subroutine furrow( i nowcrp,pkrmax,runmax, m rwdth) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subprogram controls a kinematic wave model for specified c space intervals using the Kostiakov-Lewis infiltration function. c Subprogram FURROW mimics subprogram IRS in developing equivalent c plane parameters. c c Called from IRRIG c Author(s): E. R. Kottwitz. c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 12 c c Changes: c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 93.06. c Date recoded: 07/07/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer nowcrp(mxplan) real pkrmax,runmax,rwdth c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c nowcrp - number of current crop c pkrmax - maximum of the peak runoff rates of the overland flow c elements making up the equivalent plane (m/s) c runmax - maximum of the runoff values of the overland flow c elements making up the equivalent plane (m) c rwdth - row width of overland flow element into which water is c introduced (m) c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: accgav c include '' c read: rh(mxplan) c include '' c read: rw(mxcrop,mxplan) c include '' c read: slplen(mxplan) c include '' c modify: efflen(mxplan) c include '' c read: rspace(mxplan) c include '' c read: frctrl c include '' c modify: runoff(mxplan) c write: effdrn(mxplan),peakro(mxplan) c include '' c modify: botwid,sidslp c include '' c read: depsrg(mxplan),endofe,nqsppl(mxsrg),ntend(mxsrg), c ntstrt(mxsrg),surges(mxplan) c modify: advdis,irqin,nsurge,qspply(mxplan),srg,surge,tend(mxsrg), c timtot,tstart(mxsrg),xpostn(0:xsteps) c write: aflow(0:xsteps,2),infltr(0:xsteps,2),infvlm(mxplan), c inoptm(0:xsteps),irslp,qflow(0:xsteps,2),srgflg, c tadvan(0:xsteps),timflg c include '' c read: irofe,noirr c include '' c write: norun(mxplan) c include '' c read: avgslp(mxplan) c include '' c read: nmon c include '' c read: nplane c modify: iplane c include '' c modify: irrund(mxplan),irrunm(mxplan),irrunt(mxplan), c irruny(mxplan), c include '' c read: totlen c include '' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer i,itemp,j,lipl,retflg real chezch,deltax c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c i - primary kinematic wave calculation counter c itemp - maximum advance increment counter c j - secondary kinematic wave calculation counter c lipl - local overland flow element counter c retflg - flag indicating model status when returning from c subprograms FURADV and FURRUN (retflg=0: generate runoff c information and initial value, retflg=1: furrow c irrigation simulation is complete, retflg=2: process next c OFE, retflg=3: restart process using depletion level c irrigation parameters, retflg=4: process next surge). c chezch - Chezy friction coefficient (m**(0.5)/s) c deltax - distance increment (m) c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c frcfac c furadv c furrun c irprnt c kostia c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c ----- INITIALIZE VARIABLES ----- c c The following runon - runoff cases can occur (cases numbered as in c sr irs). Rainfall excess is 0 for all cases as irrigation on days c with rainfall is not supported by the model. c c case 1 : q(iplane-1) = 0 q(iplane) = 0 c case 3 : q(iplane-1) > 0 q(iplane) > 0 c case 4 : q(iplane-1) > 0 q(iplane) = 0 c c Case 1 occurs for all planes above water supply point. c irqin = 0.0 do 100 iplane = 1, irofe-1 norun(iplane) = 0 infvlm(iplane) = 0.0 runoff(iplane) = 0.0 peakro(iplane) = 0.0 effdrn(iplane) = 0.0 efflen(iplane) = slplen(iplane) c c Write "single storm" output. c if( irprnt 100 continue c c Case 3 or case 4 for plane where water is introduced. Note that c this plane is not a "true" case 3 or case 4 since there was no c runoff from the previous plane. c norun(irofe) = 1 runoff(irofe) = 0.0 peakro(irofe) = 0.0 effdrn(irofe) = 0.0 efflen(irofe) = slplen(irofe) c c Row width used for furrow irrigation is equal to the crop row c spacing unless this value is less than 0.2 meters. The second c choice for row width is rill spacing. If rill spacing is less c than 0.2 meters then set row width for furrow irrigation c calculations equal to 0.2 meters. c if(rw(nowcrp(irofe),irofe).ge.0.2) then rwdth = rw(nowcrp(irofe),irofe) elseif(rspace(irofe).ge.0.2) then rwdth = rspace(irofe) else rwdth = 0.2 endif c c Estimate furrow geometry. User will eventually be asked to c provide botwid and sidslp. If values are not provided then these c equations (or similar ones) will be used to estimate botwid and c sidslp c botwid = 0.25*rwdth sidslp = botwid/rh(irofe) c