program main c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c Program main coordinates, through calls to the corresponding c subroutines, the writing of the program's heading (SR HEADER), c the opening of the output data files (SR FILES), the reading c and calculation of hillslope characteristics (SR PROFILE), c the initialization of variables, and hillslope and watershed c simulation runs (SRS CONTIN and WSHDRV). c c Called from: Program Driver c Author(s): Livingston, Ascough II c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: This module not yet recoded. c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c include '' c modify: impond c include '' c read: ivers,nhill c modify: imodel c include '' c modify units c include '' c include '' c modify: pasfil(mxhill),watfil c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c integer dum1, dum2, iniflg, irun, iwpass, useout, wflag, 1 fexist c character*1 ans character*51 filen character*65 ostrng c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c ans - character variable to store user responses c dum1 - dummy year variable (used in SR MAIN for call c to SR WSHPAS) c dum2 - dummy day of year variable (used in SR MAIN for c call to SR WSHPAS) c filen - local file name to be opened c fexist - flag for opening hillslope pass file for hillslope/ c watershed version c iniflg - SR INIDAT flag for accessing version information c irun - runtime error flag c iwpass - hillslope pass file creation flag c ostrng - string passed to subroutine open c useout - integer function for yes/no answers c wflag - version dependent flag for opening watershed pass file c units - 1=english (default) c 0=metric c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c contin c inidat c open c useout c wshdrv c wshpas c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c data dum1, dum2, wflag /3 * 0/ c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c iniflg = 1 call inidat(iniflg) iniflg = 2 c write (6,2600) mxplan, ver, vermon, veryr c c metric or english units for abbreviated output file c m = M ==> 0=metric c e = E ==> 1=english c default to metric units c write (6,2700) read (5,1000,err=9) ans if (ans.eq.'M') ans = 'm' if (ans.eq.'E') ans = 'e' 9 if (ans.eq.'m')then units=0 write(6,2725) elseif (ans.eq.'e') then units=1 write(6,2750) else write (6,2775) units=0 end if c ibomb = 1 c c ... irun=0 for successful wepp run without warnings c ... irun=1 for successful wepp run with warnings c ... irun=2 for fatal error program stopped c irun = 0 c c ... drop out of wepp upon keyboard entry error or loop c write (6,1100) read (5,1000,err=10) ans c if (ans.eq.'n') ans = 'N' if (ans.eq.'y') ans = 'Y' c 10 if ('N''Y') then write (6,1200) irun = 1 ans = 'Y' iost = 3 go to 20 end if c if ('Y') then c c ... do not exit upon invalid input or write over output files c ibomb = 2 iost = 1 else c c ... exit upon invalid input and write over output files c iost = 3 end if c c ... choose continuous simulation or single event option c 20 write (6,1300) c read (5,1500,err=30) imodel c 30 if ( then write (6,1600) imodel = 1 irun = 1 end if c c ... choose version option c write (6,1400) read (5,1500,err=40) ivers c 40 if ( then write (6,1700) ivers = 1 irun = 1 end if c iwpass = 0 c if (ivers.eq.1) then c c ... hillslope profile version c nhill = 1 c iwpass = 0 c if (useout('hillslope pass