subroutine mltbtm(hour) c c +++PURPOSE+++ c This function is responsible for Bottom-up thawing c c The purpose of this program is to simulate melting that occurs from the bottom-up c (1) When only one frost layer exists and surface temperature is below 0C , c however heat from soil below is greater than the cold flux from top c (2) Heat flux from soil below melts the bottom of the frost. c c Author(s): Shuhui Dun, WSU c Date: 02/26/2008 c Verified by: Joan Wu, WSU c c c +++ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS+++ integer hour c c +++ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS+++ c hour - The hour of the day that we are calculating. c c +++PARAMETERS+++ include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c +++COMMON BLOCKS+++ c include '' c read: iplane include '' c read: sdate include '' c read: snodpt(iplane),tfrdp(mxplan),tthawd(mxplan),frdp(mxplan), c thdp(mxplan),densg(mxplan) c include '' c fine layer for frost simulation c include '' c include '' c read: dg(i,iplane) c include '' c read: annual air temperature curve coefficients c include '' c read: bdcons, bulk density c c c +++LOCAL VARIABLES+++ c integer layerN,flyerN,tpbtfg,lyblwk,flblwk,varfg, 1 fgfzft,wklyn,wkflyn,i,j,LN1mbf,FLN1mb,fgwhld, 1 jstart,jend,flycn real htreq,ceh2o,lhfh2o,decr,mlteng,mltime,flmlt, 1 frzdp, ofrzdp,mdufdp,qdrysd,eratio, 1 tmpbl,tmpdp,dmping,kufzfl,oslfsd,kufz real smoist,sdepth,vardp,varsm,varthk,varsmc, 1 varwtp,varkus,tmpvr1,tmpvr2,vartmp, 1 frzwat,spcav,varwat,varthd,flthck,flbltk c c +++LOCAL DEFINITIONS+++ c htreq - Heat (energy), required to melt frost of current finer layer (J/m^2). c lhfh2o - Latent heat of fusion of water (J/m^3). c decr - Depth that the frost melt in a fine layer (m). c eratio - ratio of the requied energy to melt the frost c mlteng - engery flux to melt the frost c flmlt - time needed to melt a fine layer c mltime - total thawing time used c c tmpbl - average temperature 1 meter below frozen front c tmpdp - depth for the estimated temperature c dmping - dmping depth for yearly cahnge in soil c c smoist - limit for minimum soil moisture (from David Hall) c sdepth - limit for minimum depth value (from David Hall) c c layerN - soil layer number c flyerN - finer soil layer number c tpbtfg - a flag for start point or ending point is required, c 0 for starting point and 1 for ending point. c c fgfzft - flag for what type of water redistribution, c 0 for no frozen front, 1 for around frozen front, c 2 for unfrozen layers with frozen front in the soil profile c c fgwhld - a flag indicates there is holding water on top, c 0 for it is not a water holding run, 1 for a water holding run. c c wklyn : soil layer number where freezong or thawing front is (working) c wkflyn: finer layer number of the working position c lyblwk - the soil layer of the finer layer right below the working finer layer c flblwk - the finer soil layer below the working layer c LN1mbf - the soil layer 1 meter below the forst layer c FLN1mb - the fine layer number 1 meter below the forst layer c c frzdp - depth of the tawing front c ofrzdp - depth of tahwing front before update c c vardp - depth variable c varsm - soil moisture variable c varfg - frost flag varaible c varthk - thickmess variable c varsmc - variable for maximum water flow rate an adjecent layer can supply c c mdufdp - thickness of unfrozen layers between current melting front c and next frozen layer to melt c qdrysd - the depth where starts to calculate qdry from below 1 meter. c c frzwat - the ammount of liquid water in frozen of a fine layer (m) c spcav - space available for holding liquid water in the frozen zone c c flycn - number of fine layers, it changes for the bottom soil layer, c it is 10 for other layers. c flthck - thickness of a fine layer (m) c c +++DATA INITIALIZATIONS+++ c c Latent heat of fusion of ice in J/m3 data lhfh2o/3.35e08/ c +++END SPECIFICATIONS+++ c c Starting point of thawing at the bottom of the frost layer c frzdp = frdp(iplane) qdrysd = frzdp call locate(frzdp,layern,flyern,1) wklyn = layern wkflyn = flyern c c Layer numbers of the fine layer below the working layer flblwk = wkflyn + 1 if (flblwk .gt. nfine(wklyn)) then lyblwk = wklyn + 1 flblwk = 1 else lyblwk = wklyn endif varfg = fgfrst(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane) if ( then wklyn = lyblwk wkflyn = flblwk endif c c Do loop mltime = 0. flmlt = 0. decr = 0 fgwhld = 0 c c There are 3600 seconds in a hourc c *************************************************** do while ( c Loop till no more energy availabe to thaw the soil c c Locate the melting front c when melting front moved upword one or many fine layers. if (mltime .gt. 0.0) then c wkflyn = wkflyn - 1 if (wkflyn .lt. 1) then wklyn = wklyn - 1 if( then c thaw through fgthwd(iplane) = 1 slsw(1, 1, iplane) = slsw(1, 1, iplane) 1 + watpdg(iplane)/( dg(1,iplane)/nfine(1)) watpdg(iplane) = 0. return else wkflyn = nfine(wklyn) endif endif c c