subroutine impreg c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c SR IMPREG is to modify the arrangment of flow regimes when c soil deposition occurs in an impoundment. This subroutine c was added as a new subroutine to the original WEPP code. c c Called from: SR IMPMAI c Author(s): S. Dun c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: c Date recoded: 01/12/99 c Recoded by: S.Dun c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c flags for if a structure exists in an impondment include '' c write: a,b,c,d,e,ha,ht,hlm,a0,a1,a2,l0,l1,l2,qinf,isize c include '' c generic variables needed by the impoundment component c include '' c write: d0,di,d100,sg,ndiv,ctd,cdp,hmin,hset,co,vs,cot include '' c here h is called c include '' c coefficients used for rearranging the flow regimes. include '' c Variables describing the feature of drop spillway. include '' c Variables describing culvert 1's feature. include '' c Variables describing culvert 2's feature. include '' c Variables describing rock-fill check dam's feature. include '' c Variables describing filterfence,straw bales or trash barriers. include '' c Variables describing perforated riser. c include '' c Flag for automatically cleanning. include '' c Sediment stage at last rearrangement time. c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer regflag c real c1wd,c1hitn,c1arn,c1hcv real c2wd,c2hitn,c2arn,c2hcv real rfh,ffh,hd real qpr(100), hpr(100), qb, hp, hpdel, qs, apr(5), hs, 1 y, ko, ab, qw, qoo ,hb,as c real hl(15,30) integer is, itf, ir(15), itr,i,j c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c regflag - flag for determining whether or not to rearrange the flow c regimes of the impondment. 0 for not, 1 for yes. c c c1arn - adjusted area of culvert inlet after sediment stage heigter c than inlet stage c c1hitn - adjusted height of culvert inlet c c1wd - culvert inlet's width c c1hcv - stage of the bottom of culvert 1's inlet c c c2arn - adjusted area of culvert inlet after sediment stage heigter c than inlet stage c c2hitn - adjusted height of culvert inlet c c2wd - culvert inlet's width c c2hcv - stage of the bottom of culvert 1's inlet c c rfh - Stage of the bottom of rock-fill check dam's inlet c c ffh - Inlet bottom stage of filterfence,straw bales or trash barriers c c c hl(i,j) - limiting lowest stage for outflow function i, flow regime j c i, j - both are dummy do loop variables c ir - initial flow regime dummy variable c is - dummy do loop variable c itr - flow regime indicator c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c If sediment stage haven't changed since last rearrangement, c this SR will not be used. if (abs(hmin(ipond)-sstage).lt.0.001) return c regflag=0 c c IF the impoundment is cleaning automatically at this day c or the sediment stage is higher than the original inlet's c bottom stage of Drop Spillway, then reassign the coefficients c for corresponding structures. c if(fids(ipond).ne.0) then