subroutine kostia( i rwdth) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subprogram calibrates modified Kostiakov infiltration c equation constants for a series of time-infiltration rate pairs c where infiltration rate is calculated using the Green and Ampt c infiltration function. c c Called from FURROW c Author(s): E. R. Kottwitz c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 12 c c Changes: c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 93.06. c Date recoded: 07/07/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real rwdth c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c rwdth - assumed row width of current overland flow element (m) c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c modify: aveks(mxplan),avesm(mxplan) c include '' c read: rh(mxplan) c include '' c read: slplen(mxplan) c include '' c read: aqcnst,aqexp,botwid,sidslp c include '' c read: dtheta(mxplan),qspply(mxplan),surge,timtot c modify: srg c include '' c modify: kostf c write: kosta,kostk c include '' c read: irofe,noirr c include '' c read: ks(mxplan),sm(mxplan) c include '' c read: iplane c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer furint,i,nsteps real avgdp2,deltai,denom,diydt,dlower,dupper,horcon,hormax, 1 infadj,infil2,infilh(50),infilt,infilv(0:50),infold, 1 inftmx,irsum1,irsum2,irsum3,irsum4,irsum5,kostfd,natlni, 1 natlnt,piovr2,qmaxl,qmaxu,testf,time(50),timhmx,vertmx real tmpvr1,tmpvr2,tmpvr3,tmpvr4 c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c furint - irrigated furrow interval (1: all furrows irrigated, 2: c every other furrow irrigated) c i - do loop counter c nsteps - number of infiltration increments c avgdp2 - two times the average of dlower and dupper (m) c deltai - 1-D vertical distance to the wetting front increment (m) c denom - coefficient used as a denominator in calculating kosta c kostk (m**4) c diydt - time derivative if vertical advance distance (m/s) c dlower - flow depth at lower end of current OFE for maximum of c furrow supply rates assuming steady state infiltration c (m) c dupper - flow depth at upper end of current OFE for maximum of c furrow supply rates (m) c horcon - horizontal infiltration constant equal to c (2*Ke*Ns)**.5/(change in soil moisture content) (m/s**.5) c hormax - maximum horizontal distance to the wetting front (m) c infadj - 2-D cumulative infiltration minus Ks*(infiltration c opportunity time)*(row spacing) (m**2) c infil2 - infilt*infilt (m**4) c infilh - 1-D horizontal distance to the wetting front (m) c infilt - 2-D cumulative infiltration (volume of water infiltrated c per unit furrow length) (m**2) c infilv - 1-D vertical distance to the wetting front as determined c by SR NEWTON (m) c infold - estimate of infiltration sent to SR NEWTON (m) c inftmx - cumulative 2-D infiltration at t=timhmx (m**2) c irsum1 - summation of infil2 (m**4) c irsum2 - summation of infil2*natlnt (m**4) c irsum3 - summation of infil2*natlnt**2 (m**4) c irsum4 - summation of infil2*natlni (m**4) c irsum5 - summation of infil2*natlnt*natlni (m**4) c kostfd - estimate of kostf using derivative of 2-D cumulative c infiltration function (m**2/s) c natlni - natural logarithm of infilt c natlnt - natural logarithm of time c piovr2 - one-half the ratio of circle area to square of its radius c qmaxl - maximum flow rate at the lower end of the OFE (m**3/s) c qmaxu - maximum furrow supply rate (m**3/s) c testf - estimate of new value of kostf if old value was too large c (m**2/s) c time - infiltration opportunity time (s) c timhmx - time when horizontal wetting