subroutine hydout(jun,idout,wmelt,nowcrp) c c****************************************************************** c * c Called from subroutine sloss. * c Prints out the abbreviated hydrology output. * c * c****************************************************************** c c****************************************************************** c * c Arguments * c jun - * c idout - * c * c****************************************************************** c integer jun, idout, nowcrp real wmelt c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' c include '' c include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' include '' include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c Local Variables * c mths(12) : * c hyd1 : * c hyd2 : * c hyd3 : * c hyd4 : * c hyd5 : * c hyd6 : * c hyd7 : * c hyd8 : * c hyd9 : * c hyd10 : * c * c****************************************************************** c save real hyd0, hyd1, hyd2, hyd3, hyd4, hyd5, hyd6, hyd7, hyd8, hyd9, 1 hyd10, runt character*4 mths(12) c data mths /'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 1 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'/ c hyd0 = prcp * 1000. hyd1 = rain(iplane) * 1000. hyd2 = wmelt * 1000. c c dcf Correct error in runoff output for detailed storm by storm output c dcf - 3-15-2004 c hyd3 = runoff(iplane) * 1000. c jrf - if contouring is in effect then don't scale runoff because it will not be valid. c 11/18/2009 c if (contrs(nowcrp,iplane).ne.0) then runt = runoff(iplane)*1000. else runt = (runoff(iplane)*efflen(iplane)/totlen(iplane)) * 1 1000.0 endif c hyd3 = runoff(iplane) * efflen(nplane) * 1000. / totlen(nplane) hyd3 = runt hyd4 = stmdur / 60. hyd5 = effdrn(iplane) / 60. hyd6 = peakro(iplane) * 3.6e06 hyd7 = efflen(iplane) c if (jun.eq.31) then if (idout.eq.0) write (jun,1000) ihill write (jun,1100) iplane, mths(mon), day, year - ibyear + 1 if ( then write (jun,1600) irapld(iplane) * 1000., hyd3, 1 infvlm(iplane) * 1000., hyd6, hyd5, hyd7 else if ( then write (jun,1300) hyd0, hyd1, hyd2, hyd3, hyd4, hyd5, 1 hyd6, hyd7 else hyd8 = irdept(iplane) * 1000. hyd9 = irdur / 60. if (runoff(iplane).gt.0.0) then hyd10 = irrund(iplane) / runoff(iplane) * 100. else hyd10 = 0.0 end if write (jun,1200) hyd0, hyd1, hyd2, hyd3, hyd4, hyd5, 1 hyd6, hyd7, hyd8, hyd9, hyd10 end if c write (jun,1700) end if end if c c****************************************************************** c * c Format statements * c * c****************************************************************** c c return 1000 format (///'HILLSLOPE ',i1,' RESULTS',/,19('-'),// 1 'I. ABBREVIATED EVENT-BY-EVENT HYDROLOGY',/,5x,11('-'),1x,14 1 ('-'),1x,9('-')) 1100 format (/7x,'Overland flow element number:',i3/7x,'Event date: ',1 1 x,a3,1x,i2,', year ',i4) 1200 format (/,7x,'precipitation amount',f8.2,7x,'rainfall amount ', 1 f8.2/,7x,'snow melt amount ',f8.2,7x,'runoff amount ', 1 f8.2/,7x,'rain/melt duration ',f8.2,7x,'effective duration ', 1 f8.2/,7x,'peak runoff rate ',f8.2,7x,'effective length ', 1 f8.2/,7x,'irrigation amount ',f8.2,7x,'irrigation duration', 1 f8.2,//,7x,f5.1, 1 ' percent of runoff attributed to irrigation'/) 1300 format (/,7x,'precipitation amount',f8.2,7x,'rainfall amount ', 1 f8.2/,7x,'snow melt amount ',f8.2,7x,'runoff amount ', 1 f8.2/,7x,'rain/melt duration ',f8.2,7x,'effective duration ', 1 f8.2/,7x,'peak runoff rate ',f8.2,7x,'effective length ', 1 f8.2/) 1600 format (/,7x,'Furrow irrigation output:'/,7x, 1 'volume of water supplied ',f8.2,7x,'depth of runoff ',f8.2/, 1 7x,'avg infiltrated depth ',f8.2,7x,'peak runoff rate ',f8.2/, 1 7x,'effective duration ',f8.2,7x,'effective length ',f8.2, 1 //,7x, 1 'note: depths = mm'/,7x, 1 ' rate = mm/hr'/,7x, 1 ' duration = min'/,7x, 1 ' length = meters'/) 1700 format (7x,'note: amounts = mm, durations = min, rates = mm/hr', 1 ', length = meters'/) end