subroutine open(un,istat,flag,mesg,filen) c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c c Opens files and checks for errors in opening. c c Called from: SRS INFILE & OUTFIL c Author(s): Livingston, Whittemore, Ascough II c Reference in User Guide: c c Version: This module not yet recoded c Date recoded: c Recoded by: c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + c include '' c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + c integer istat, flag, un character*51 filen character*65 mesg c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c c istat - status for open file (1-new, 2-old, 3-unknown) c filen - file name read in c flag - flag for to print message or not (> 1 print ; < 0 do not) c mesg - prompt for file name c un - unit number c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + c include '' c read: ibomb c include '' c read: ivers c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + c integer errcod character*7 stat(3) c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c c errcod - c stat(3) - c c + + + SAVES + + + c save c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c data stat /'new', 'old', 'unknown'/ c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c ... check to see if this is a file name already read in. c ... if it is don't read again if flag = 0 don't print mesg or c ... read filen c c 10 if ( write (6,1000) mesg if ( read (5,1100) filen c write (6,2000) filen if (flag.eq.3) return c c ... check if file name was not entered c if (filen(1:1).eq.' ') then if (ibomb.eq.1) then write (6,1300) stop else write (6,1400) go to 10 end if end if c c ... check for file name length > 50 characters c ... (LAHEY RESTRICTION) c if (filen(51:51).ne.' ') then if (ibomb.eq.1) then write (6,1600) mesg, filen stop else write (6,1500) filen go to 10 end if end if c c ... open file c open (unit=un,file=filen,status=stat(istat), 1 err=20,iostat=errcod) c return c c ... error in opening file c 20 if (istat.eq.2) then c write (6,2100) mod(errcod,256) c if (ibomb.eq.1) then write (6,1200) write (6,1700) mesg, filen stop else write (6,1800) go to 10 end if c else c write (6,2100) mod(errcod,256) c if (ibomb.eq.1) then write (6,1200) write (6,1900) mesg, filen stop else write (6,1900) mesg, filen go to 10 end if c end if c 1000 format (/,2x,a,/) 1100 format (a50) 1200 format (' ***ERROR***') 1300 format (/,' ***ERROR1300***',/,2x,a65,/,a50,//,2x, 1 'No file name entered') 1400 format (' *** No file name entered',/,2x,' *** Please try again') 1500 format (//,2x,a51,//,2x, 1 ' *** File name must be less than 51 characters',/,2x, 1 ' *** including the path and extension') 1600 format (//,1x,a65,/,1x,a51,//,2x,'***ERROR***',/, 1 ' File name must be less than 51 characters'/, 1 ' including the path and extension'/) 1700 format (//,1x,a65,/,1x,a50,'File does not exist') 1800 format (//,2x,' *** Cannot open file'/2x, 1 ' *** File does not exist') 1900 format (//,1x,a65,/,1x,a50,/,' file already exists') 2000 format (' file name read in: ',a) 2100 format (' LAHEY error code = ',i4) c2000 format (//2x,' *** file already exists') c end