subroutine melt(irtype,wrain,hour) c c c +++PURPOSE+++ c This subroutine calculates the amount of snow melt that c occurs on an hourly basis given the hourly weather and c surface conditions. The amount of melted water is calculated c in units of meters. c c Author(s): Cully Hession and Bruce Lucord, USDA-ARS-NCSRL c Revised by John Witte, UofMn WCES @ USDA-ARS-NCSRL c Date: 03/23/93 cc Verified and tested by Reza Savabi, USDA-ARS, NSERL 317-494-5051 c Modified 11/25/96 by Dennis Flanagan c c +++ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS+++ real wrain,cancvf integer hour,irtype c c +++ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS+++ c wrain - Amount of daily measured rainfall (m/day). c hour - Hour of the day (hr). c irtype - crop residue type index c c +++PARAMETERS+++ include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c +++COMMON BLOCKS+++ include '' c read: ccr include '' c read: hradmj,tmax,vwind,hrdewp,hrtemp,rpoth include '' c read: cuthgt(ntype) include '' c read: iplane include '' c read: canhgt,cancov,lanuse include '' c read: sdate include '' c read: snodpy,densg include '' c read: rrough(mxplane) cd Added by S. Dun, Nov. 21, 2006 include '' c read : solef (solar energy adjust fator for sloped surface) cd End adding c c +++LOCAL VARIABLES+++ save real amelt1,bmelt1,cmelt1,dmelt1,m1 real height,rough,disp,cldpct,amelt,bmelt,cmelt,windh, 1 x,tmptrm,davgtf,dmelt,rainin,hrtef,adj,vwmph,hrdtf c c +++LOCAL DEFINITIONS+++ c height - Height of the canopy which is above the snow layer (m). c rough - Surface roughness of the top layer of the system (m). c disp - Zero-plane displacement of the system's surface (m). c cldpct - Percent cloud cover for the given hour (decimal %). c amelt - First part of WEPP eqn 3.2.1 - represents radiation term. c bmelt - Second part of WEPP 3.2.1 - represents cloud cover term. c tmptrm - Temporary term used in equations. c cmelt - Third partof WEPP 3.2.1 - represents wind term. c windh - Height at which the wind speed is measured, assume 2.0 m. c dmelt - Fourth part of WEPP 3.2.1 - represents temperature term. c x - Temporary variable. c adj - adjustment for wind height and roughness calculations c +++DATA INITIALIZATIONS+++ c c NOTE - The wind generated c by CLIGEN is for a 10 meter height c cd data windh/2.0/ data windh/10.0/ c c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ cd Added by S. Dun, June 22, 2007 amelt = 0 bmelt = 0 cmelt = 0 dmelt = 0 rainin = 0 cancvf = 1 cd End adding c -- Calculate the surface conditions -- if(lanuse(iplane).eq.1)then height = cuthgt(irtype) if( = canhgt(iplane) else height = canhgt(iplane) endif c rough = 0.0 if(height .lt. 0.001) rough = 0.0002 if(snodpy(iplane) .lt. 0.01) rough = rrc(iplane) if(height .lt. 0.001) goto 10 height = height - snodpy(iplane) if(height .lt. 0.001) then height = 0.0 rough = 0.0002 else rough = 0.13 * height endif 10 disp = 0.77 * height c c Savabi correction - need to convert delta temperature c from degrees C to degrees F - dcf 11/25/96 c hrtef=hrtemp*(9./5.) davgtf=(tmax + tmin)/2*(9./5.) c -- Calculating decimal percent cloud cover -- cd Modified by S. Dun, Jan 12, 2007 cldpct = cloudC cd if (rpoth .lt. 0.0001) then cd cldpct = 1.0 cd else cd cldpct=(1.0 - radmj /rpoth) / 0.7 cd endif cd if (cldpct .gt. 1.0) cldpct = 1.0 cd End modifying c c -- Aug 1989 WEPP manual. First term of 3.2.1 for melt. -- c -- NOTE that 0.0607 is a conversion from MJ to Ly units. -- cd 0.5 snow albedo is assumed 0.00508*23.889*(1-0.5) = 0.0607 c if( then amelt = 0.0607 * hradmj * (1.0 - cancov(iplane)*cancvf) c else c amelt = 0 c endif c -- NOTE: Canopy may not be the correct variable to use in the c -- WEPP version of