subroutine init1(nowcrp) c c******************************************************************* c * c Initialize variables used in decomposition subroutine. * c Calculates initial surface residue, submerged residue * c and root masses on the first day of simulation. * c * c******************************************************************* c c******************************************************************* c * c Arguments * integer nowcrp c nowcrp : * c * c******************************************************************* c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c Common Blocks * c * c******************************************************************** c c c include '' c include '' c c****************************************************************** c * c cover variables updated * c rilcov(mxplan) * c * c****************************************************************** c include '' include '' c c******************************************************************* c * c crpvr1 variables updated * c rmogt(mxres,mxplan), rmagt(mxplan) c rtm(mxres,mxplan), smrm(mxres,mxplan) * c * c******************************************************************* c include '' c c******************************************************************** c * c crpvr2 variables updated * c vdmt(mxplan) * c * c******************************************************************** c include '' c c********************************************************************* c * c crpvr3 variables updated * c sumgdd(mxplan), bb(ntype), vdmmax(mxplan) * c * c********************************************************************* c c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c modify: gcvplt(mxplan),mantyp(mxplan) c include '' c c********************************************************************* c * c peren variables updated * c srmhav * c * c********************************************************************* c include '' c c********************************************************************** c * c ridge variables updated * c rilrm(mxres,mxplan), rigrm(mxres,mxplan), rigcov(mxplan) * c * c********************************************************************** c include '' include '' include '' c * c Local Variables * c stemar : * c areacv : * c * c********************************************************************* c-----------------------------------------------------------------------* real areacv, stemar, stuff, ytntop, ytnbot, wght1, ch, h, 1 vdmxx,biomas integer nowres c nowres = 1 iroot(1,iplane) = iresd(nowres,iplane) areacv = pltsp(iresd(nowres,iplane)) * rw(nowcrp,iplane) c popmat(iplane) = (1.0/areacv) stemar = 3.14 * (diam(iresd(nowres,iplane))**2) / 4.0 basmat(iplane) = popmat(iplane) * stemar c wght1 = (rspace(iplane)-width(iplane)) / rspace(iplane) rescov(iplane) = wght1 * inrcov(iplane) + (1.0-wght1) * 1 rilcov(iplane) rigcov(iplane) = inrcov(iplane) c c Following 2 variables are used in Ksat macroporosity c adjustments (currently neutered - 12/1/93) dcf mantyp(iplane) = imngmt(nowcrp,iplane) gcvplt(iplane) = 0.5 * rescov(iplane) c c Assume that no standing residue exists, since input information c on type of residue management and type of tillage after harvest c is not available. RMAGT = 0 dcf 11/30/93 c rmagt(iplane) = 0.0 c c Use input initial conditions and other information about c crops and temperatures to determine the correct canopy c cover for day 1 of a continuous simulation c if (imodel.eq.1) then c c ----- ANNUAL CROP if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.1) then c c ------- SUMMER ANNUAL - not planted yet so no canopy possible if (jdplt(nowcrp,iplane).lt.jdharv(nowcrp,iplane)) then cancov(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c ----- PERENNIAL CROP else if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.2) then c c ------- IF a planting date exists - no living crop should be c present - thus set canopy cover to zero c if (jdplt(nowcrp,iplane).gt.0) then cancov(iplane) = 0.0 c c ELSE, a planting date of zero was input, indicating that c a living perennial is already present c else c c ESTABLISHED PERENNIALS - initialize root depth/mass if (rdmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)).lt. 1 solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane)) then rtd(iplane) = rdmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) else rtd(iplane) = solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) end if c rtmass(iplane) = rtmmax(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) c if (rtd(iplane).gt.0.60) then rtm15(iplane) = 0.42 * rtmass(iplane) rtm30(iplane) = 0.28 * rtmass(iplane) rtm60(iplane) = 0.20 * rtmass(iplane) else if (rtd(iplane).gt.0.30) then rtm15(iplane) = 0.45 * rtmass(iplane) rtm30(iplane) = 0.30 * rtmass(iplane) rtm60(iplane) = 0.25 * rtmass(iplane) else if (rtd(iplane).gt.0.15) then rtm15(iplane) = 0.60 * rtmass(iplane) rtm30(iplane) = 0.40 * rtmass(iplane) rtm60(iplane) = 0.0 else rtm15(iplane) = rtmass(iplane) rtm30(iplane) = 0.0 rtm60(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c c FOLLOWING SECTION OF CODE commented