Check if current layer is unfrozen mdufdp = 0. c 30 varfg = fgfrst(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) if(varfg .eq. 0) then c a complete unfrozen layer c mdufdp = mdufdp + dg(wklyn, iplane)/nfine(wklyn) c wkflyn = wkflyn - 1 if (wkflyn .lt. 1) then wklyn = wklyn - 1 if( then c thaw through fgthwd(iplane) = 1 return else wkflyn = nfine(wklyn) endif endif c goto 30 c elseif (varfg .eq. 2) then c partialy frozen, frost at top mdufdp = mdufdp + (dg(wklyn, iplane)/nfine(wklyn) 1 - slfsd(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane)) c endif c ofrzdp = frzdp frzdp = frzdp - decr - mdufdp c if (frzflg.eq.4) then c Only one frost layer and bottom thawing c Heat flux from soil surface needs to be re-estimated. c mdfzdp shall be 0 under this condition c if (frzdp.le.tilld(iplane)) then c thawing front is in the tillage zone now c if (ofrzdp.le.tilld(iplane)) then c thawing front was in the tillage zone qoutdm = qoutdm - (decr + mdufdp)/kftill else c tahwing front was below the tillage zone vardp = (tilld(iplane) - frzdp) qoutdm = qoutdm - vardp/kftill 1 - (decr + mdufdp - vardp)/kfutil endif else c thawing front is below the tillage zone qoutdm = qoutdm - (decr + mdufdp)/kfutil endif c c Thermal conductivity above first frost layer c ktopf = thickness /qoutdm c c Thermal gradient of the layer: c surtmp(hour)/ (thickness c c Heat flux from above c check for possible divide by zero. jrf 5-4-2008 c 1-5-2010 - better check for values very close to 0 to c prevent unreasonable amount of freeze or melt energy. if (( then qhtout = surtmp(hour) / qoutdm else qhtout = 0 endif endif c end condtition for frzflg = 4 endif c c if ((qdrysd - frzdp) .gt. 0.1) then c qdrysd = frzdp c c Estimate temperature 1 meter below the frost layer. c If estimated temperature is below 0C, then the heat from blow is 0 dmping = 2.0 tmpdp = frzdp + 1.0 tmpbl = YavgT + YampT * exp(-tmpdp/dmping) 1 *sin(2*3.14/365. *(sdate-YpshfT)- tmpdp/dmping) c c *********************************************************** c *** Heat conducted from the warm soil blow frost layer *** c *********************************************************** c Calculate QDRY, heat flow from [the dry layers] beneath c the frost layer. c if (tmpbl.le.0) then qdry = 0. else c Estimate thermal conductivity of 1 meter below the frost layer. c The harmonic mean of the known layers is used for the whole 1 meter. c c Ending loction of 1 meter blow the frost layer vardp = frdp(iplane) + 1.0 c if (vardp .gt. solthk(nsl(iplane),iplane)) then LN1mbf = nsl(iplane) FLN1mb = FLNbtm else call locate(vardp,layern,flyern,1) LN1mbf = layern FLN1mb = flyern endif c c Harmonic mean of thermal conductivity for 1 meter below frost tmpvr2 = 0. c do 20 i = wklyn, LN1mbf c if (i .eq. wklyn) then jstart = wkflyn else jstart = 1 endif c if (i .eq. LN1mbf) then jend = FLN1mb else jend = nfine(i) endif c do 25 j = jstart, jend c Calculate Thermal conductivity of unfrozen soil tmpvr1 = 0.5096 + 7.4493 * slsw(j,i,iplane) 1 - 8.7484 * slsw(j,i,iplane) ** 2 kufzfl = tmpvr1 * (0.0014139*bdcons(i,iplane) - 1.0588) 1 *ksoilf c The value 10 is for 10 finer layers in each soil layer if ( then tmpvr2 = tmpvr2 + (dg(i,iplane)/nfine(i))/kufzfl endif c 25 continue 20 continue c Harmonic mean of thermal conductivity of the 1.0 meter soil if (tmpvr2 .gt. 0.0) then kufz = 1.0/tmpvr2 else c A value when soil water content is 0.0 and bulk density around 1000kg/m3 kufz = 0.2 endif c c the value 1.0 meter is for the distance between 0C and tepbl qdry = kufz * tmpbl / 1.0 c endif c endif c c ------------------------------------------ if (frzflg.eq.4) then c Only one frost layer and bottom thawing c Nothing happening on top mlteng = qdry + qhtout else c bottom thawing when top frezzing or thawing mlteng = qdry endif c -------------------------------------------- c c number of fine layers flycn = nfine(wklyn) c current fine layer thickness flthck = dg(wklyn,iplane)/flycn c frozen layer thickness in a fine layer varthk = flthck c varfg = fgfrst(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) c if ((varfg.eq.2).or. (varfg.eq.3)) then c the layer is partially frozen varthk = slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) endif c The unit of htreq is J/m2 htreq = lhfh2o * slsic(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) c c c The calculation mlteng*3600 convert energy flux for mlteng in W/m2 to J/m2. c There are 3600 s in a hour. c if ((mlteng*(3600.