if(hmin(ipond).gt.dhrs(ipond).or.atcln.eq.1) then regflag=1 do 50 i=1,3 dnfr(i,ipond) = 1 c do 40 j = 1, 10 daf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dbf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dcf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 ddf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 def(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhaf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhlf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhtf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 40 continue 50 continue c dbf(3,1,ipond)=10.0**8 c dcf(1,1,ipond) = 1.0 dcf(2,1,ipond) = 1.0 dcf(3,1,ipond) = 1.0 c dhaf(3,1,ipond) = -200.0 c c If the sediment stage is higher than the inlet's top stage of c the riser, then drop spillway cease to be effective. c if (atcln.eq.1) then c dcf(1,2,ipond) = 1.5 dcf(2,2,ipond) = 0.5 dcf(3,2,ipond) = 0.5 c dhaf(1,2,ipond) = dhrs(ipond) dhaf(2,2,ipond) = dhrs(ipond) c if(fids(ipond).eq.1) then daf(3,2,ipond) = dhblot(ipond) + 0.6 * ddiabl(ipond) c dbf(1,2,ipond) = dcoefw(ipond) * 22.0 / 7.0 * ddiars(ipond) dbf(2,2,ipond) = dcoefo(ipond) * 22.0 / 7.0 * ddiars(ipond) 1 ** 2.0 / 4.0 * (2*32.2)** 0.5 dbf(3,2,ipond) = 22.0 / 7.0 * ddiabl(ipond) ** 2.0 / 4.0 * 1 (2*32.2) ** 0.5/ (1.0+dke(ipond)+dkb(ipond)+dkc(ipond) 1 *(dlbl(ipond)+dhrh(ipond))) ** 0.5 c dhaf(3,2,ipond) = dhrs(ipond) - (dhrh(ipond)+dsbl(ipond)* 1 dlbl(ipond)-0.6*ddiabl(ipond)) c else if (fids(ipond).eq.2) then daf(3,2,ipond) =dhblot(ipond) + 0.6 * ddiabl(ipond) c dbf(1,2,ipond) = dcoefw(ipond) * 2.0 * (dlenrs(ipond)+ 1 dwidrs(ipond)) dbf(2,2,ipond) = dcoefo(ipond)*dlenrs(ipond)*dwidrs(ipond)* 1 (2*32.2) ** 0.5 dbf(3,2,ipond) = 22.0/7.0*ddiabl(ipond)** 2.0/4.0 *(2*32.2) 1 ** 0.5/ (1.0 +dke(ipond) +dkb(ipond) + dkc(ipond)* 1 (dlbl(ipond)+dhrh(ipond))) ** 0.5 c dhaf(3,2,ipond) = dhrs(ipond)-(dhrh(ipond)+dsbl(ipond)* 1 dlbl(ipond)-0.6*ddiabl(ipond)) c else if (fids(ipond).eq.3) then daf(3,2,ipond) = dhblot(ipond) + 0.6 * dhitbl(ipond) c dbf(1,2,ipond) = dcoefw(ipond) * 2.0 * (dlenrs(ipond)+ 1 dwidrs(ipond)) dbf(2,2,ipond) = dcoefo(ipond)*dlenrs(ipond) *dwidrs(ipond) 1 * (2*32.2) ** 0.5 dbf(3,2,ipond) = dhitbl(ipond) * dwdbl(ipond) * (2*32.2) ** 1 0.5 / (1.0+dke(ipond)+dkb(ipond)+dkc(ipond)*(dlbl(ipond) 1 +dhrh(ipond))) ** 0.5 c dhaf(3,2,ipond) = dhrs(ipond) - (dhrh(ipond)+dsbl(ipond)* 1 dlbl(ipond)-0.6*dhitbl(ipond)) c end if c do 30 i = 1, 3 dhlf(i,2,ipond) = dhaf(i,2,ipond) dhtf(i,2,ipond) = dhrs(ipond) if(dhlf(i,2,ipond).gt.dhtf(i,2,ipond)) 1 dhtf(i,2,ipond)=dhlf(i,2,ipond) dnfr(i,ipond) = 2 30 continue endif endif endif c c IF the impoundment is cleaning automatically at this day c or the sediment stage is higher than the original inlet's c bottom stage of culvert 1, then reassign the coefficients c for corresponding structures. c c if(fcv1(ipond).ne.0) then if(hmin(ipond).gt.c1h(ipond).or.atcln.eq.1) then regflag=1 do 60 i=4,6 dnfr(i,ipond) = 1 c do 70 j = 1, 10 