subroutine print(effdrr) c********************************************************************* c * c called from subroutine contin. * c prints out the detailed hydrology output for every event * c that is routed (i.e., those producing rainfall excess) * c * c********************************************************************* c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c c********************************************************************* c * c common blocks * c * c********************************************************************* c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c read efflen(mxplan) c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c include '' c c reza added 4/7/94 include '' c c********************************************************************* c * c local variables * c chezy : equivalent chezy coefficient * c hvc : a constant used for unit conversions * c it : * c i : * c volinf : * c * c********************************************************************* c c real chezy(mxplan), pkint, effdrr, ropeak, volinf integer i save pkint c if (iplane.eq.1) then write (32,1100) write (32,1200) day, mon, year c c ... check minimum temp - if less than or equal to zero all the c rainfall is snow c c reza 4/7/94 next line is new if ( then c c following line should be "tmin", not "tmax" dcf 6/3/94 c if( then c if( then c XXX Don't need to use temperature at all here. Since we have the c the actual rainfall value (IF it truly is rain then we have c a positive value for "rain(iplane)" - then use it. dcf 8/26/94 c if(rain(iplane).gt.0.0001 .or. wmelt(iplane).gt.0.0001 1 .or. (irsyst.eq.1 .and. irdept(iplane).gt.0.0001))then if (rain(iplane).gt..0001)then if(ibrkpt.eq.0)then write (32,2000) rain(iplane) * 1000., stmdur / 60., 1 ip, timep else write (32,2050) rain(iplane) * 1000., stmdur / 60. endif endif if (irsyst.eq.1) write (32,2100) irofe, irdept(iplane) * 1 1000., irdur / 60., irint(iplane) * 3.6e06 c next line is new reza 4/7/94 if(wmelt(iplane).gt.0.0001)then if(ibrkpt.eq.0)then write (32,2150) wmelt(iplane)*1000.,stmdur/60.,ip,timep else write (32,2170) wmelt(iplane)*1000.,stmdur/60. endif endif if(irsyst.eq.1)then if(wmelt(iplane).le.0.0001)then write (32,1800) else write (32,1820) endif else if(wmelt(iplane).le.0.0001)then write (32,1850) else write (32,1870) endif endif c c XXX NOTE - Since each OFE can now have a different value for c "ninten", the print out is incomplete - as it contains c only the rainfall hyetograph for the first OFE. dcf 6/6/94 c do 10 i = 1, ninten(iplane) write (32,1900) timem(i) / 60., intsty(i) * 3.6e6 if (i.eq.1) then pkint = intsty(1) else if (intsty(i).gt.pkint) pkint = intsty(i) end if 10 continue write (32,2900) else write (32,*) write (32,*) 1 ' No liquid precipitation; no melt or irrigation' c 1 ' Temperature less than zero - all precipitation ', c 1 'is snow' endif end if c write (32,1300) ihill write (32,1400) write (32,1500) iplane write (32,1600) write (32,1700) ks(iplane) * 3.6e6, sm(iplane) * 1000., 1 por(nsl(iplane),iplane), sat(iplane) * 100., cancov(iplane) * 1 100., gcover(iplane) * 100. if (norun(iplane).eq.0) then write (32,1000) else c hydrograph c chezy(iplane) = alpha(iplane) / sqrt(avgslp(iplane)) write (32,2200) slplen(iplane), m, avgslp(iplane), 1 chezy(iplane) c write (32,2300) aveks(iplane) * 3.6e6, avesm(iplane) * 1000., 1 avpor(iplane), avsat(iplane) c write (32,2400) runoff(iplane) * 1000., peakro(iplane) * 3.6e6, 1 effdrn(iplane) / 60., efflen(iplane) c c XXX PROBLEMS with multiple OFE hydrology output. Jeff Stone is c correcting and revising hydrograph and runoff outputs. For c now only output values for single OFE hillslopes - and c notify user for multiple OFE's that revised output is c forthcoming. dcf 8/29/94 c if (iplane.eq.nplane) then if (iplane.eq.nplane .and. nplane.eq.1) then write (32,2500) ihill write (32,2600) ropeak = 0.0 do 20 i = 1, nqt write (32,2700) i, tq1(i) / 60., q(i) / efflen(nplane) * 1 3.6e6, qtot(i) / efflen(iplane) / 0.001 if (q(i)/efflen(nplane)* ropeak = q(i) / 1 efflen(nplane) * 3.6e6 20 continue write (32,2800) c c XXX - Changed from using (ns+1) - which is the index for the number c of rainfall excess time steps to (nf+1) - which is the index c for the number of infiltration time steps. Is this correct?? c Need to check this out with Jeff Stone. dcf 5/27/94 c volinf = rcum(ns+1) * 1000. - runoff(nplane) * 1000. c XXX - Problems still with the following line. Data sets from c Andreas Klik in Austria - single storm with breakpoint data, c by changing only effective conductivity in soil file, the c nf+1 index is messed up. In one case "rcum(nf+1)=0.0" c when it should have been 0.0587 meters. This needs to