subroutine idat(pwmelt,ibrkpt,prain) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c If there is rainfall for the current day, IDAT takes the rainfall c statistics read in from the climate file and passes them to the c disaggregation routines. It then inserts a time step into the c rainfall array for the infiltration computations. c c Called from IRS c Author(s): Stone c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Order of parameters in call to DISAG reversed to conform c to Coding Convention. c 2) Common block STRUCT not used. It was de-referenced. c 3) SAVE statement, which saves ALL local variables, removed. c 4) Removed local variable DDT. (Bad stuff anyway...) c 5) Consolidated some code in and below the "do 30" loop. c 6) Common block PASS not needed. De-referenced. c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.10. c Date recoded: 05/01/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer ibrkpt real pwmelt, prain, rm c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c smflg - snow melt flag c pwmelt - amount of snow melt water c ibrkpt - FLAG FOR BREAKPOINT RAINFALL INPUT c prain - DEPTH OF RAINFALL c rm - total water income to the OFE c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' include '' include '' c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c modify: tr(mxtime),r(mxtime),rr(mxtime) c include '' c modify: nf,nr,dt c include '' c modify: trf(mxtime),rf(mxtime) c include '' c read: ninten(mxplan),dur,intsty(20),timem(20) c include '' c read: cancov(mxplan),lanuse(mxplan) c include '' c modify: plaint(mxplan),resint(mxplan) c include '' c read: rescov(mxplan) c include '' c read: tlive(mxplan) c include '' c read: rmogt(mxres,mxplan) c include '' c read: vdmt(mxplan) c include '' c modify: rkine c include '' c include '' c read: prain(mxplan) c include '' c read: irdept c include '' c read: irapld(mxplan) c c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real dtc, xx, test, tol, deadms, livems, totint real vtime, vint, vike, dtime, temp, tempi, xy ,wmlavg c integer i, j, loopfg, ijk, jj c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c dtc - time step inserted in rainfall for infiltration computations c xx - summation used to build RR(I) c test - used in time step insertion c tol - used in time step insertion c i - index for disaggregated rainfall c j - index for rainfall with time step inserted c loopfg - flag. 2=return to top of loop without resetting counter c livems - residue mass due to live plant = tlive(iplane) * 10000 (kg/ha) c deadms - residue mass due to dead plant = rmogt(nowres,iplane) * 10000 c (kg/ha) c vtime, vint, and vike -temporary variables holding incremental c time, intensity, and KE c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c disag c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c * c****************************************************************** c c CALL DISAGGREGATION MODEL c if(pwmelt .gt. 0.0) then c dcf Added trap to prevent divide by zero. New code c dcf from WSU in IRS is calling IDAT with a positive c dcf value for pwmelt and a zero value for wmelt(iplane) c dcf 2-25-04 if(wmelt(iplane).gt.0.00001)then wmlavg = pwmelt/wmelt(iplane) else c dcf Not sure what I should set wmlavg to, if wmelt(iplane) c dcf is zero??? dcf 2-25-04 wmlavg = 1 endif else wmlavg = 1 endif if (ibrkpt .eq. 0 .or. (prain .le. 0.0 .and. pwmelt .gt. 0.0)) 1 call disag(wmlavg ) c c Calculate rainfall kinetic energy using equation from Van Doren c and Allmaras where KE is approximated by: c c KE=(3.812+0.874 log10 RI)*time*RI c c where KE is in J/cm2, Time is the duration(hr), and RI is the rainfall c intensity (m/hr). Note: This equation is also given by Wischmeier for c english units. To gain accuracy we apply to each time step. I have c also developed an analytical solution to calculate KE for the WEPP c double exponential storm, however, I thought it may be more reasonable c to calculate KE based on the disaggregated storm. Risse 11/4/93. c rkine = 0.0 do 10 i = 1, ninten(iplane) - 1 vtime = (timem(i+1)-timem(i)) / 3600 vint = intsty(i) * 3600 c c If intensity is greater than 3 in/hr energy does not increase as c maximum drop size has been attained. if ( vint = 0.0765 if (( then vike = (3.812+0.3796*log(vint)) * vtime * vint else vike = 0 end if c convert KE to J/m2 vike = vike * 10000 if ( rkine = vike + rkine 10 continue c c nf = 0 nr = ninten(iplane) do 20 i = 1, nr trf(i) = timem(i) if ((ibrkpt.eq.1).and.