daf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dbf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dcf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 ddf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 def(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhaf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhlf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhtf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 70 continue 60 continue c daf(5,1,ipond) = 10.0**8 c dbf(4,1,ipond) = 1.0 dbf(5,1,ipond) = 1.0 dbf(6,1,ipond)=10.0**8 c dcf(4,1,ipond) = 1.0 dcf(5,1,ipond) = 10.0**8 dcf(6,1,ipond) = 1.0 c ddf(5,1,ipond) = 1.0 c dhaf(6,1,ipond) = -200.0 c c If the sediment stage is higher than the inlet's top stage of c culvert 1, then culvert 1 cease to be effective. c if (hmin(ipond).lt.(c1h(ipond)+c1hit(ipond)).or. 1 atcln.eq.1) then c dnfr(4,ipond) = 2 dnfr(5,ipond) = 2 dnfr(6,ipond) = 2 c c calculate the changed height and area of culvert's inlet. c the inlet shape we consider as following is rectangular. c1wd=c1ar(ipond)/c1hit(ipond) c1hitn=(c1hit(ipond)-(hmin(ipond)-c1h(ipond))) c1arn=c1hitn*c1wd c1hcv=hmin(ipond) c if(atcln.eq.1) then c1arn=c1ar(ipond) c1hitn=c1hit(ipond) c1hcv=c1h(ipond) endif c daf(4,2,ipond) = c1arn * c1hitn ** 0.5 * float(c1ncv(ipond)) daf(5,2,ipond) = c1arn * c1hitn ** 0.5 * float(c1ncv(ipond)) daf(6,2,ipond) = c1hot(ipond) + 0.6 * c1hit(ipond) c dbf(4,2,ipond) = c1hitn * c1kus(ipond) dbf(5,2,ipond) = c1hitn dbf(6,2,ipond) = c1ar(ipond) * (2.*32.2) ** 0.5 1 / (1.0+c1ke(ipond)+c1kb(ipond)+c1kc(ipond)*c1l(ipond)) ** 0.5 1 * float(c1ncv(ipond)) c dcf(4,2,ipond) = 1 / c1mus(ipond) dcf(5,2,ipond) = 0.5 * c1s(ipond) - c1ys(ipond) dcf(6,2,ipond) = 0.5 c ddf(5,2,ipond) = c1cs(ipond) c dhaf(4,2,ipond) = c1hcv dhaf(5,2,ipond) = c1hcv dhaf(6,2,ipond) = dhaf(6,2,ipond) c dhlf(4,2,ipond) = c1hcv dhlf(5,2,ipond) = (dhaf(5,2,ipond)-dcf(5,2,ipond) 1 *dbf(5,2,ipond)) + 0.0001 dhlf(6,2,ipond) = dhaf(6,2,ipond) c dhtf(4,2,ipond) = c1hcv dhtf(5,2,ipond) = c1h(ipond) + c1hit(ipond) - 0.0001 if(dhlf(5,2,ipond).gt.dhtf(5,2,ipond)) 1 dhtf(5,2,ipond)=dhlf(5,2,ipond) dhtf(6,2,ipond) = c1hcv if(dhlf(6,2,ipond).gt.dhtf(6,2,ipond)) 1 dhtf(6,2,ipond)=dhlf(6,2,ipond) endif endif endif c c IF the impoundment is cleaning automatically at this day c or the sediment stage is higher than the original inlet's c bottom stage of culvert 2, then reassign the coefficients c for corresponding structures. c if(fcv2(ipond).ne.0) then if(hmin(ipond).gt.c2h(ipond).or.atcln.eq.1) then regflag=1 do 80 i=7,9 dnfr(i,ipond) = 1 c do 90 j = 1, 10 daf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dbf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dcf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 ddf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 def(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhaf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhlf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhtf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 