file').eq.1) then ostrng = 'Enter name of hillslope pass file -->' call open(48,3,1,ostrng,filen) iwpass = 1 end if c else if ( then c c ... open master watershed pass file c if (ivers.eq.2) then ostrng = 'Enter name of master watershed pass file -->' call open(49,3,1,ostrng,filen) wflag = 1 watfil = filen c c ... blank line for shell interface c end if c c ... read the number of hillslopes for c ... hillslope/watershed or watershed versions c 50 write (6,1800) read (5,1500,err=60) nhill c 60 if ( then write (6,1900) mxhill irun = 1 go to 50 end if c if (ivers.eq.2) then write (6,2700) read (5,*) end if c c ... commented out so WEPP can write over output files c ... if necessary c c if (iost.eq.3) then c iost = 1 c ibomb = 2 c end if c end if c c ... if hillslope or hillslope/watershed version call SR CONTIN c if ( then do 90 ihill = 1, nhill c if (ivers.eq.2) then c write (6,3300) read (5,1000,err=70) ans c if (ans.eq.'n') ans = 'N' if (ans.eq.'y') ans = 'Y' c 70 if ('N''Y') then write (6,3400) irun = 1 ans = 'N' end if c if (ans.eq.'N') fexist = 0 if (ans.eq.'Y') fexist = 1 c c ... open hillslope pass file c c ... if opening existing pass file then do not perform the c ... hillslope simulation; if creating new pass file then c ... open and perform hillslope simulation c if (fexist.eq.0) then ostrng = 'Enter name of new hillslope pass file -->' call open(48,3,1,ostrng,filen) end if c if (fexist.eq.1) then ostrng = 'Enter name of existing hillslope pass file -->' call open(dum1,dum1,3,ostrng,filen) close(unit=dum1) end if c pasfil(ihill) = filen if (fexist.eq.1) go to 80 c end if c c ... initialize common block variables (either for c ... hillslope version or for each hillslope in the c ... hillslope/watershed version) c call inidat(iniflg) c c ... begin simulation c call contin(iwpass) c 80 if (ivers.eq.1) then write (6,3000) c else c if ( then write (6,2800) ihill c c ... return if keyboard entry or space in data file c ... blank line used by shell interface c write (6,2700) read (5,*) else c write (6,2900) c c ... write out pass file information for watershed version c call wshpas(dum1,dum2,2) read (5,*) c c ... reset ivers for watershed simulation and print c ... out run status c ivers = 3 if (irun.eq.1) write (6,2100) if ( write (6,2400) end if end if c 90 continue end if c if (ivers.eq.3) then c c ... open master watershed pass file c if (wflag.eq.0) then ostrng = 'Enter name of master watershed pass file -->' call open(49,2,1,ostrng,filen) watfil = filen else open (unit=49,file=watfil,status='old') end if c c ... re-initialize data c call inidat(iniflg) c c ... ask if impoundments will be modeled c write (6,3100) read (5,1000,err=100) ans c if (ans.eq.'n') ans = 'N' if (ans.eq.'y') ans = 'Y' c 100 if ('N''Y') then write (6,3200) irun = 1 ans = 'N' end if c if (ans.eq.'N') impond = 0 if (ans.eq.'Y') impond = 1 c c call watershed driver c call wshdrv c end if c if (irun.eq.1) then if (ivers.eq.1) write (6,2000) if (ivers.eq.3) write (6,2200) else if (ivers.eq.1) write (6,2300) if (ivers.eq.3) write (6,2500) end if c 1000 format (a1) 1100 format (' Do you wish to drop out of the model upon invalid', 1 ' input and',/, 1 ' write over identical output file names? (batch mode)',//, 1 ' Enter N to run watershed option (not a SHELL option).',//, 1 ' Enter Y or N --> [Y]') 1200 format (' *** NOTE ***',/,' Y OR N FOR WEPP