winter. -JW c -- Check with Bob to see if cutght(iplane) should be used... c -- Allow some melt when max temp > 0 but mean temperature < 0 -- cd Modified by S. Dun, June 13,2007 c To exactly follow the equation in Hendrick et al., 1971 c cd if(hrtemp .gt. -4.0 .and. hrtemp .le. 0.0) then cd tmptrm = amelt cd amelt = tmptrm * (0.36 * hrtemp + 1.0) cd endif c if (hrtef.le. -5) then c amelt = 0 c elseif(hrtef .le. 0) then c amelt = amelt * (0.2 * hrtef + 1.0) c endif c Condition L1 c If ( Then cd End of modifying c -- Aug 1989 WEPP manual. Second term of 3.2.1 for melt. -- cd Modified by S. Dun, June 14, 2007 cd bmelt =( 0.84 * (1.0 - cldpct))/24. c bmelt = 0.025/24 * hrtef 1 -( 0.84 * (1.0 - cldpct))*(1.0 - cancov(iplane)*cancvf)/24. cd End modifying etm(iplane) = etm(iplane) + (.0254 * bmelt) c -- Aug 1989 WEPP manual. Third term of 3.2.1 for melt. c -- This safety check was placed in here to account for case c -- of rough being unset and defaulted to 0.0. c cd Modified by S. Dun, Jan 17, 2008 c the wind adjustment factor equation seems wrong c Now we use 5-22 from EM1110-2-1406 vind measurement height assumed 15.2m c when using unit meter the coefficent would be 1.57 = (15.2)^(1/6) cd if (rough .lt. 0.0001) then cd cmelt = 0.0 cd else cd xtem = windh - disp + rough cd if(xtem .gt. 0.0)then cd adj = 1.0 - 1.0 / log(xtem/rough) cd else cd adj = 1.0 cd endif c c NOTE - The wind generated c by CLIGEN is for a 10 meter height c adj = 1.57 * windh**(-1/6) if ( adj = 0 c c Savabi correction to convert wind velocity from m/sec c to miles/hour. Assume 0.1 tx=0.22 hrtef - dcf 11/25/96 vwmph=(vwind*3600)/1609. hrdtf=tdpt*(9./5.) c cd Added by S. Dun, Jan 15, 2008 c for condtion when wind effect can be considered negligible if( then cmelt = (0.0084/24.) * vwmph*(1.0-0.8*cancov(iplane)*cancvf)* 1 ((0.22*hrtef)+(0.78*hrdtf))*adj 1 + 0.8*cancov(iplane)*cancvf * 0.045/24 * hrtef else cmelt = 0.045/24 * hrtef endif cd endif c -- Aug 1989 WEPP manual. Fourth term of 3.2.1 for melt. c Equation commented out. New equation for dmelt1 from c Savabi is given below. - dcf 11/25/96 c dmelt1 = hrtemp * (0.0382 + 0.014 * cldpct) + hrtemp * c 1 0.000496 * hrrain(hour) c Unit conversion from meter to inch rainin=hrrain(hour)*39.37 cd Modified by S. Dun. June 13, 2007 cd Rain is hourly rainfall and first term belongs to longwave radiation cd dmelt2=(hrtef)*(0.025/24.+(0.007/24.*rainin)) c c Assume warm rain temperature equals dew point temperature c if the dew point temperature is greater than 0 C, c otherwise eaqual the hourly air tempearture. c if (hrdtf .gt. 0.0) then dmelt= 0.007* rainin * hrdtf else dmelt= 0.007* rainin * hrtef endif c c End Condition L1 c Endif cd End modifying c -- Put terms into the following eqn calculates water melt (m). -- c -- NOTE that 0.0254 is a conversion factor from inches to meters. -- c wmelt(iplane) = 0.0254 * (amelt + bmelt + cmelt + dmelt) c c if(wmelt(iplane) .lt. 0) wmelt(iplane) = 0.0 c c -- This check converts the water depth to a depth of equal density -- c -- to that of the snowpack. -- c -- The "1000" is the density of water (kg/m^3). c Savabi new line to prevent negative melt values - dcf 11/25/96 cd Modified by S. Dun, July 12, 2007 c To allow negative vlues, due to using daily model in an hourly fasion cd if(wmelt(iplane).le.0.0)wmelt(iplane)=0.00 c If (wmelt(iplane).ge.0) then cd End modifying c x = wmelt(iplane) * 1000.0 / densg(iplane) if(x .ge. snodpy(iplane)) 1 wmelt(iplane) = snodpy(iplane) * (densg(iplane) / 1000.0) cd if(wmelt(iplane).lt.0.0) wmelt(iplane) = 0.0 endif cd write(62, 1000) sdate, hour, year, amelt,bmelt,cmelt,dmelt, cd 1 cancov(iplane),hradmj,vwmph,adj 1000 format(1x, 3i6, 8e12.2) c return end