90 continue 80 continue c daf(8,1,ipond) = 10.0**8 c dbf(7,1,ipond) = 1.0 dbf(8,1,ipond) = 1.0 dbf(9,1,ipond)=10.0**8 c dcf(7,1,ipond) = 1.0 dcf(8,1,ipond) = 10.0**8 dcf(9,1,ipond) = 1.0 c ddf(8,1,ipond) = 1.0 c dhaf(9,1,ipond) = -200.0 c c If the sediment stage is higher than the inlet's top stage of c culvert 2, then culvert 2 cease to be effective. c if (hmin(ipond).lt.(c2h(ipond)+c2hit(ipond)).or. 1 atcln.eq.1) then c dnfr(7,ipond) = 2 dnfr(8,ipond) = 2 dnfr(9,ipond) = 2 c c calculate the changed height and area of culvert's inlet. c the inlet shape we consider as following is rectangular. c2wd=c2ar(ipond)/c2hit(ipond) c2hitn=(c2hit(ipond)-(hmin(ipond)-c2h(ipond))) c2arn=c2hitn*c2wd c2hcv=hmin(ipond) c if(atcln.eq.1) then c2arn=c2ar(ipond) c2hitn=c2hit(ipond) c2hcv=c2h(ipond) endif c daf(7,2,ipond) = c2arn * c2hitn ** 0.5 * float(c2ncv(ipond)) daf(8,2,ipond) = c2arn * c2hitn ** 0.5 * float(c2ncv(ipond)) daf(9,2,ipond) = c2hot(ipond) + 0.6 * c2hit(ipond) c dbf(7,2,ipond) = c2hitn * c2kus(ipond) dbf(8,2,ipond) = c2hitn dbf(9,2,ipond) = c2ar(ipond) * (2.*32.2) ** 0.5 1 / (1.0+c2ke(ipond)+c2kb(ipond)+c2kc(ipond)*c2l(ipond)) ** 0.5 1 * float(c2ncv(ipond)) c dcf(7,2,ipond) = 1 / c2mus(ipond) dcf(8,2,ipond) = 0.5 * c2s(ipond) - c2ys(ipond) dcf(9,2,ipond) = 0.5 c ddf(8,2,ipond) = c2cs(ipond) c dhaf(7,2,ipond) = c2hcv dhaf(8,2,ipond) = c2hcv dhaf(9,2,ipond) = dhaf(9,2,ipond) c dhlf(7,2,ipond) = c2hcv dhlf(8,2,ipond) = (dhaf(8,2,ipond)-dcf(8,2,ipond) 1 *dbf(8,2,ipond)) + 0.0001 dhlf(9,2,ipond) = dhaf(9,2,ipond) c dhtf(7,2,ipond) = c2hcv dhtf(8,2,ipond) = c2h(ipond) + c2hit(ipond) - 0.0001 if(dhlf(8,2,ipond).gt.dhtf(8,2,ipond)) 1 dhtf(8,2,ipond)=dhlf(8,2,ipond) dhtf(9,2,ipond) = c2hcv if(dhlf(9,2,ipond).gt.dhtf(9,2,ipond)) 1 dhtf(9,2,ipond)=dhlf(9,2,ipond) endif endif endif c c IF the impoundment is cleaning automatically at this day c or the sediment stage is higher than the original inlet's c bottom stage of the Rock-fill check dam, then reassign the c coefficients for corresponding structure. c if(firf(ipond).ne.0) then if(hmin(ipond).gt.rhrf(ipond)*3.281.or.atcln.eq.1) then regflag=1 c c set coefficients for no flow regime dnfr(10,ipond) = 1 c do 100 j = 1, 10 daf(10,j,ipond) = 0.0 dbf(10,j,ipond) = 0.0 dcf(10,j,ipond) = 0.0 ddf(10,j,ipond) = 0.0 def(10,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhaf(10,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhlf(10,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhtf(10,j,ipond) = 0.0 100 continue c dbf(10,1,ipond) = 1.0 dcf(10,1,ipond) = 1.0 c c If the sediment stage is higher than the inlet's top stage of c the rock-fill checkdam, only 2 flow regimes for this structure. c no flow and overtopping flow. c if(hmin(ipond).ge.rhotrf(ipond)*3.281) then dnfr(10,ipond)=2 c dhaf(10,2,ipond)=hmin(ipond) dhtf(10,2,ipond)=dhaf(10,2,ipond)+0.001 dhlf(10,2,ipond)=dhtf(10,2,ipond) dbf(10,2,ipond) = 1.0 dcf(10,2,ipond) = 1.0 ddf(10,2,ipond)=3.087*rwdrf(ipond)*3.281 def(10,2,ipond)=dhaf(10,2,ipond) endif c if (hmin(ipond).lt.