subroutine irs(nowcrp,wmelt,ibrkpt,runmax,pkrmax,pkefdn,effdrr) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c Controls the hydrologic routing. c c Called from CONTIN. c Author(s): Stone c Reference in User Guide: c c Changes: c 1) Parameter QOUT (4th) not used. Deleted. c 2) Parameter order changed to conform to coding convention. c IUPRUN (2nd) & EFFLEN (3rd) moved after NBEG; RUNMAX c (6th), PKRMAX (7th), & PKEFDN (8th) moved after EFFLEN; c and EFFDUR (11th) moved after PKEFDN. c 3) Parameter order and/or number changed in calls to: c RDAT, ROCHEK, & EPLANE. c 4) Common blocks CNTOUR, ROZERO, & WATER not used. c They were de-referenced. c 5) Local variable RUNON not used. Deleted. c 6) Local variable JUMPFG added to handle jumps to outside c of IF-THEN-ELSE structure. c 7) Corrections from Stone for duration of rainfall excess. c May-June 1993. dcf c 8) Addition of TOTRUN argument and calculations to predict c correct runoff depth for output from multiple OFE's. c Stone request implemented by dcf. 6/11/93 c 9) Moved ALPHAY to common block jca2 8/31/93 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP version 91.10. c Date recoded: 05/08/91. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real wmelt(mxplan), runmax real pkrmax, pkefdn, effdrr(mxplan) integer nowcrp(mxplan),ibrkpt c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c wmelt - amount snow melt c runmax - maximum runoff volume c pkrmax - maximum peak discharge c pkefdn - maximum runoff duration c effdrr - duration of rainfall excess c nowcrp - number of current crop c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: aveks(mxplan), avesm(mxplan) c include '' c MODIFY: TR(MXTIME), R(MXTIME), RR(MXTIME) c include '' c include '' c include '' c modify: runoff(mxplan), remax, durexr, peakro(mxplan), effdrn c write: effint(mxplan) c include '' c modify: irfrac c read: irdept(mxplan) c include '' c read: irnit(mxplan) c include '' c read: elev c include '' c write: s(mxtime) c include '' c write: t(mxtime) c include '' c modify: ns c include '' c read: m c modify: alpha(mxplan) c write: norun(mxplan) c include '' c read: totlen c include '' c modify: iplane c include '' c modify: irrund(mxplan),irrunm(13,mxplan),irrunt(mxplan), c irruny(mxplan) c include '' c read: contrs(conseq(mxcrop,mxplan)) c include '' c write: a1,a2 c include '' c read: rrc(mxplan) c include '' c read: nf c include '' c read: p c include '' c read: slplen(mxplan) c include '' c read: ks,km c include '' c read: avgslp c include '' c read: nmon c include '' c read: lunp,luns,lunw c include '' c read: xmxint(mxplan) c include '' c modify: iuprun(mxplan) c include '' c read: cntflg c c Added by S. Dun, June 15, 2007 for debug include '' c End adding c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real aveksm, ealpha, sumks, sumsm, tf(mxtime) real dep(mxplan), sumdep, avedep, re(mxtime) real avere, runtmp(mxplan), wmlvar, wmllen real runsav(mxplan) real maxrun, surpls,drlast,durre integer ibpln, iepln, xnpln, i, apr, nstemp, kplane, jumpfg integer jmpfg2, k,it,ii,j,ipl,l cd for containing maximum runoff for calculating peak runoff c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c aveksm - average KS*SM c ealpha - alpha for the equivalent plane c sumks - summation of KS for AVEKS c sumsm - summation of SM for AVESM c tf - time array for rainfall excess c dep - potential depression storage depth c sumdep - summation of depression storage c avedep - average depressional storage for equivalent plane c re - rainfall excess rate (m/s) c avere - average rainfall excess rate c ibpln - 1st OFE which has runoff c iepln - last OFE for which there is runoff on all OFE's above c xnpln - number of OFE's, from IBPLN to IEPLN. c i - index for IPLANE c apr - flag. Indicates when approximate method should be used. c