( then c c ADD SNOWMELT RATE TO BREAKPOINT RAINFALL INTENSITY cc note the next line needs to be fixed, Reza 12/9/93 rf(i) = intsty(i) + pwmelt / dur else rf(i) = intsty(i) end if 20 continue c calculate time step for infiltration c if (dur.le.0.0) then write (6,1000) stop else if (dur.le.1800.0) then dt = 60.0 else if (dur.le.3600.0) then dt = 120.0 else if (dur.le.7200.0) then dt = 180.0 else if (dur.le.21600.0) then dt = 300.0 else dt = 600.0 end if end if c dtc = dt c c xx = 0.0 i = 2 tr(1) = trf(1) r(1) = rf(1) c do 40 j = 2, nr c c Insert infiltration time step into disaggregated rainfall data c 30 continue loopfg = 0 c c Test whether disaggregated time step is close to inserted c time step. If it is, use it instead. c test = abs(dtc-trf(j)) tol = min(54.0,0.9*dt) c if ( then if ( then r(i) = rf(j-1) tr(i) = dtc dtc = dtc + dt loopfg = 2 else tr(i) = trf(j) r(i) = rf(j) end if else tr(i) = trf(j) r(i) = rf(j) dtc = dtc + dt end if c xx = xx + r(i-1) * (tr(i)-tr(i-1)) rr(i) = xx i = i + 1 if (loopfg.eq.2) go to 30 40 continue nf = i - 1 c c new changes for rainfall interception by crop residue and c leaves, reza 7/26/93 c c Sum up the residue mass on the ground in the three residue pools c deadms = 0.0 do 50 ijk = 1, 3 deadms = deadms + rmogt(ijk,iplane) * 10000.0 50 continue c c XXX For now use VDMT for CROPLAND and TLIVE for RANGELAND. c Jeff Arnold, Mark Weltz, and Diane Stott need to come to c agreement on the definition and use of the variables: c TLIVE, VDMT, RMOGT, RMAGT, CANCOV, CANHGT and assure that c meaning for all land uses is similar. dcf 7/30/93 c if (lanuse(iplane).eq.1) then livems = tlive(iplane) * 10000.0 else livems = tlive(iplane) * 10000.0 end if c c Set upper limits on dead mass and live mass values. This c prevents errors with use of the second order equations below c if ( deadms = 8000. if ( livems = 8000. c plaint(iplane) = cancov(iplane) * ((0.000627*livems-(3.73349* 1 1.0e-8*(livems**2)))/1000.0) resint(iplane) = rescov(iplane) * ((0.000627*deadms-(3.73349* 1 1.0e-8*(deadms**2)))/1000.0) c When there is snow covering the residue, assume residue does not c intercept any rainfall. 1-19-2010 jrf if (snodpy(iplane).gt.0.0) then resint(iplane) = 0.0 endif c cx added by Arthor Xu, Modified by S. Dun May 21, 2003 rm = rain(iplane) + wmelt(iplane) + irdept(iplane) 1 + pintlv(iplane) cd Modified by S. Dun 03/01/2004, cd Furrow irrigation is not involved in plant and residue interception. cd 1 + irapld(iplane) + pintlv(iplane) cx if (rm.le.plaint(iplane)) then plaint(iplane) = rm resint(iplane) = 0.0 else if (rm.le.(plaint(iplane) + resint(iplane))) then resint(iplane) = rm - plaint(iplane) end if c c Carry over expected interceptions on residues and plants c initially lir(i) = lip (i) = 0 for all i = 1, ..., ninten c cd Modified by S.Dun Nov 11,2003 totint = plaint(iplane)-pintlv(iplane) + resint(iplane) cd totint = plaint(iplane) + resint(iplane) cd End modifying. xy = 0.0 do 60 jj = 2, nf if ( then dtime = tr(jj) - tr(jj-1) temp = r(jj-1) * dtime if ( then tempi = temp - totint r(jj-1) = tempi / dtime totint = 0.0 else totint = totint - temp temp = 0.0 r(jj-1) = 0.0 end if end if xy = xy + r(jj-1) * (tr(jj)-tr(jj-1)) rr(jj) = xy 60 continue c return 1000 format (' *** Error in Climate file'/ 1 ' *** Duration less than or equal to zero'/) end