ii-1)+(inoptm(ii)-inoptm(ii-1))* 1 deltax/(xpostn(ii)-xpostn(ii-1)) xpostn(ii-1) = xpostn(ii-1)+deltax tadvan(ii-1) = tend(srg) aflow(ii-1,2) = 0.0 qflow(ii-1,2) = 0.0 c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4) infltr(ii-1,1) = kostk*inoptm(ii-1)**kosta+kostf* 1 inoptm(ii-1) infltr(ii-1,2) = infltr(ii-1,1) ii = ii-1 else inoptm(ii) = inoptm(ii-1)+(inoptm(ii)-inoptm(ii-1))* 1 deltax/(xpostn(ii)-xpostn(ii-1)) xpostn(ii) = xpostn(ii-1)+deltax tadvan(ii) = tend(srg) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4) infltr(ii,1) = kostk*inoptm(ii)**kosta+kostf*inoptm(ii) infltr(ii,2) = infltr(ii,1) endif c c If next statement is true inflow is continuous but c changing so continue with advance phase after incrementing c srg. If statement is false then complete recession will c occur before beginning of next surge so go to depletion c phase. c if(tstart(srg+1)-tend(srg).le.1.0 .and. srg = srg+1 qflow(0,2) = qspply(srg) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.10, solved for A) aflow(0,2) = (qspply(srg)/aqcnst)**(1.0/aqexp) do 50 j = 0, ii-1 inoptm(j) = tend(srg-1)-tadvan(j) tadvan(j) = tstart(srg) 50 continue srgflg = 1 timflg = 0 else c -- XXX goto 170 endif c c *** N2 ELSE *** else timflg = 1 goto 35 c c *** N2 ENDIF *** endif c c *** N-1.5 ELSE *** else c ---- supply rate is too low: continue without irrigation. goto 180 c c *** N-1.5 ENDIF *** endif c c *** N1 ELSE *** else goto 35 c c *** N1 ENDIF *** endif c c *** N0 ENDIF *** endif c c CORRECTION FOR ADVANCE TIME TO END OF INCREMENT i EQUAL TO END TIME c OF SURGE WITHOUT SHIFTING CALCULATION BOUNDARY c if(abs(tadvan(ii)-tend(srg)).le.ttoler)then if(tstart(srg+1)-tend(srg).le.1.0 .and. srg = srg+1 qflow(0,2) = qspply(srg) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.10, solved for A) aflow(0,2) = (qspply(srg)/aqcnst)**(1.0/aqexp) do 60 j = 0, ii-1 inoptm(j) = tend(srg-1)-tadvan(j) tadvan(j) = tstart(srg) 60 continue srgflg = 1 timflg = 0 else c -- XXX goto 170 endif endif c c END CORRECTION gkottwitz 9/19/91 dcf 9/21/91 c c c Pass control to label 25 if advance phase calculations are not c complete c if( 25 c c If next statement is true then model is still trying to determine c duration of first surge for depletion level irrigation c if(noirr.eq.1)then if(abs(xpostn(xsteps)-advdis).lt.1.0)then call depirr(rwdth) retflg = 3 else qspply(1) = qspply(1)-kostf*slplen(iplane) if(qspply(1).gt.0.0)then timtot = timtot-tadvan(xsteps) if( = 3600.0 iplane = iplane+1 retflg = 2 else c -- XXX c ---- supply rate is too low: continue without irrigation. goto 180 endif endif c c Write "single storm" output c if( irprnt goto 200 endif c c ----- CONTINUING PHASE ----- c c Determine npriod and divide remaining irrigation time of current c surge into npriod periods of equal duration c c If next statement is true calculate npriod and deltat. If c statement is false then srg has just been incremented or may need c to be incremented before determining npriod and deltat. c if( .and. tadvan(xsteps).ne.tend(srg))then if((tend(srg) - tadvan(xsteps)) .gt. 1 4.0*(tadvan(xsteps) - tadvan(xsteps-1)))then npriod = 5 else npriod = int((tend(srg)-tadvan(xsteps))/(tadvan(xsteps)- 1 tadvan(xsteps-1)))+1 endif deltat = (tend(srg)-tadvan(xsteps))/float(npriod) c else c c If next statement is true then last advance time calculated c corresponded to a calculation boundary without moving the c boundary (a rare special case) so it may be necessary to c increment srg before calculating npriod and deltat c if(tadvan(xsteps).eq.tend(srg))then c c If next statement is true then increment surge and continue c continuing phase. If statement is false begin depletion c phase. c if(tstart(srg+1)-tend(srg).le.1.0 .and. srg = srg+1 qflow(0,2) = qspply(srg) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.10, solved for A) aflow(0,2) = (qspply(srg)/aqcnst)**(1.0/aqexp) do 