subroutine irprnt c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subroutine prints information to the "single storm" output c file. This subprogram is called from subprogram FURROW. c c Written by E. R. Kottwitz c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c read: aveks(mxplan),avesm(mxplan),avsat(mxplan) include '' c read: avpor(mxplan) include '' c read: accgav include '' c read: cancov(mxplan),gcover(mxplan) include '' c read: slplen(mxplan) include '' c read: frctrl(iplane) include '' c read: qspply(mxsrg),surge,tend(mxsrg),tstart(mxsrg) include '' c read: kosta,kostf,kostk include '' c read: irofe include '' c read: ks(mxplan),sm(mxplan),por(mxnsl,mxplan),sat(mxplan) include '' c read: avgslp(mxplan) include '' c read: iplane include '' c read: nsl(mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real chezyc integer prtflg c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c chezyc - Chezy friction coefficient (m**(0.5)/s) c prtflg - flag indicating whether this subprogram has been accessed c before (0-no, 1-yes) c c + + + SAVES + + + save prtflg c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + data prtflg /0/ c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c ... Write output header if this is the first time this subprogram has c been called. c if (prtflg.eq.0) then write (32,1000) prtflg = 1 end if c c ... Write overland flow element number. c write (32,1900) iplane c c ... Written output depends on whether current overland flow element is c above or below the irrigation water supply point. c if ( then write (32,1100) else write (32,1500) ks(iplane) * 3.6e6, sm(iplane) * 1000., 1 por(nsl(iplane),iplane), sat(iplane) * 100., 1 cancov(iplane) * 100., gcover(iplane) * 100. write (32,1800) kostk, kosta, kostf chezyc = sqrt(8.*avgslp(iplane)*accgav/frctrl(iplane)) write (32,1600) slplen(iplane), avgslp(iplane), chezyc write (32,1700) aveks(iplane) * 3.6e6, avesm(iplane) * 1000., 1 avpor(iplane), avsat(iplane) if ( then write (32,1200) do 10 srg = 1, surge write (32,1300) srg, qspply(srg), tstart(srg), tend(srg) 10 continue write (32,1400) end if end if return 1000 format (//'I. SINGLE STORM HYDROLOGY'/2x,9('-'),1x,5('-'),1x,36( 1 '-')//) 1100 format (/30x,27('*')/30x,'* Overland flow element *'/30x, 1 '* is above supply point *'/30x,27('*')/) 1200 format (/' Inflow Rate - Duration Combination (IDC) Input'/2x,49( 1 '-')/' Supply Begin Time End Time'/ 1 ' Rate of Flow of Flow'/ 1 ' IDC (m^3/s) (s) (s)'/2x,49('-')) 1300 format (3x,i2,5x,f7.6,4x,f6.0,5x,f6.0) 1400 format (2x,49('-')/) 1500 format (/' infiltration input parameters'/2x,54('-')/ 1 ' effective saturated cond. ',f9.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' effective matric potential ',f9.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' effective porosity ',f9.2,' (mm/mm)'/ 1 ' saturation ',f9.2,' (%)'/ 1 ' canopy cover ',f9.2,' (%)'/ 1 ' surface cover ',f9.2,' (%)'/) 1600 format (/' input runoff parameters'/2x,54('-')/ 1 ' plane length ',f9.2,' (m)'/ 1 ' average slope of profile ',f9.2/ 1 ' chezy coefficient ',f9.2,' (m**0.5/s)'/) 1700 format (/' output runoff parameters'/2x,54('-')/ 1 ' equivalent sat. hydr. cond. ',f9.2,' (mm/hr)'/ 1 ' equivalent matr. potential ',f9.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' average pore fraction ',f9.2,' (m/m)'/ 1 ' average saturation fraction ',f9.2,' (m/m)'/) 1800 format (/' calibrated Kostiakov-Lewis infil function parameters'/ 1' (Z=k*t**a+f*t, Z = infil in m**2, t = infil opp time in s)'/2x, 1 54('-')/' k ',e9.4, 1 ' (m**2/s**a)'/' a ',e9.4/ 1 ' f ',e9.4,' (m**2/s)'/) 1900 format (6x,27('*')/7x,'overland flow element ',i2/6x,27('*')/) end