nstemp - index for the last time of cumulative rainfall excess. c kplane - counter to indicate last OFE for equivalent plane calcs. c For Case 2 & 3 hydrologic planes kplane is the last plane c runoff exits. For a Case 4 situation, kplane is set to c the OFE number preceding the Case 4 OFE. c jumpfg - 0=execute next section of code; 1=skip to "M1 IF"; c 2=skip to end of "do 35" loop c jmpfg2 - 0=execute next section of code; 1=skip to end of L00 IF c drlast - variable to hold last value of DURRE for multiple OFE c hillslopes - this is to prevent divide by zero values c for multiple OFE hillslopes and Case 3 hydrologic planes c runtmp - temporary array to hold runoff volumes decreased by c infiltration recession until the peak flow is computed c by subroutine QINF. (added by Jeff Stone, 2/98) c maxrun - added by S. Dun to contain maximum runoff for calculating c peak runoff. c surpls - added by S. Dun to contain maximum runoff for calculating c peak runoff. c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c idat c grna c frcfac c rdat c rochek c eplane c appmth c hdrive c qinf c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c drlast = 0.0 apr = 0 iuprun(1) = 0 sumks = 0.0 sumsm = 0.0 sumdep = 0.0 pkrmax = 0.0 runmax = 0.0 ibpln = 1 iepln = 1 c do 10 l = 1, nplane efflen(l) = 0.0 effint(l) = 0.0 peakro(l) = 0.0 effdrn(l) = 0.0 alpha(l) = 0.0 effdrr(l) = 0.0 runtmp(l) = 0.0 10 continue c do 15 i = 1, mxtime tf(i) = 0.0 re(i) = 0.0 15 continue c c Loop through the OFEs and compute the infiltration parameters for c the equivalent planes. Compute infiltration and rainfall excess. c Compute the peak discharge rate. c c *** Begin L0 loop *** do 60 i = 1, nplane c iplane = i cd Added by S. Dun July 15, 2003,Feb, 03, 2004 durre = 0.0 wmlvar = 0.0 wmllen = 0.0 cd End adding cd Added by S. Dun May 31,2004 maxrun = 0.0 cd End adding c c CALL IDAT IF RAINFALL, SPRINKLE IRRIGATION OR SNOWMELT OCCURS if ((norain(iplane).eq.1).or.(irint(iplane).ge.1.0e-8).or. 1 (wmelt(iplane).gt.0.0)) then cd Modified by S. Dun Feb. 03, 2004, For snow melt on effective OFEs cd call idat(xmxint(iplane),wmelt(iplane),ibrkpt,rain(iplane)) c if (wmelt(iplane).gt.0.0) then wmlvar = wmelt(iplane)*slplen(iplane) wmllen = slplen(iplane) if (iuprun(iplane).gt.0) then k = 0 do while ((iuprun(iplane-k).gt.0).and.((iplane-k-1).gt.0)) k = k + 1 wmlvar = wmlvar + wmelt(iplane-k)*slplen(iplane-k) wmllen = wmllen + slplen(iplane-k) end do endif wmlvar = wmlvar /wmllen endif c cd The initiation of wmlvar is moved in current loop to solve cd this problem. S. Dun 2-28-04. c dcf PROBLEM HERE - calling IDAT with wmelt(iplane)=0 c dcf that causes a divide by zero there? dcf 2-25-04 call idat(wmlvar,ibrkpt,rain(iplane)) c cd End Modifying else p = 0.0 do 20 it = 1, mxtime tr(it) = 0.0 r(it) = 0.0 rr(it) = 0.0 20 continue end if c c Note: If it is desired not to calculate and subtract off c depression storage, the user should set AVEDEP to c zero in GRNA. c dep(iplane) = 0.112 * rrc(iplane) + 3.1 * rrc(iplane) * 1 rrc(iplane) - 1.20 * rrc(iplane) * avgslp(iplane) c if (dep(iplane).lt.0.0) dep(iplane) = 0.0 c dpress(iplane) = dep(iplane) c c Check for contours. Jeff Stone's changes for contours. c c Check to see if contouring in effect for current day of year c sjl, 12/22/98 c jumpfg = 0 jmpfg2 = 0 c cntflg = 0 if (contrs(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).ne.0)then c cntflg = 1 call conrun(nowcrp(iplane),dep(iplane),effdrr, 1 runmax,pkrmax,pkefdn,wmelt(iplane),drlast) if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 0 jumpfg = 2 jmpfg2 = 1 end if runtmp(iplane) = runoff(iplane) c c *** L00 IF *** if (jmpfg2.eq.0) then c iepln = iplane c c Summation for average infiltration parameters for the c equivalent plane c if (iuprun(iplane).eq.0) then ibpln = iplane sumks = ks(iplane) * slplen(iplane) sumsm = sm(iplane) * slplen(iplane) sumdep = dep(iplane) * slplen(iplane) efflen(iplane) = slplen(iplane) else sumks = sumks + ks(iplane) * slplen(iplane) sumsm = sumsm + sm(iplane) * slplen(iplane) sumdep = sumdep + dep(iplane) * slplen(iplane) efflen(iplane) = efflen(iplane-1) + slplen(iplane) end if c xnpln = iepln - ibpln + 1 aveks(iplane) = sumks / efflen(iplane) avesm(iplane) = sumsm / efflen(iplane) aveksm = aveks(iplane) * avesm(iplane) c avedep = sumdep / efflen(iplane) c c******************************************************************************** c The following runon-runoff cases are treated: * c * c case 1 : q(iplane-1) = 0 re(iplane) = 0 q(iplane) = 0 * c case 2 : q(iplane-1) >= 0 re(iplane) > 0 q(iplane) > 0 * c case 3 : q(iplane-1) > 0 re(iplane) = 0 q(iplane) > 0 * c case 4 : q(iplane-1) > 0 re(iplane) = 0 q(iplane) = 0 * c****************************************************************************** c cd Added by S. Dun, June 15, 2007 c For checking out winter K cd write(61,1500) year,mon,day,iplane,Xmxint(iplane),aveks(iplane) 1500 format(1x, 4i6, 2E12.3) cd End added c if (xmxint(iplane).gt.aveks(iplane)) then call grna(nowcrp(iplane),aveksm,avedep,nstemp,tf,re,effdrr, 1 durre) c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c runtmp(iplane) = runoff(iplane) c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c if(runoff(iplane).le.0.0) durre = 0.0 c if (runoff(iplane).gt.0.0) then c c Case Two - rainfall excess > zero c drlast = durre apr = 0 ns = nstemp c c Get rainfall excess into HDRIVE format. c do 30 ii = 1, ns - 1 t(ii) = tf(ii) s(ii) = re(ii) 30 continue c s(ns) = 0. t(ns) = tf(ns) c call frcfac(nowcrp(iplane)) c call rdat(nowcrp(iplane)) c alphay(iplane) = alpha(iplane) ealpha = alphay(iplane) norun(iplane) = 1 c if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 1 c kplane = iplane c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c c Get equivalent depth discharge coefficient for peak c discharge computations for multiple OFE situations. if ( call 1 eplane(ibpln,iepln,slplen,alphay,m,ealpha) c c reduce runoff volume due to recession infiltration call qinf(m,ealpha,efflen(kplane),aveks(kplane),drlast, 1 f(nstemp-1),runtmp(kplane)) c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c if (iplane.eq.nplane) then jumpfg = 1 else jumpfg = 2 end if end if end if c c *** L00 ENDIF *** end if c c *** L1 IF *** if (jumpfg.eq.0) then if (iuprun(iplane).eq.0) then c c Case One - rainfall excess = zero c norun(iplane) = 0 if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 0 runoff(iplane) = 0.0 c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c runtmp(iplane) = 0.0 c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c jumpfg = 2 else c c Case Three or Four c call rochek(ks(iplane),sm(iplane),dep(iplane)) c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c runtmp(iplane) = runoff(iplane) c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c if (runoff(iplane).gt.0.0) then c c Case Three - rainfall excess = 0, runoff > 0 cd Added by S. Dun, June 03, 2004 c using last OFE's t,s and ns data ns = ns + 1 drlast = t(ns) apr = 0 c do 34 ii = 1,ns s(ii) = s(ii) / runoff(iplane-1) * 1 runoff(iplane) 34 continue cd End adding c call frcfac(nowcrp(iplane)) c call rdat(nowcrp(iplane)) c alphay(iplane) = alpha(iplane) ealpha = alphay(iplane) apr = 1 norun(iplane) = 1 c if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 1 c kplane = iplane c if ( jumpfg = 2 c c else c c Case Four - rainfall excess = 0, runoff = 0 c norun(iplane) = 1 c if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 0 c runoff(iplane) = 0.0 c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c runtmp(iplane) = 0.0 c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c iepln = iepln - 1 xnpln = iepln - ibpln + 1 kplane = iplane - 1 c end if c c RAINFALL EXCESS DURATION = 0 FOR CASE 3 & 4 - JJS JUN 93 c effdrr(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c *** L1 ENDIF *** end if c c cd Added by S. Dun, May 31, 2004 c 11/19/2009 - removed - see watbal() below - jrf c maxrun = runoff(iplane) c if (jmpfg2.eq.0) runoff(iplane) = runtmp(iplane) cd End adding cd Added by S. Dun Jun 06,2003 cd if ((xmxint(iplane).gt.0.0).and.