out 4/19/94 because at c the point where INIT1 is called the first day's value for c variable "tmnavg" has not been determined yet. By commenting c this section out in the initialization, the initial canopy c cover input may have an impact on day 1 of the simulation - c but will be converted to dead residue on day 2 if in too c cold of a climate. dcf 4/19/94 c c If temperature is too cold - we need to freeze above c ground live canopy and convert it to standing dead c residue c c if (tmnavg.le.tmpmin(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) then c c Compute vegetative biomass from canopy cover (CANCOV). c c biomas = log(1.0-cancov(iplane)) / (- c 1 bb(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) c if ( biomas = 0.0 c rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) + biomas c c Reset live canopy cover to zero for perennial present c c cancov(iplane) = 0.0 c end if cd Added by S.Dun, March 17, 2006 if (cancov(iplane).GT.1.0) then cancov(iplane) = 0.999999 endif biomas = log(1.0-cancov(iplane)) / (- 1 bb(itype(nowcrp,iplane))) if ( biomas = 0.0 vdmt(iplane) = vdmt(iplane) + biomas cd End adding end if c c ELSE for FALLOW (imngmt = 3), no live canopy possible else cancov(iplane) = 0.0 end if end if c c CODE to calculate minimum day length for input latitude moved c before the first return statement to prevent model bombing c if input value for inrcov is 0.0. (MAKES ytn undefined) dcf c c calculate minimum day length for the input latitude c c Code changed due to problem with tangent function on c AT&T 6300 machine using Lahey compiler - dcf 10/2/91 c c original code c ytn = tan(deglat / 58.09) c stuff = deglat / 58.09 ytntop = sin(stuff) ytnbot = cos(stuff) ytn = ytntop / ytnbot c ch = .4349 * abs(ytn) if ( then h = 0. else h = acos(ch) end if daymin = 7.72 * h c c --- IF FLAT OR STANDING RESIDUE COVER OR LIVE CANOPY COVER c EXISTS - then initialize the residue and plant mass variables c if (rescov(iplane).gt.0.0.or.cancov(iplane).gt.0.0.or. 1 rmagt(iplane).gt.0.0) then c c calculate the maximum vegetative dry matter for the c previous crop (current residue), the standing residue c mass after harvest, and the current standing residue cover c vdmxx = log(1.-0.95) / (-bb(iresd(nowres,iplane))) srmhav(iplane) = vdmxx * partcf(iresd(nowres,iplane)) c strcov = rmagt(iplane) / srmhav(iplane) * basmat(iplane) c c calculate initial residue mass c rilrm(nowres,iplane) = log(1.-rilcov(iplane)) / (- 1 cf(iresd(nowres,iplane))) rigrm(nowres,iplane) = log(1.-rigcov(iplane)) / (- 1 cf(iresd(nowres,iplane))) rmogt(nowres,iplane) = wght1 * rigrm(nowres,iplane) + (1.0-wght1 1 ) * rilrm(nowres,iplane) c c pop - current dead stalk population ( used in sndrft ) c c added trap to prevent divide by zero if user has input a c value of zero for cutting height (making partcf = 0.0 ) c dcf 3/8/94 c if(srmhav(iplane) .gt. 0.0)then pop(iplane) = (rmagt(iplane)/srmhav(iplane)) * popmat(iplane) else pop(iplane) = 0.0 endif c if (pop(iplane).gt.popmat(iplane)) pop(iplane) = 1 popmat(iplane) c c Initialize submerged residue and dead root mass c For submerged residue - assume initial value is 5% of the c flat residue amount. For dead roots, assume that the initial c value is 25% of the sum of the flat and standing residues c c Comment out the following 6 lines - change to a user input c the values for initial submerged residue mass and dead roots. c dcf 5/3/94 c smrm(nowres,iplane) = rmogt(nowres,iplane) * 0.05 c rtm(nowres,iplane) = (rmogt(nowres,iplane)+rmagt(iplane)) * 0.25 c c if (imngmt(nowres,iplane).eq.2) then c if (rtm(nowres,iplane).gt.rtmmax(itype(nowres,iplane))) c 1 rtm(nowres,iplane) = rtmmax(itype(nowres,iplane)) c end if c c ... Initial live biomass and cumulated growing degree days are c computed based on the initial canopy cover given by the c user. If initial canopy cover is 0., then crop variables c are set to 0. c if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).ne.3) then c if (cancov(iplane).gt.0.0) then call initgr(nowcrp) c c Initialize Live root mass and depth variables for Annuals c (Perennials are initialized at top - where check for c freezing of live canopy is made.) c c ANNUALS - assume root depth at RSR*CANHGT if (imngmt(nowcrp,iplane).eq.1) then rtd(iplane) = rsr(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) * canhgt(iplane) if (rtd(iplane).gt.solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane)) 1 rtd(iplane) = solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane) rtmass(iplane) = rsr(itype(nowcrp,iplane)) * 1 vdmt(iplane) if (rtd(iplane).gt.0.60) then rtm15(iplane) = 0.42 * rtmass(iplane) rtm30(iplane) = 0.28 * rtmass(iplane) rtm60(iplane) = 0.20 * rtmass(iplane) else if (rtd(iplane).gt.0.30) then rtm15(iplane) = 0.45 * rtmass(iplane) rtm30(iplane) = 0.30 * rtmass(iplane) rtm60(iplane) = 0.25 * rtmass(iplane) else if (rtd(iplane).gt.0.15) then rtm15(iplane) = 0.60 * rtmass(iplane) rtm30(iplane) = 0.40 * rtmass(iplane) rtm60(iplane) = 0.0 else rtm15(iplane) = rtmass(iplane) rtm30(iplane) = 0.0 rtm60(iplane) = 0.0 end if end if end if end if end if c return end