(rhotrf(ipond))*3.281.or.atcln.eq.1) then c dnfr(10,ipond) = 3 c if(atcln.eq.1) then rfh=rhrf(ipond)*3.281 else rfh=hmin(ipond) endif c dhaf(10,2,ipond)=rfh dhtf(10,2,ipond)=dhaf(10,2,ipond)+0.001 dhlf(10,2,ipond)=dhtf(10,2,ipond) daf(10,2,ipond) =rwdrf(ipond)*3.281**3.0 dbf(10,2,ipond) = rlnrf(ipond)*rarf(ipond)*3.281 dcf(10,2,ipond) = 1 / rbrf(ipond) c dhaf(10,3,ipond)=rfh dhtf(10,3,ipond)=rhotrf(ipond)*3.281 dhlf(10,3,ipond)=dhtf(10,3,ipond) daf(10,3,ipond) =daf(10,2,ipond) dbf(10,3,ipond) =dbf(10,2,ipond) dcf(10,3,ipond) =dcf(10,2,ipond) ddf(10,3,ipond)=3.087*rwdrf(ipond)*3.281 def(10,3,ipond)=dhtf(10,3,ipond) c endif endif endif c c IF the impoundment is cleaning automatically at this day c or the sediment stage is higher than the original inlet's c bottom stage of filterfence or straw bales, then reassign c the coefficients for corresponding structure. c if(fiff(ipond).ne.0) then if(hmin(ipond).gt.fhff(ipond).or.atcln.eq.1) then regflag=1 c c set coefficients for no flow regime dnfr(12,ipond) = 1 c do 110 j = 1, 10 daf(12,j,ipond) = 0.0 dbf(12,j,ipond) = 0.0 dcf(12,j,ipond) = 0.0 ddf(12,j,ipond) = 0.0 def(12,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhaf(12,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhlf(12,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhtf(12,j,ipond) = 0.0 110 continue c c If the sediment stage is higher than the inlet's top stage of c the filterfence or straw bales, only 2 flow regimes for this c flow and overtopping flow. c if(hmin(ipond).ge.fhotff(ipond)) then dnfr(12,ipond)=2 c dhaf(12,2,ipond)=hmin(ipond) dhtf(12,2,ipond)=dhaf(12,2,ipond)+0.001 dhlf(12,2,ipond)=dhtf(12,2,ipond) dbf(12,2,ipond)=3.087*fwdff(ipond) endif c if (hmin(ipond).lt.(fhotff(ipond)).or.atcln.eq.1) then c dnfr(12,ipond) = 3 c if(atcln.eq.1) then ffh=fhff(ipond) else ffh=hmin(ipond) endif c dhaf(12,2,ipond)=ffh dhtf(12,2,ipond)=dhaf(12,2,ipond)+0.001 dhlf(12,2,ipond)=dhtf(12,2,ipond) daf(12,2,ipond) =fwdff(ipond)*fvsl(ipond) c dhaf(12,3,ipond)=ffh dhtf(12,3,ipond)=fhotff(ipond) dhlf(12,3,ipond)=dhtf(12,3,ipond) daf(12,3,ipond) =daf(12,2,ipond) if(fiff(ipond).eq.1) then c choosing sharp crested weir for filterfence dbf(12,3,ipond) =3.27*fwdff(ipond) dcf(12,3,ipond) =0.4/(fhotff(ipond)-fhff(ipond)) 1 *fwdff(ipond) else c choosing broad crested weir for straw bales dbf(12,3,ipond)=3.087*fwdff(ipond) endif ddf(12,3,ipond)= fhotff(ipond) c endif endif endif c c IF the impoundment is cleaning automatically at this day c or the sediment stage is higher than the bottom stage of c the slots on a perforated riser, then reassign the c coefficients for corresponding structure. c if(fipr(ipond).ne.0) then if(hmin(ipond) then regflag=1 c c set coefficients for no flow regime do 120 i= 13,15 dnfr(i,ipond) = 1 c do 125 j = 1, 10 