subroutine furgps( i chezch) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subroutine calculates the coefficient and exponent for equation c relating flow rate to a power function of flow area. c c Called from FURROW c Author(s): Eugene R. Kottwitz. c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 12 c c Changes: c 1) Added local variables TMPVR1-7 to eliminate repeated & expensive c calculations, especially in "100" & "200" loops. With test c files, the "100" loop was executed 4-9 times before convergence. c 2) Restructured to eliminate a GOTO within an IF-ELSE_ENDIF c structure, which pointed outside the structure. c 3) Added counter II to "100" loop to terminate loop if it doesn't c converge within 20 iterations. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 93.06. c Date recoded: 06/17/93 - 06/18/93. c 06/30/93 - 07/01/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real chezch c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c chezch - Chezy friction coefficient (m**(0.5)/s) c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: rh(mxplan) c include '' c read: rw(mxcrop,mxplan) c include '' c read: rspace(mxplan) c include '' c modify: aqcnst,aqexp c include '' c read: irslp,qspply(mxsrg),surge c modify: srg c include '' c read; noirr c include '' c read: iplane c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer i,ii,nsteps real area,deltaa,denom,flodep,flowd1,flowd2,flowr, 1 flowr2,irsum1,irsum2,irsum3,irsum4,irsum5,natlna,natlnq, 1 topwid,wperim real tmpvr1,tmpvr2,tmpvr3,tmpvr4,tmpvr5,tmpvr6,tmpvr7 c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c i - do loop counter c ii - counter on convergence loops c nsteps - number of flow area increments c area - actual flow area based on the Chezy equation (m**2) c deltaa - flow area increment (m**2) c denom - coefficient used as a denominator in calculating the c furrow geometry parameters (m**12/s**2) c flodep - flow depth (m) c flowd1 - current estimate of flow depth at the maximum flow rate, c used in a Newton-Raphson solution (m) c flowd2 - next estimate of flow depth at the maximum flow rate, c used in a Newton-Raphson solution (m) c flowr - flow rate (m**3/s) c flowr2 - flowr*flowr (m**6/s**2) c irsum1 - summation of the square of flow rates (m**6/2**2) c irsum2 - summation of (the square of flow rates)*natlnt c (m**6/s**2) c irsum3 - summation of (the square of flow rates)*natlnt**2 c (m**6/2**2) c irsum4 - summation of (the square of flow rates)*natlni c (m**6/2**2) c irsum5 - summation of (the square of flow rates)*natlnt*natlni c (m**6/2**2) c natlna - natural logarithm of flow area c natlnq - natural logarithm of flow rate c topwid - width of water surface (m) c wperim - wetted perimeter (m) c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + data nsteps/50/ c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c Find the maximum of furrow supply rates c flowr = qspply(1) if(noirr.eq.2 .and. do 10 srg = 2, surge flowr = max(flowr,qspply(srg)) 10 continue endif c c Determine flow depth corresponding to maximum furrow supply rate c flowd2 = 0.5*rh(iplane) tmpvr1 = 2.0*sqrt(1.0+sidslp**2) tmpvr2 = flowr/chezch tmpvr4 = 2.0*sidslp c c *** Begin L0 Loop *** ii = 0 100 continue flowd1 = flowd2 area = (botwid+sidslp*flowd1)*flowd1 topwid = botwid+flowd1*tmpvr4 wperim = botwid+flowd1*tmpvr1 c Original Code: c flowd2 = flowd1-(wperim-(flowr*wperim/chezch)**2/irslp/ c 1 area**3)/(3.*topwid*wperim/area-2.*sqrt(1.+sidslp**2)) flowd2 = flowd1-(wperim-(wperim*tmpvr2)**2/(irslp*area**3))/ 1 (3.0*topwid*wperim/area-tmpvr1) ii = ii + 1 c c *** End L0 Loop *** if(abs(flowd2-flowd1).gt.0.000001 .and. goto 100 c ---- caution to user if( then write (6,*) ' FURGPS: Calculations suspended after 20', 1 ' iterations.' write (6,*) ' Calculations DID NOT CONVERGE.' endif c c NOTE: When executing above loop and printing a counter with c test data sets, loop executes 4-9 times before converging. c The "effective duration" and point of maximum soil loss c seem to be REALLY SENSITIVE to the order of calculations c in the equation above. Perhaps some double precision c calculations are in order? -- CRM -- 6/30/93. c c area = (botwid+sidslp*flowd2)*flowd2 c c Determine values for functions of flow rate and area c natlnq = log(flowr) natlna = log(area) c c Calculate summations c c Original Code: c flowr2 = flowr**2 c irsum1 = flowr2 c irsum2 = flowr2*natlna c irsum3 = flowr2*natlna**2 c irsum4 = flowr2*natlnq c irsum5 = flowr2*natlna*natlnq c irsum1 = flowr**2 irsum2 = irsum1*natlna irsum3 = irsum2*natlna irsum4 = irsum1*natlnq irsum5 = irsum2*natlnq c c Determine flow area increment (deltaa) c deltaa = area/float(nsteps) area = 0.0 c tmpvr3 = botwid**2 tmpvr5 = 4.0*sidslp tmpvr6 = irslp/wperim c c Calculation loop c do 200 i = 1, nsteps-1 c c Increment flow area c area = area+deltaa c c Calculate flow depth, wetted perimeter, and flow rate c corresponding to flow area c c Original Code: c flodep = (sqrt(botwid**2+4.*sidslp*area)-botwid)/2./sidslp c wperim = botwid+2.*flodep*sqrt(1.+sidslp**2) c flowr = chezch*sqrt(irslp*area**3/wperim) flodep = (sqrt(tmpvr3+tmpvr5*area)-botwid)/tmpvr4 wperim = botwid+flodep*tmpvr1 c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.9, using area/wperim in place of c hydraulic radius) flowr = chezch*sqrt(tmpvr6*area**3) c c Determine values functions of flowr and area c natlnq = log(flowr) natlna = log(area) flowr2 = flowr**2 c c Perform summations c c Original Code: c irsum1 = irsum1+flowr2 c irsum2 = irsum2+flowr2*natlna c irsum3 = irsum3+flowr2*natlna*natlna c irsum4 = irsum4+flowr2*natlnq c irsum5 = irsum5+flowr2*natlna*natlnq c tmpvr7 = flowr2*natlna irsum1 = irsum1+flowr2 irsum2 = irsum2+tmpvr7 irsum3 = irsum3+tmpvr7*natlna irsum4 = irsum4+flowr2*natlnq irsum5 = irsum5+tmpvr7*natlnq 200 continue c c Determine constant and exponent relating flow area to flow rate c denom = irsum2**2-irsum1*irsum3 aqexp = (irsum2*irsum4-irsum1*irsum5)/denom aqcnst = exp((irsum2*irsum5-irsum3*irsum4)/denom) c return end