(imodel.eq.1)) then if (imodel.eq.1) then c c This is tricky because watbal() effects global variables. The runoff c array used by watbal() should be the adjusted values computed by qinf() c if applicable. Since watbal can look at previous OFE runoff make sure the c whole array is current upto that point. 11/19/2009 - jrf do 33 ii = 1,iplane runsav(ii) = runoff(ii) runoff(ii) = runtmp(ii) 33 continue call watbal(lunp,luns,lunw,nowcrp(iplane),elev) c This flag indicates that the water balance has been computed for this day+OFE c so in contin() the water balance will not be called. This sequence is c different from the original design of WEPP, it may be effecting other c global variables. Really need to look at this. 11/19/2009 - jrf watblf(iplane) = 1 c watbal may modify runoff array, so get the latest values. 12/21/09 - jrf do 36 ii = 1,iplane runtmp(ii) = runoff(ii) 36 continue c removed 11/19/2009 - do the whole array to keep watbal happy, see above c runtmp(iplane) = runoff(iplane) if(contrs(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).ne.0) then surpls = surdra(iplane) else surpls = surdra(iplane) * slplen(iplane)/efflen(iplane) endif if( then if( then do 35 ii = 1, nstemp - 1 if(s(ii).gt.1.e-10)then if (ii.eq.1) then s(ii) = s(ii) + surpls/durre else s(ii) = s(ii) + surpls/durre endif endif 35 continue else durre = tr(nf)-tr(1) if (iuprun(iplane).ne.0) 1 durre = max(effdrr(iplane-1),durre) cd Added by S. Dun, July 06, 2004 cd for runoff caused by uphill OFE subsurface flow if (durre.eq.0.0) durre = 86400.0 cd End adding. c s(1) = surpls/durre s(2) = 0.0 nstemp = 2 remax(iplane) = s(1) c t(1) = 0.0 t(2) = durre effdrr(iplane) = durre cd Modified by S. Dun 08/28/2004 c This modification is to make sure the peak runoff calculation c would use subroutine appmth instead of hdrive c when the surface flow event is caused by soil water surplus only. tp(2) = 0.0 cd End modifying. 08/28/2004 endif c c Case Two - rainfall excess > zero c drlast = durre apr = 0 ns = nstemp c c Get rainfall excess into HDRIVE format. c c call frcfac(nowcrp(iplane)) c call rdat(nowcrp(iplane)) c alphay(iplane) = alpha(iplane) ealpha = alphay(iplane) norun(iplane) = 1 c if ( iuprun(iplane+1) = 1 kplane = iplane c if ((jmpfg2.eq.0).and.(iplane.eq.nplane)) then jumpfg = 1 else jumpfg = 2 end if c endif c endif c removed 11/19/2009 - see watbal() above - jrf c runtmp(iplane) = runoff(iplane) c runoff(iplane) = Max(maxrun, runoff(iplane)) cd End adding c c Get runoff parameters for equivalent plane. c c *** M1 IF *** if ( then avere = 0.0 c c Summation of rainfall excess for approximate hydrograph method c do 40 j = ibpln, iepln avere = avere + remax(j) * slplen(j) / efflen(kplane) 40 continue c cc Get equivalent depth discharge coefficient for peak discharge cc computations. c c Lines commented out by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c c if ( call c 1 eplane(ibpln,iepln,slplen,alphay,m,ealpha) c c End of commented out code by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c a1 = m * ealpha a2 = m - 1.d0 c c use the possibly lower runtmp values c if (ibrkpt.eq.1) then if (apr.eq.1) then c c approximate method is always used for case three c situations, in both continuous and single storm versions. c c WHEN CALLING APPMTH AND TESTING IF TO USE APPMTH OR c HDRIVE, USE DDRLAST - JJS JUN 93 c call appmth(runoff(kplane),remax(kplane), 1 