subroutine monout c c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c Generates the monthly output from the model c c Called from SEDOUT c Author(s): Nearing,Ascough c Reference in User Guide: c c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c c read: nmon c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c real irrunp character*4 mths(12) integer ipl c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c mths(12) : three letter abbreviation for month of year c irrunp : fraction of runoff water contributed to irrigation c c + + + SAVES + + + c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c data mths /'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 1 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'/ c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c if (nirrm.eq.0) then write (31,1100) write (31,1200) mths(mon), year - ibyear + 1 write (31,1400) write (31,1600) nrainm, trainm, nrunom(nplane), trunom(nplane), 1 nmunom(nplane), tmunom(nplane) mrro=trunom(nplane) mrain=trainm mmelt=tmunom(nplane) else write (31,1000) write (31,1200) mths(mon), year - ibyear + 1 write (31,1300) write (31,1500) nrainm, trainm, nirrm, tirrm, nrunom(nplane), 1 trunom(nplane), nmunom(nplane), tmunom(nplane) c mrain=trainm mmelt=tmunom(nplane) miro=irrunm(nplane) mirig=tirrm if ( then write (31,1800) ncommm c do 10 ipl = 1, nplane c if (trunom(ipl).gt.0.0) then c irrunp = irrunm(ipl) / trunom(ipl) * 100000. irrunp = irrunm(ipl) / trunom(nplane) * 100000. else irrunp = 0.0 end if c write (31,1700) irrunp, ipl 10 continue mrro=trunom(nplane)*(1-(irrunp/100)) c trro=trro+mrro c end if c end if c do 20 ipl = 1, nplane nrunom(ipl) = 0 trunom(ipl) = 0.0 irrunm(ipl) = 0. nmunom(ipl) = 0 tmunom(ipl) = 0.0 20 continue c nrainm = 0 trainm = 0.0 c c NOTE - comment out resetting of nirrm here - reset it only c in SR SEDOUT - so monthly irrigation impact on sediment c output will work properly. dcf 4/27/93 c c nirrm(mon)=0 c tirrm = 0. ncommm = 0 c return 1000 format (//'I. RAINFALL, IRRIGATION, AND RUNOFF SUMMARY',/,5x,8( 1 '-'),2x,10('-'),2x,3('-'),1x,6('-'),1x,7('-')) 1100 format (//'I. RAINFALL AND RUNOFF SUMMARY',/,5x,8('-'),1x,3('-' 1 ),1x,6('-'),1x,7('-')) 1200 format (/6x,'month and year: ',1x,a3,1x,i3) 1300 format (/6x, 1 ' Precipitation Irrigation Summer Runoff', 1 ' Melt & Winter Runoff'/6x, 1 'events amount events amount events amount', 1 ' events amount',/6x, 1 ' (mm) (mm) (mm) ', 1 ' (mm)',/) 1400 format (/6x, 1 ' Precipitation Summer Runoff Melt & Winter', 1 ' Runoff'/6x, 1 'events amount events amount events amount',/6x, 1 ' (mm) (mm) (mm)'/) 1500 format (7x,i3,5x,f8.2,3x,i2,4x,f8.2,3x,i3,5x,f8.2,3x,i3,5x,f8.2) 1600 format (7x,i3,5x,f8.2,3x,i3,5x,f8.2,3x,i3,5x,f8.2) 1700 format (6x,f5.1,' % of runoff from OFE ',i2, 1 ' attributed to irrigation') 1800 format (/8x,i3,' irrigation events occurred on days with rainfall' 1 ) end