daf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dbf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dcf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 ddf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 def(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhaf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhlf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 dhtf(i,j,ipond) = 0.0 125 continue 120 continue c dbf(13,1,ipond) = 1.0 dhaf(13,1,ipond) = -0.01 c dcf(15,1,ipond)= 1.0 c c If the sediment stage is higher than the inlet's top stage of c the perforated riser. This structure cease to be effective. c if(hmin(ipond).le.phr(ipond).or.atcln.eq.1) then if(atcln.eq.1) then hb=phb(ipond) hs=phs(ipond) hd=phd(ipond) as=pas(ipond) else hb=phb(ipond)+(hmin(ipond)-phd(ipond)) hd=hmin(ipond) if(hmin(ipond).ge.(phd(ipond)+phs(ipond)-0.001)) then hs=0.001 as=0.0 else hs=phs(ipond)-(hmin(ipond)-phd(ipond)) as=pas(ipond) endif endif c c determining stage discharge relationship for unsubmerged c flow in riser c ko = exp(-0.60721+0.329229*pdiab(ipond)/pdiar(ipond)) ab = 22.0 / 7.0 * pdiab(ipond) ** 2 / 4.0 c i = 1 hpdel = 0.05 hp = hpdel y = -hb c 240 qb = pcb(ipond) * ab * (64.4*(hb+y)) ** 0.5 c if ( then i = 1 hpdel = hpdel * 2.0 hp = hpdel y = -hb go to 240 end if c if ( then c if (y.le.0.0) then qs = 2.0 / 3.0 * (pcs(ipond)*pas(ipond)/hs) * 64.4 1 ** 0.5 * hp ** 1.5 else qs = (pcs(ipond)*pas(ipond)/hs) * 64.4 ** 0.5 * 1 (y*(hp-y)**0.5+(2./3.)*(hp-y)**1.5) end if c else c if (hp.le.(phr(ipond)-hd)) then c if (y.le.0.0) then qs = (2./3.) * (pcs(ipond)*pas(ipond)/hs) * 64.4 ** 1 0.5 * (hp**1.5-(hp-hs)**1.5) c else if (y.le.hs) then c qs = (pcs(ipond)*pas(ipond)/hs) * 64.4 ** 0.5 * 1 (y*(hp-y)**0.5+(2./3.)*((hp-y)**1.5-(hp-hs)**1.5)) else qs = (pcs(ipond)*pas(ipond)) * (64.4*(hp-y)) ** 0.5 end if c else qw = pcoefw(ipond) * 22.0 / 7.0 * pdiar(ipond) 1 * (hp-(phr(ipond)-hd)) ** 1.5 qoo = pcoefo(ipond) * 22.0 / 7.0 * pdiar(ipond) 1 ** 2 / 4.0 * (hp-(phr(ipond)-hd))** 0.5 c if (y.le.0.0) then qs = (2./3.) * (pcs(ipond)*pas(ipond)/hs) * 64.4 ** 1 0.5 * (hp**1.5-(hp-hs)**1.5) + min(qw,qoo) c else if (y.le.hs) then c qs = (pcs(ipond)*pas(ipond)/hs) * 64.4 ** 0.5 * 1 (y*(hp-y)**0.5+(2./3.)*( 1 (hp-y)**1.5-(hp-hs)**1.5)) + min(qw,qoo) else qs = (pcs(ipond)*pas(ipond)) * (64.4*(hp-y)) ** 0.5 + 1 min(qw,qoo) end if c end if c end if c if ( then y = y + 0.0001 c if ( then qpr(i) = qb hpr(i) = hp i = i + 1 hp = hp + hpdel go to 240 c else if ( then c i = i - 1 go to 250 end if c go to 240 c else c qpr(i) = qs hpr(i) = hp i = i + 1 hp = hp + hpdel go to 240 end if c c run regression routine on hpr and qpr to determine function c coefficients c 250 call impris(i,hpr,qpr,apr) c daf(13,2,ipond) = 1.0 daf(14,2,ipond) = pcb(ipond) * ab * 64.4 ** 0.5 c dbf(13,2,ipond) = apr(1) dbf(15,2,ipond) = 22.0 / 7.0 * pdiabl(ipond) ** 2.0 / 4.0 * 1 (2*32.2) ** 0.5 /(1.0+pke(ipond)+pkb(ipond)+pkc(ipond) 1 *plbl(ipond)+ko) c dcf(13,2,ipond) = apr(2) dcf(15,2,ipond) = 0.5 c