subroutine hr_tmp(itflag,jyear,sdate,hour,temp24,radmj,halfdy, 1 rcalsl,cratio,rpoth,tmin,tmax,hradmj,hrtemp) c c +++ PURPOSE +++ c This subroutine computes the hourly temperature. c It was originally incorporated into WINTER, but was split out c by Charles R. Meyer 6/6/96 to reduce code complexity. c c +++ ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS +++ integer itflag,jyear,sdate,hour real temp24,radmj,halfdy,rcalsl,cratio,rpoth,tmin,tmax,hradmj, 1 hrtemp c c +++ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS+++ c itflag - c jyear - c sdate - c hour - c temp24 - c radmj - c halfdy - c rcalsl - c cratio - c rpoth - c tmin - c tmax - c hradmj - c hrtemp - integer tmpflg real temp1,temp2,temp3,diff save tmpflg,temp1,temp2,temp3 c c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ c c c Note -- Tmpadj calculates surface temperature on an hourly basis. c if(itflag.eq.1) then cd hradmj=radmj/12 hradmj=radmj/24 call tmpadj(hour,halfdy) hrtemp=(tmax+tmin)/2 c else hradmj = rcalsl * cratio/rpoth call tmpadj(hour,halfdy) if( .or. if(hour.eq.1)then diff=abs(hrtemp-temp24) if( hrtemp=(hrtemp+temp24)/2 tmpflg=0 else tmpflg=1 endif temp1=hrtemp endif if(tmpflg.eq.0) then if(hour.eq.2)then diff=abs(hrtemp-temp1) if( hrtemp=(hrtemp+temp1)/2 temp2=hrtemp else if(hour.eq.3) then diff=abs(hrtemp-temp2) if( hrtemp=(hrtemp+temp2)/2 temp3=hrtemp else if(hour.eq.4)then diff=abs(hrtemp-temp3) if( hrtemp=(hrtemp+temp3)/2 endif endif endif endif c return end