c Variables to be initialized depend on the irrigation scheduling c alternative used. c if(noirr.eq.2)then c c For fixed date scheduling initialize surge and advdis. c surge = surges(irofe) advdis = 0.0 else c c For depletion level scheduling, find advance distance for first c surge. c advdis = 0.0 do 200 iplane = irofe, endofe advdis = advdis+slplen(iplane) 200 continue if(depsrg(irofe).ge.3)advdis = advdis/float(depsrg(irofe)) endif c c Reset iplane for furrow irrigation simulation. c iplane = irofe c c ----- INITIALIZE OFE SPECIFIC VARIABLES ----- c c Label 10 marks the position where control is passed after c incrementing to the next OFE. c 10 continue c c Calculate roughness coefficient for the rill or furrow. c call frcfac(nowcrp(iplane)) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 9.1.1 (NSERL Report No. 2)) chezch = sqrt(8.0*accgav/frctrl(iplane)) c c Determine slope to be used for furrow irrigation. Kinematic wave c analysis is limited to slopes >= 0.1%. c irslp = max(0.001,avgslp(iplane)) c c Determine furrow geometry parameters (aqcnst and aqexp) c call furgps(chezch) c c If the following is true then calculate timtot and, possibly, c irqin. Otherwise, timtot has already been estimated (depletion c level scheduling) and calculating irqin is not necessary. c 30 if(noirr.eq.2)then timtot = 0.0 do 300 srg = 1, surge timtot = timtot+tend(srg)-tstart(srg) c c Irqin has units of m^2/s (flow rate per unit width). c if(iplane.eq.irofe)irqin = max(irqin,qspply(srg)/rwdth) 300 continue endif c c Obtain Kostiakov-Lewis infiltration function constants (kosta, c kostf, and kostk). c call kostia(rwdth) c c Write "single storm" output. c if( irprnt c c Reset flow area and infiltrated depth arrays. c do 400 i = 0, xsteps aflow(i,1) = 0.0 aflow(i,2) = 0.0 qflow(i,1) = 0.0 qflow(i,2) = 0.0 infltr(i,1) = 0.0 infltr(i,2) = 0.0 tadvan(i) = 0.0 trec(i) = 0.0 400 continue c c Initialize miscellaneous variables. c itemp = 0 srgflg = 0 timflg = 0 srg = 1 tadvan(0) = tstart(srg) c c Determine xpostn(0). c if(iplane.eq.irofe)then xpostn(0) = 0.0 else xpostn(0) = xpostn(xsteps) endif c c Determine deltax and xpostn(xsteps). c if(noirr.eq.1 .and. slplen(irofe)+xpostn(0).ge.advdis)then deltax = 1.5*(advdis-xpostn(0))/float(xsteps) xpostn(xsteps) = advdis else deltax = 1.5*slplen(iplane)/float(xsteps) xpostn(xsteps) = xpostn(0)+slplen(iplane) endif c c Determine xpostn(1), xpostn(2), , xpostn(xsteps-1) c and inoptm(0), inoptm(1), , inoptm(xsteps-1) AND c inoptm(xsteps). c inoptm(0) = 0.0 do 500 j = 1, xsteps-1 if(j.eq.xsteps/3+1)deltax = deltax/2.0 inoptm(j) = 0.0 xpostn(j) = xpostn(j-1)+deltax 500 continue inoptm(xsteps) = 0.0 c c ----- ADVANCE PHASE ----- c c Label 20 marks the position where control is passed when c incrementing the surge if depletion and recession occurred for the c previous surge. c 20 retflg = 0 call furadv(rwdth,i,retflg) c c The value of the variable retflg returned from FURADV indicates c next task (see explanation in local variables list) c if(retflg.eq.1)then goto 9999 elseif(retflg.eq.2)then goto 10 elseif(retflg.eq.3)then goto 30 endif c c ----- GENERATE RUNOFF INFORMATION ----- c call furrun(i,rwdth,itemp,pkrmax,runmax,retflg) if(retflg.eq.4)goto 20 c c If next statement is true then increment OFE counter, reinitialize c parameters where necessary, and pass control to label 10. c cd Added by S. Dun April 04, 2004 if((runoff(iplane).gt.0.000001).and. (iplane.le.(nplane-1))) then iuprun(iplane+1) = 1 endif cd end adding if( iplane = iplane+1 surge = nsurge nsurge = 0 norun(iplane) = 1 runoff(iplane) = 0.0 peakro(iplane) = 0.0 effdrn(iplane) = 0.0 efflen(iplane) = efflen(iplane-1)+slplen(iplane) do 600 srg = 1, surge qspply(srg) = nqsppl(srg) tend(srg) = ntend(srg) tstart(srg) = ntstrt(srg) 600 continue c c Write "single storm" output. c if( irprnt goto 10 endif c c Case 1 occurs for all remaining planes. c do 700 lipl = iplane+1, nplane norun(lipl) = 0 runoff(lipl) = 0.0 peakro(lipl) = 0.0 effdrn(lipl) = 0.0 efflen(lipl) = slplen(lipl) infvlm(lipl) = 0.0 700 continue c c Update variables of common block sumirr. c cd Now the total irrigation attributed runoff depth is for cd the total length of the OFE which means counting from cd top of the hillslope do 800 lipl = 1, nplane irrund(lipl) = runoff(lipl) irrunt(lipl) = irrunt(lipl) + irrund(lipl) 1 * efflen(iplane) / totlen(iplane) irruny(lipl) = irruny(lipl) + irrund(lipl) 1 * efflen(iplane) / totlen(iplane) irrunm(lipl) = irrunm(lipl) + irrund(lipl) 1 * efflen(iplane) / totlen(iplane) 800 continue c 9999 return end