fronts meet (s) c vertmx - vertical distance to the wetting front at t=timhmx (m) c tmpvr1 - variable to reduce number of calculations (m/s) c tmpvr2 - variable to reduce number of calculations (m) c tmpvr3 - variable to reduce number of calculations (m) c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c newton c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + data nsteps/50/,piovr2/1.57080/ c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + 2001 format(' *** WARNING ***',/, 1 'Furrow irrigation flow depth (',f5.1,' mm) exceeds', 1 ' ridge height (',f5.1,' mm).',/, 1 ' *** WARNING ***',/) c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c Assume furint = 1. User will eventually be required to provide c this information. c furint = 1 c c Initialize variables c infilv(0)=0.0 inftmx = 0.0 vertmx = 0.0 kostfd = 1.0 aveks(iplane) = ks(iplane) avesm(iplane) = sm(iplane) tmpvr1 = aveks(iplane)/dtheta(iplane) tmpvr2 = avesm(iplane)/dtheta(iplane) tmpvr3 = dtheta(iplane)*float(furint)*rwdth c c Determine maximum furrow inflow rate c qmaxu = qspply(1) if(noirr.eq.2 .and. do 100 srg = 2, surge qmaxu = max(qmaxu,qspply(srg)) 100 continue endif c c Determine flow depth at the upper end of the OFE c if( dupper = (sqrt(botwid**2+4.0*sidslp*(qmaxu/aqcnst)**(1.0/aqexp)) 1 -botwid)/2.0/sidslp else dupper = (qmaxu/aqcnst)**(1.0/aqexp)/botwid endif c c Print warning to user if dupper exceeds ridge height c if(iplane.eq.irofe .and. 1 write (6,2001)dupper*1000.0,rh(iplane)*1000.0 c c Determine horizontal infiltration constant c c ---- The value in parenthesis is from that portion of WEPP c Equation 12.3 also in parenthesis. HORCON is the square c root of it. c Note that avesm(iplane) = (total head loss)*dtheta(iplane). c horcon = sqrt(2.0*tmpvr1*tmpvr2) c c Determine maximum horizontal wetting distance and time when c horizontal wetting fronts meet c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.5, with W = float(furint)*rwdth) hormax = (float(furint)*rwdth-botwid)*0.5 timhmx = (hormax/horcon)**2 c c Determine vertical advance distance at t=timhmx c infold = timhmx*aveks(iplane) call newton(timhmx,infold,aveks(iplane),avesm(iplane),vertmx) vertmx = vertmx/dtheta(iplane) c c Determine 1-D vert. distance to the wetting front for t=timtot c infold = timtot*aveks(iplane) call newton(timtot,infold,aveks(iplane),avesm(iplane), 1 infilv(nsteps)) infilv(nsteps) = infilv(nsteps)/dtheta(iplane) c c Determine deltai c deltai = infilv(nsteps)/float(nsteps) c c Determine 1-D horizontal distance to the wetting front for c t=timtot c if( c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.3) infilh(nsteps) = horcon*sqrt(timtot) else infilh(nsteps) = hormax endif c c Determine infiltration rate at t=timtot using 2-D infiltration c function c c ---- (WEPP Equation 4.2.3) divided by change in soil water c content diydt = tmpvr1*(1.0+tmpvr2/infilv(nsteps)) c c If the following is true then horizontal wetting fronts have not c met. c if(timtot.le.timhmx)then c c ---- Time derivative of WEPP Equation 12.1 kostfd = (infilh(nsteps)*(dupper/timtot+piovr2*infilv(nsteps)/ 1 (2.0*timtot)+piovr2*diydt)+botwid*diydt)*dtheta(iplane) else kostfd = diydt*tmpvr3 endif c c Calculate values for elements of infilh, infilv, and time arrays. c Also determine the minimum infiltration rate. c do 400 i = 1, nsteps-1 c c Determine 1-D vertical distance to the wetting front c infilv(i) = infilv(i-1)+deltai c c Calculate time required for infiltration depth infilv(i) c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.2, solved for time (tau in 