efflen(kplane),ealpha,m,drlast,peakro(kplane)) else call hdrive(ealpha,m,efflen(kplane),runoff(kplane), 1 peakro(kplane)) end if else if (apr.eq.1) then c c Approximate method is always used for case three c situations, in both continuous and single storm versions. c call appmth(runoff(kplane),remax(kplane), 1 efflen(kplane),ealpha,m,drlast,peakro(kplane)) else if (imodel.eq.2) then call hdrive(ealpha,m,efflen(kplane),runoff(kplane), 1 peakro(kplane)) c c Test for using the approximate method c else if (tp(2) .gt. 0.) then call hdrive(ealpha,m,efflen(kplane),runoff(kplane), 1 peakro(kplane)) else call appmth(runoff(kplane),remax(kplane), 1 efflen(kplane),ealpha,m,drlast,peakro(kplane)) end if end if c if (peakro(kplane).lt.3.6e-8) peakro(kplane) = 3.63e-8 c c Lines commented out by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c Call to subroutine QINF has been moved earlier in this c subroutine. c cc REDUCE RUNOFF VOLUME DUE TO RECESSION INFILTRATION - JJS 9-94 c c call qinf(m,ealpha,efflen(kplane),aveks(kplane),drlast, c 1 f(nstemp-1),runoff(kplane)) c c End of commented out code by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c c get effective runoff duration = qvol/qpeak c c Code change by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c c effdrn(kplane) = runoff(kplane) / peakro(kplane) effdrn(kplane) = runtmp(kplane) / peakro(kplane) c c End of code change by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c c Limit EFFDRN less than or equal to one day (86400 seconds) c if (effdrn(kplane).gt.86400.) effdrn(kplane) = 86400. c do 50 l = ibpln, iplane c c New code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, to correct error c with partial equilibrium storm events. dcf 3/2/98 c This assignment is not needed, arrays are in sync - 12/21/09 jrf c runoff(l) = runtmp(l) c c End of new code inserted by Jeff Stone, 2/98, dcf 3/2/98 c effdrn(l) = effdrn(kplane) if (effdrn(l).gt.0) then peakro(l) = runoff(l) / effdrn(l) else peakro(l) = 0 endif if (runoff(l).gt.runmax) runmax = runoff(l) if (peakro(l).gt.pkrmax) pkrmax = peakro(l) if (effdrn(l).gt.pkefdn) pkefdn = effdrn(l) 50 continue c c else if(ivers.eq.3.and.runoff(iplane).gt.0.0) then c c if ( call c 1 eplane(ibpln,iepln,slplen,alphay,m,ealpha) c a1 = m * ealpha c a2 = m - 1.d0 c call qinf(m,ealpha,efflen(iplane),aveks(iplane),drlast, c 1 f(nstemp-1),runoff(iplane)) c c *** M1 ENDIF *** end if c c *** End L0 loop *** 60 continue c c Estimate runoff due to irrigation c if ( then do 70 ipl = 1, nplane if ( then irfrac = 0. else if (ipl.eq.irofe) then c c XXX NOTE - the setting of rainfall to zero in subroutine CONTIN c will likely cause errors in calculation of "irfrac", c "irrund", "irrunt", "irruny" and "irrunm" for multiple c OFE hillslopes. dcf 5/26/94 c XXX Altered code to fix anticipated problem. dcf 5/26/94 c if (ipl.eq.1) then if(wmelt(ipl).gt.0.0)then irfrac = irdept(ipl) / (wmelt(ipl)+irdept(ipl)) else irfrac = irdept(ipl) / (rain(ipl) + irdept(ipl)) endif else if(wmelt(ipl).gt.0.0)then irfrac = irdept(ipl) / (wmelt(ipl)+irdept(ipl)+ 1 runoff(ipl-1)) else irfrac = irdept(ipl) / (rain(ipl)+irdept(ipl)+ 1 runoff(ipl-1)) endif end if else if (runoff(ipl-1).gt.0.00001) then irfrac = irfrac * runoff(ipl-1) / (runoff(ipl-1) 1 + rain(ipl) + wmelt(ipl)) else irfrac = 0. end if end if cd Modified by S. Dun 03/15/2004 cd Now the total irrigation attributed runoff depth is for cd the total length of the OFE which menns counting form cd top of the hillslope if (contrs(nowcrp(iplane),iplane).ne.0) then irrund(ipl) = runoff(ipl) * irfrac else irrund(ipl) = runoff(ipl) * irfrac 1 * efflen(iplane) / totlen(iplane) endif irrunt(ipl) = irrunt(ipl) + irrund(ipl) c irruny(ipl) = irruny(ipl) + irrund(ipl) c irrunm(ipl) = irrunm(ipl) + irrund(ipl) c cd End modifying 70 continue else irfrac = 0. end if c return end