-mltime) - htreq) .lt. 0.0) then c The energy is only enough to melt a fraction of frost in current layer eratio = mlteng * (3600. - mltime)/htreq decr = eratio * varthk c no more energy flmlt = 3600. - mltime c else flmlt = htreq/mlteng c if( 1.0) flmlt =1.0 c in order to go for next layer, a value of 1 second is assigned for the thawing time c when the frozen thickness is too small to keep the program go to next layer c decr = varthk eratio = 1. endif c c Update fine layer frost variables if (decr .lt. 0.001) decr = 0.0 if ((varthk - decr).lt.0.001) decr = varthk c if (eratio.eq.1.) then c whole layer thawed fgfrst(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = 0 c slsw(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = (slsw(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane)* 1 (flthck - slfsd(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane)) 1 + slsic(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane))/flthck c slsic(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = 0.0 slfsd(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = 0.0 c elseif ( then c Partially thawed, thawing depth is greater than 1mm fgfrst(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = 2 c oslfsd = slfsd(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) slfsd(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) 1 - decr if (slfsd(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane).lt. 0.001) then slfsd(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = 0.0 endif c slsw(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = (slsw(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane)* 1 (flthck - oslfsd) 1 + slsic(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane)* eratio) 1 /(flthck - slfsd(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane)) c slsic(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = slsic(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane)* 1 (1 - eratio) else c Partially thawed, thawing depth is less than 1mm vartmp = flthck - slfsd(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) c if (vartmp .gt. 0.001) then c current layer has room to hold the thawed water slsw(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = slsw(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) 1 + slsic(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane)* eratio/vartmp else c Current layer has no room to hold the thawed water, c water then goes to the layer below if ((wklyn.eq.nsl(iplane)).and.(wkflyn.eq.FLNbtm)) then c the last layer of the soil profile watbtm(iplane) = slsic(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane)* eratio 1 + watbtm(iplane) fgwhld = 1 else c Layer numbers of the fine layer below flblwk = wkflyn + 1 if (flblwk .gt. nfine(wklyn)) then lyblwk = wklyn + 1 flblwk = 1 else lyblwk = wklyn endif c c the fine layer thickness below current layer flbltk = dg(lyblwk,iplane)/nfine(lyblwk) slsw(flblwk,lyblwk,iplane) = slsw(flblwk,lyblwk, iplane) 1 + slsic(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane)* eratio/flbltk endif endif c slsic(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = slsic(wkflyn, wklyn,iplane)* 1 (1 - eratio) c c ice in the soil layer is negeligible if(slsic(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane).lt.1e-5) then fgfrst(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = 0 slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) = (slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) 1 *(flthck - slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane)) 1 + slsic(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane))/flthck slsic(wkflyn, wklyn, iplane) = 0.0 slfsd(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) = 0.0 c c check if frost layers are thaw through fgthwd(iplane) = 1 do 40 i = wklyn, 1, -1 if (i .eq. wklyn) then jstart = wkflyn else jstart = nfine(i) endif do 50 j = jstart, 1, -1 varfg = fgfrst(j, i, iplane) if ( fgthwd(iplane) = 0 50 continue 40 continue endif c endif c if ((wklyn.eq.nsl(iplane)).and.(wkflyn.eq.FLNbtm)) then if ((fgwhld .ne. 1).and.(watbtm(iplane).gt.0.0)) then if( 0.001) then c slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) =slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) 1 + watbtm(iplane)/decr watbtm(iplane) = 0. endif endif endif c c Handling the liquid (infiltrated) water in the frozen zone c Thickness of thawed layer varthd = flthck -(varthk-decr) if ( then c if (nwfrzz(wklyn,iplane).gt.1e-5) then if ((frozen(wklyn,iplane).gt.0.001) 1 .and. ( then c liquid water in frozen zone frzwat = nwfrzz(wklyn,iplane)/frozen(wklyn,iplane)*varthk c available space spcav = ul(wklyn,iplane)/dg(wklyn,iplane)*varthk 1 - slsic(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) if(spcav .lt. 0.0) spcav = 0.0 if ( frzwat = spcav c liquid water released varwat = frzwat/varthk*decr slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) = slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) 1 + varwat/varthd nwfrzz(wklyn,iplane) = nwfrzz(wklyn,iplane) - varwat frozen(wklyn,iplane) = frozen(wklyn,iplane) - decr endif c else slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) = slsw(wkflyn,wklyn,iplane) 1 + nwfrzz(wklyn,iplane)/varthd nwfrzz(wklyn,iplane) = 0.0 frozen(wklyn,iplane) = 0.0 endif c endif c c Total thawing time mltime = mltime + flmlt c Enddo c End of the do loop c ************************************************************* c return end