EXIT MODE',/, 1 ' Y assumed',/,' *** NOTE ***',/) 1300 format (/,' Continuous or single event option',/, 1 ' ---------------------------------',/, 1 ' 1 - continuous simulation',/,' 2 - single storm',//, 1 ' Enter option (1 or 2) --> [1]') 1400 format (//,' Model version option',/,' --------------------'/, 1 ' 1 - hillslope version (single hillslope only)',/, 1 ' 2 - hillslope/watershed version',/, 1 ' (multiple hillslopes, channels, and impoundments)',/, 1 ' 3 - watershed version (channels and impoundments)',/ 1 ' (option 2 or 3 must be previously selected)',//, 1 ' Enter option (1,2 or 3) --> [1] ') 1500 format (i8) 1600 format (//,' *** NOTE ***',/,' EVENT OPTIONS ARE 1 OR 2***',/, 1 ' Continuous simulation assumed',/,' *** NOTE ***',/) 1700 format (//,' *** NOTE ***',/,' VERSION OPTIONS ARE 1,2 OR 3***', 1 /,' Option 1 assumed',/,' *** NOTE ***',/) 1800 format (/,' Multiple hillslopes or hillslope/watershed', 1 ' version',/,1x,50('-'),/, 1 ' Enter the number of hillslopes --> ') 1900 format (//,' *** NOTE ***',/,' Number of hillslopes must',/, 1 ' be between one and ', i4, ' - please enter again'/ 1 ,' *** NOTE ***',/) 2000 format (/' WEPP COMPLETED HILLSLOPE SIMULATION WITH NOTES,', 1 ' CAUTIONS, OR WARNINGS',/) 2100 format (/' WEPP COMPLETED HILLSLOPE/WATERSHED SIMULATION', 1 ' WITH NOTES, CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS',/) 2200 format (/' WEPP COMPLETED WATERSHED SIMULATION WITH NOTES,', 1 ' CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS',/) 2300 format (/' WEPP COMPLETED HILLSLOPE SIMULATION SUCCESSFULLY') 2400 format (/' WEPP COMPLETED HILLSLOPE/WATERSHED SIMULATION', 1 ' SUCCESSFULLY'/) 2500 format (/' WEPP COMPLETED WATERSHED SIMULATION SUCCESSFULLY') 2600 format (////,2x,68('*'),/,2x,'*',66x,'*',/,2x,'*',66x,'*',/,2x, 1 '*',14x,'USDA - WATER EROSION PREDICTION',' PROJECT',13x,'*', 1 /,2x,'*',66x,'*',/,2x,'*',20x,'HILLSLOPE PROFILE - WATERSHED', 1 17x,'*'/2x,'*',27x,'EROSION MODEL',26x,'*'/2x,'*',66x,'*',/,2 1 x,'*',20x,'CONTINUOUS SIMULATION',' AND',21x,'*',/,2x,'*',23x, 1 'SINGLE STORM OPTIONS',23x,'*',/,2x,'*', 1 17x,'MAXIMUM WATERSHED CHANNELS: ',i4,17x,'*',/,2x,'*', 1 66x,'*',/,2x,'*',66x, 1 '*',/,2x,'*',25x,' VERSION',f9.3,24x,'*',/,2x,'*', 1 66x,'*',/,2x,'*',23x,a15,1x,i4,23x,'*',/,2x,'*',66x,'*',/,2x, 1 '*',66x,'*',/,2x,'*',66x,'*',/,2x,68('*'),/) 2700 format (//' Do you wish to output [e]nglish or [m]etric units for' 1 ,/,' the average annual summary output file?',//, 1 ' Enter [e] or [m] --> [m]etric default ') 2725 format(/,' Metric units selected',//) 2750 format(/,' English units selected',//) 2775 format (//,' *** NOTE ***',/,' SUMMARY UNIT OPTIONS ARE e OR m ', 1 '***',/,' Metric units assumed',/,' *** NOTE ***',/) 2800 format (/,' Hillslope ',i2,' SUCCESSFUL simulation'/) 2900 format (/' WRITING HILLSLOPE --> WATERSHED PASS FILE', 1 ' INFORMATION'/) 3000 format (/,' Hillslope SUCCESSFUL simulation - ','returning to DOS' 1 /) 3100 format (//' Do you wish to model impoundments on the ', 1 'watershed?',//,' Enter Y or N --> [N]') 3200 format (' *** NOTE ***',/,' Y OR N FOR IMPOUNDMENT MODELING',/, 1 ' N assumed',/,' *** NOTE ***',/) 3300 format (//' Do you wish to use an existing hillslope pass ', 1 'file?',//,' Enter Y or N --> [N]',/,' *** NOTE ***',/) 3400 format (' *** NOTE ***',/,' Y OR N FOR EXISTING PASS FILE',/, 1 ' N assumed',/,' *** NOTE ***',/) end