dhaf(13,2,ipond) = hd dhaf(14,2,ipond) = phd(ipond)-phb(ipond) dhaf(15,2,ipond) = phr(ipond) - (phrh(ipond)+psbl(ipond)* 1 plbl(ipond)-0.6*pdiabl(ipond)) c dhlf(13,2,ipond) = hd dhlf(14,2,ipond) = phd(ipond)-phb(ipond) dhlf(15,2,ipond) = dhaf(15,2,ipond) c dhtf(13,2,ipond) = hd dhtf(14,2,ipond) = hd dhtf(15,2,ipond) = hd c c setting outflow functions for flow through a submerged riser c (flow regime #3) c daf(13,3,ipond) = 10000000.0 dbf(13,3,ipond) = 1.0 dcf(13,3,ipond) = 1.0 c dhtf(13,3,ipond) = hpr(i)+hd c dnfr(13,ipond) = 3 dnfr(14,ipond) = 2 dnfr(15,ipond) = 2 c endif endif endif if(regflag.eq.0) return c sstage=hmin(ipond) c c Rearrange the flow regimes. itr = 1 c do 10 j=1,mxrgm ht(j,ipond)=0.0 hlm(j,ipond)=0.0 do 20 i=1,mxstc a(i,j,ipond)=0.0 b(i,j,ipond)=0.0 c(i,j,ipond)=0.0 d(i,j,ipond)=0.0 e(i,j,ipond)=0.0 ha(i,j,ipond)=0.0 20 continue 10 continue c do 260 i = 1, 15 ir(i) = 1 260 continue c ht(itr,ipond) = 0.0 c 280 itf = 0 c do 290 is = 1, 15 c if (ht(itr,ipond).ge.dhtf(is,ir(is),ipond)) then a(is,itr,ipond) = daf(is,ir(is),ipond) b(is,itr,ipond) = dbf(is,ir(is),ipond) c(is,itr,ipond) = dcf(is,ir(is),ipond) d(is,itr,ipond) = ddf(is,ir(is),ipond) e(is,itr,ipond) = def(is,ir(is),ipond) ha(is,itr,ipond) = dhaf(is,ir(is),ipond) hl(is,itr) = dhlf(is,ir(is),ipond) c if (ir(is).eq.(dnfr(is,ipond)+1)) then a(is,itr,ipond) = daf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) b(is,itr,ipond) = dbf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) c(is,itr,ipond) = dcf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) d(is,itr,ipond) = ddf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) e(is,itr,ipond) = def(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) ha(is,itr,ipond) = dhaf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) hl(is,itr) = dhlf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) else ir(is) = ir(is) + 1 itf = 1 end if c else c c continue c a(is,itr,ipond) = daf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) b(is,itr,ipond) = dbf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) c(is,itr,ipond) = dcf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) d(is,itr,ipond) = ddf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) e(is,itr,ipond) = def(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) ha(is,itr,ipond) = dhaf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) hl(is,itr) = dhlf(is,(ir(is)-1),ipond) end if c 290 continue c if (itf.eq.1) then itr = itr + 1 ht(itr,ipond) = ht(itr-1,ipond) + 0.005 else ht(itr,ipond) = ht(itr,ipond) + 0.005 end if c if (ht(itr,ipond).ge.(hot(ipond)+5.0)) then ht(itr,ipond) = hot(ipond) + 200.0 nt(ipond) = itr go to 300 else go to 280 end if c c determining the stage below which one of the outflow functions c blows up 300 do 320 itr = 1, nt(ipond) hlm(itr,ipond) = 0.0 c do 310 is = 1, 15 if (hl(is,itr).ge.hlm(itr,ipond)) then hlm(itr,ipond) = hl(is,itr) end if 310 continue c 320 continue c atcln=0 c return end