70 j = 1, xsteps-1 inoptm(j) = tend(srg-1)-tadvan(j) tadvan(j) = tstart(srg) 70 continue else c -- XXX goto 170 endif endif npriod = 5 deltat = (tend(srg)-tstart(srg))/float(npriod) srgflg = 0 endif c c Proceed with kinematic wave for 'npriod' periods c 100 continue do 130 ii = 1, npriod c c Shift aflow and infltr arrays c do 110 j = 0, xsteps aflow(j,1) = aflow(j,2) qflow(j,1) = qflow(j,2) infltr(j,1) = infltr(j,2) 110 continue c c Calculate time increment for contining phase c dtime = float(ii)*deltat c c Calculate infiltration at upper end of OFE c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4) infltr(0,2) = kostk*(inoptm(0)+dtime+tadvan(xsteps)-tadvan(0))** 1 kosta+kostf*(inoptm(0)+dtime+tadvan(xsteps)- 2 tadvan(0)) c c Do loop to calculate aflow and infltr for rectangular cells c do 120 j = 1, xsteps c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.4) infltr(j,2) = kostk*(inoptm(j)+dtime+tadvan(xsteps)- 1 tadvan(j))**kosta+kostf*(inoptm(j)+dtime+ 2 tadvan(xsteps)-tadvan(j)) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.13) ircon2 = (tiavq/aqcnst*(qflow(j,1)-qflow(j-1,1))-(1.0- 1 tiavq)/aqcnst*qflow(j-1,2)+(spava*(aflow(j-1,2)- 2 aflow(j-1,1))-(1.0-spava)*aflow(j,1)+spavz* 3 (infltr(j-1,2)-infltr(j-1,1))+(1.0-spavz)* 4 (infltr(j,2)-infltr(j,1)))*(xpostn(j)-xpostn(j-1))/ 5 aqcnst/deltat)/(1.0-tiavq) c c If next statement is true then flow area is very small. If c statement is false then calculate flow area and continue c if( aflow(j,2) = 0.00005 qflow(j,2) = aqcnst*aflow(j,2)**aqexp else aest = aflow(j-1,2)-aflow(j-1,1)+aflow(j,1) if(aest.le.0.0)aest = aflow(j,1) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.12) ircon1 = (1.0-spava)*(xpostn(j)-xpostn(j-1))/(1.0-tiavq)/ 1 aqcnst/deltat c c NOTE: The call to IRFLOW from NEWRAP includes the expected c argument. The argument is not required here. c call newrap(aest,atoler,irflow,aflow(j,2)) qflow(j,2) = aqcnst*aflow(j,2)**aqexp endif 120 continue 130 continue ii = xsteps c c If next statement is true then increment srg and continue c continuing phase. If statement is false then go to depletion c phase. c c *** P0 IF *** if(tstart(srg+1)-tend(srg).le.1.0 .and. c c Calculate infiltrated volume for the current OFE c infvlm(iplane) = 0.0 do 150 j = 1, xsteps infvlm(iplane) = infvlm(iplane)+(spavz*infltr(j-1,2)+(1.0- 1 spavz)*infltr(j,2))*(xpostn(j)-xpostn(j-1)) 150 continue c c Calculate OFE's inflow volume c irapld(iplane) = 0.0 do 160 j = 1, srg-1 irapld(iplane) = irapld(iplane)+qspply(j)*(tend(j)- 1 tstart(j)) 160 continue c c Calculate runoff volume for current surge on OFE iplane c runosg = irapld(iplane)-infvlm(iplane)-runoff(iplane) c c If next statement is true then calculate runoff information to c be used as input for next OFE and/or calculate variables c needed for erosion calculations c if( if( nsurge = nsurge+1 ntstrt(nsurge) = tadvan(xsteps) ntend(nsurge) = tend(srg) nqsppl(nsurge) = runosg/(ntend(nsurge)-ntstrt(nsurge)) endif runoff(iplane) = runoff(iplane)+runosg peakro(iplane) = max(peakro(iplane),runosg/(tend(srg)- 1 tadvan(xsteps))) runosg = 0.0 endif srg = srg+1 qflow(0,2) = qspply(srg) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.10, solved for A) aflow(0,2) = (qspply(srg)/aqcnst)**(1.0/aqexp) do 140 j = 0, xsteps inoptm(j) = tend(srg-1)-tadvan(j) tadvan(j) = tstart(srg) 140 continue npriod = 5 deltat = (tend(srg)-tstart(srg))/float(npriod) srgflg = 0 goto 100 c c *** P0 ENDIF *** endif c c ----- DEPLETION and RECESSION PHASES ----- c 170 if( call furrec(ii) else inoptm(0) = inoptm(0)+tend(srg)-tstart(srg) endif if( = 4 goto 200 c c Code to handle low supply rates and depletion level scheduling c 180 continue c c The supply rate is too low and the model will continue c without irrigation. c write (6,2000) noirr = 0 retflg = 1 do 190 iplane = irofe, nplane norun(iplane) = 0 190 continue c 200 return end