12.2)) time(i) = infilv(i)/tmpvr1-avesm(iplane)/aveks(iplane)* 1 log(1.0+infilv(i)/tmpvr2) c c Determine 1-D horizontal advance distance to the wetting front c if(time(i).lt.timhmx)then c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.3) infilh(i) = horcon*sqrt(time(i)) else infilh(i) = hormax endif c c Determine kostf using derivative of 2-D cumulative infiltration c function c c ---- (WEPP Equation 4.2.3) divided by change in soil water c content diydt = tmpvr1*(1.0+tmpvr2/infilv(i)) if(timtot.le.timhmx)then c c ---- Time derivative of WEPP Equation 12.1 kostf = (infilh(i)*(dupper/time(i)+piovr2*infilv(i)/(2.0* 1 time(i))+piovr2*diydt)+botwid*diydt)*dtheta(iplane) else kostf = diydt*tmpvr3 endif kostfd = min(kostf,kostfd) 400 continue c c Determine kostf using wetted perimeter at the upper end of the c furrow c kostf = aveks(iplane)*(botwid+2.0*dupper*sqrt(1.0+sidslp**2)) c c Set kostf to minimum of possible values c kostf = min(kostf,kostfd) c c Determine maximum flow rate at the lower end of the OFE c 10 qmaxl = qmaxu-slplen(iplane)*kostf c c Determine 2*(average depth of flow) for steady state conditions c if( if( dlower = (sqrt(botwid**2+4.0*sidslp*(qmaxl/aqcnst)**(1.0/ 1 aqexp))-botwid)/2.0/sidslp else dlower = (qmaxl/aqcnst)**(1.0/aqexp)/botwid endif avgdp2 = dupper+dlower else avgdp2 = dupper endif c c Determine 2-D cumulative infiltration for t=timtot c if(timtot.le.timhmx)then c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.1) infilt = (avgdp2*infilh(nsteps)+botwid*infilv(nsteps)+ 1 piovr2*infilh(nsteps)*infilv(nsteps))*dtheta(iplane) else inftmx = (avgdp2*hormax+botwid*vertmx+piovr2*hormax*vertmx)* 1 dtheta(iplane) infilt = inftmx+(infilv(nsteps)-vertmx)*float(furint)*rwdth* 1 dtheta(iplane) endif c c Adjust 2-D cumulative infiltration to eliminate steady state c infiltration rate c infadj = infilt-kostf*timtot c c Adjust kostf if infadj is less than 0.000001 m**2 c if( infadj = 0.000001 testf = (infilt-infadj)/timtot if(*kostf)then kostf = testf else kostf = 0.999*kostf endif goto 10 endif c c Determine values for functions of cumulative infiltration and time c natlni = log(infadj) infil2 = infadj**2 natlnt = log(timtot) c c Calculate summations c irsum1 = infil2 irsum2 = infil2*natlnt irsum3 = irsum2*natlnt irsum4 = infil2*natlni irsum5 = irsum2*natlni c c Initialize variables for calculation loop c i = 0 c c Calculation loop c 200 i = i+1 c c Determine 2-D cumulative infiltration c if(time(i).le.timhmx)then c c ---- (WEPP Equation 12.1) infilt = (avgdp2*infilh(i)+botwid*infilv(i)+piovr2* 1 infilh(i)*infilv(i))*dtheta(iplane) else infilt = inftmx+(infilv(i)-vertmx)*float(furint)*rwdth* 1 dtheta(iplane) endif c c Adjust 2-D cumulative infiltration to eliminate steady state c infiltration rate c infadj = infilt-kostf*time(i) c c Adjust kostf if infadj is less than 0.0001 m**2 c if( testf = (infilt-infadj)/time(i) if(*kostf)then kostf = testf else kostf = 0.999*kostf endif goto 10 endif c c Determine values for functions of infadj and time c natlni = log(infadj) infil2 = infadj*infadj natlnt = log(time(i)) tmpvr4 = infil2*natlnt c c Perform summations c irsum1 = irsum1+infil2 irsum2 = irsum2+tmpvr4 irsum3 = irsum3+tmpvr4*natlnt irsum4 = irsum4+infil2*natlni irsum5 = irsum5+tmpvr4*natlni c c Check for completion of calculation loop c if( 200 c c Determine Kostiakov-Lewis infiltration equation constants c denom = irsum2*irsum2-irsum1*irsum3 kosta = (irsum2*irsum4-irsum1*irsum5)/denom if( kosta = 1.0 kostk = infadj/timtot else kostk = exp((irsum2*irsum5-irsum3*irsum4)/denom) endif c return end