subroutine irinpt(iplant) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subprogram reads information from the irrigation data file(s) c during initialization calls. This subprogram is called from c subprogram INPUT. c c Written by E. R. Kottwitz c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + integer iplant c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c iplant - code for vegetation type (1-crop, 2-range, 3-forest) c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: ibyear include '' c read: rowspc(mxplan) include '' c read: ifsver, idsver include '' c modify: irbeg(mxplan),irdmin,yrbeg(mxplan) c read: deplev(mxplan),irend(mxplan),yrend(mxplan) include '' c modify: irday(mxplan),iryr(mxplan) include '' c modify: depsrg(mxplan) c read: endpln(mxplan),filrat(mxplan),florat(mxplan), c timest(mxplan) include '' c modify: irschd(mxplan),irsyst include '' c read: aprati(mxplan),irdmax,irrate(mxplan),nozzle(iplane) include '' c modify: iplane include '' c read: nplan c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer irflag, ofeflg c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c irflag - flag used to determine if irsyst will be set equal c to zero c ofeflg - flag used to affirm that data file has correct format c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c Irrigation scheduling scheme is initially the same for all OFE's. c if ( then do 10 iplane = 2, nplane irschd(iplane) = irschd(1) 10 continue end if if (irsyst.eq.1) then c c ----- SOLID-SET, SIDE-ROLL OR HAND-MOVE SYSTEM ----- c c If the following is true then read parameters for depletion c level irrigation scheduling. c if (irschd(1).ne.2) then read (15,*) irdmin, irdmax if ( irdmin = 0.025 do 20 iplane = 1, nplane c c if idsver(depletion level data version read in) c is less than 94.21 NOZZLE is not c present, read old format and set NOZZLE(iplane)=1.0 c if( read (15,*) ofeflg, irrate(iplane), aprati(iplane), 1 deplev(iplane),irbeg(iplane), 2 yrbeg(iplane), irend(iplane), yrend(iplane) nozzle(iplane)=1.0 else read (15,*) ofeflg, irrate(iplane), aprati(iplane), 1 deplev(iplane), nozzle(iplane),irbeg(iplane), 2 yrbeg(iplane), irend(iplane), yrend(iplane) endif if ( write (6,1200) if (irbeg(iplane).eq.0) then if (irschd(iplane).eq.3) then irschd(iplane) = 2 else irschd(iplane) = 0 end if end if 20 continue end if c c If the following is true then read parameters for fixed date c irrigation scheduling. c if (irschd(1).ge.2) then do 30 iplane = 1, nplane read (14,*) ofeflg, irday(iplane), iryr(iplane) if ( write (6,1200) if (irday(iplane).eq.0) then if (irschd(iplane).eq.3) then irschd(iplane) = 1 else irschd(iplane) = 0 end if end if 30 continue end if else c c ----- FURROW SYSTEM ----- c c Furrow irrigation is not available with contour practices. c if (rowspc(1).gt..000001) then write (6,1000) irsyst = 0 go to 70 end if c c Furrow irrigation is not available for range or forest c vegetation. c if ( then write (6,1100) irsyst = 0 go to 70 end if c c If the following is true then read parameters for depletion c level irrigation scheduling. c if (irschd(1).ne.2) then read (15,*) irdmin if ( irdmin = 0.025 do 40 iplane = 1, nplane read (15,*) ofeflg, endpln(iplane), florat(iplane), 1 timest(iplane), depsrg(iplane), filrat(iplane), 1 deplev(iplane), irbeg(iplane), yrbeg(iplane), 1 irend(iplane), yrend(iplane) if ( write (6,1200) if (depsrg(iplane).gt.6) depsrg(iplane) = 6 if (depsrg(iplane).eq.3) depsrg(iplane) = 4 if (irbeg(iplane).eq.0) then if (irschd(iplane).eq.3) then irschd(iplane) = 2 else irschd(iplane) = 0 end if end if 40 continue end if c c If the following is true then read parameters for fixed date c irrigation scheduling. c if (irschd(1).ge.2) then do 50 iplane = 1, nplane read (14,*) ofeflg, irday(iplane), iryr(iplane) if ( write (6,1200) if (irday(iplane).eq.0) then if (irschd(iplane).eq.3) then irschd(iplane) = 1 else irschd(iplane) = 0 end if end if 50 continue end if end if c c ----- CHECK WHETHER ANY IRRIGATIONS WILL OCCUR ----- c irflag = 0 do 60 iplane = 1, nplane irflag = max(irflag,irschd(iplane)) 60 continue if (irflag.eq.0) irsyst = 0 c 70 return 1000 format (/' Furrow irrigation has been indicated with contour'/ 1 ' farming practices. This combination is not supported'/ 1 ' and simulation will continue without irrigation.') 1100 format (/ 1 ' Furrow irrigation has been indicated on range or forest'/ 1 ' vegetation. This combination is not supported and'/ 1 ' simulation will continue without irrigation.'/) 1200 format (/ 1 ' Irrigation data file has improper format. Irrigations',/ 1 ' will not occur as planned.') end