c be fixed by Jeff Stone. dcf 8/26/94 c volinf = rcum(nf+1) * 1000. - runoff(nplane) * 1000. c XXX TEMPORARY FIX - compute VOLINF and print out following c information ONLY for the case of 1 OFE hillslopes. c Jeff Stone is looking into movement of call to PRINT and c how these variables are computed and should be printed - c in order for them to work properly for multiple OFE c hillslopes. dcf 8/29/94 c if(nplane.eq.1)then volinf = rr(nf) * 1000. - runoff(nplane) * 1000. c if(irsyst.eq.1)then if(wmelt(nplane).gt.0.0001)then c XXX - Changed from using (ns+1) - which is the index for the number c of rainfall excess time steps to (nf+1) - which is the index c for the number of infiltration time steps. Is this correct?? c Need to check this out with Jeff Stone. dcf 5/27/94 c write (32,3000) ihill, rcum(ns+1) * 1000., volinf, c XXX - Problems still with the following line. Data sets from c Andreas Klik in Austria - single storm with breakpoint data, c by changing only effective conductivity in soil file, the c nf+1 index is messed up. In one case "rcum(nf+1)=0.0" c when it should have been 0.0587 meters. This needs to c be fixed by Jeff Stone. dcf 8/26/94 c write (32,3000) ihill, rcum(nf+1) * 1000., volinf, c XXX - Changed from RCUM(NF+1) to RR(NF) re: Jeff Stone 8/29/94 dcf write (32,3000) ihill, rr(nf) * 1000., volinf, 1 runoff(nplane) * 1000., pkint * 3.6e6, effint(nplane) * 1 3.6e6, effdrr / 60., f(nf) * 3.6e6, ropeak, stmdur / 60, 1 tp(1) / 60., effdrn(iplane) / 60., efflen(iplane) else c XXX - Changed from using (ns+1) - which is the index for the number c of rainfall excess time steps to (nf+1) - which is the index c for the number of infiltration time steps. Is this correct?? c Need to check this out with Jeff Stone. dcf 5/27/94 c write (32,3100) ihill, rcum(ns+1) * 1000., volinf, c XXX - Problems still with the following line. Data sets from c Andreas Klik in Austria - single storm with breakpoint data, c by changing only effective conductivity in soil file, the c nf+1 index is messed up. In one case "rcum(nf+1)=0.0" c when it should have been 0.0587 meters. This needs to c be fixed by Jeff Stone. dcf 8/26/94 c write (32,3100) ihill, rcum(nf+1) * 1000., volinf, c XXX - Changed from RCUM(NF+1) to RR(NF) re: Jeff Stone 8/29/94 dcf write (32,3100) ihill, rr(nf) * 1000., volinf, 1 runoff(nplane) * 1000., pkint * 3.6e6, effint(nplane) * 1 3.6e6, effdrr / 60., f(nf) * 3.6e6, ropeak, stmdur / 60, 1 tp(1) / 60., effdrn(iplane) / 60., efflen(iplane) endif elseif(wmelt(nplane).gt.0.0001)then c XXX - Changed from using (ns+1) - which is the index for the number c of rainfall excess time steps to (nf+1) - which is the index c for the number of infiltration time steps. Is this correct?? c Need to check this out with Jeff Stone. dcf 5/27/94 c write (32,3200) ihill, rcum(ns+1) * 1000., volinf, c XXX - Problems still with the following line. Data sets from c Andreas Klik in Austria - single storm with breakpoint data, c by changing only effective conductivity in soil file, the c nf+1 index is messed up. In one case "rcum(nf+1)=0.0" c when it should have been 0.0587 meters. This needs to c be fixed by Jeff Stone. dcf 8/26/94 c write (32,3200) ihill, rcum(nf+1) * 1000., volinf, c XXX - Changed from RCUM(NF+1) to RR(NF) re: Jeff Stone 8/29/94 dcf write (32,3200) ihill, rr(nf) * 1000., volinf, 1 runoff(nplane) * 1000., pkint * 3.6e6, effint(nplane) * 1 3.6e6, effdrr / 60., f(nf) * 3.6e6, ropeak, stmdur / 60, 1 tp(1) / 60., effdrn(iplane) / 60., efflen(iplane) else c XXX - Changed from using (ns+1) - which is the index for the number c of rainfall excess time steps to (nf+1) - which is the index c for the number of infiltration time steps. Is this correct?? c Need to check this out with Jeff Stone. dcf 5/27/94 c write (32,3300) ihill, rcum(ns+1) * 1000., volinf, c XXX - Problems still with the following line. Data sets from c Andreas Klik in Austria - single storm with breakpoint data, c by changing only effective conductivity in soil file, the c nf+1 index is messed up. In one case "rcum(nf+1)=0.0" c when it should have been 0.0587 meters. This needs to c be fixed by Jeff Stone. dcf 8/26/94 c write (32,3300) ihill, rcum(nf+1) * 1000., volinf, c XXX - Changed from RCUM(NF+1) to RR(NF) re: Jeff Stone 8/29/94 dcf write (32,3300) ihill, rr(nf) * 1000., volinf, 1 runoff(nplane) * 1000., pkint * 3.6e6, effint(nplane) * 1 3.6e6, effdrr / 60., f(nf) * 3.6e6, ropeak, stmdur / 60, 1 tp(1) / 60., effdrn(iplane) / 60., efflen(iplane) end if else c write a message to users that multiple OFE hydrology output c is being corrected. c if(iplane.eq.nplane)write (32,3400) end if end if c return c 1000 format (//30x,'***************************'/30x, 1 '* *'/30x, 1 '* no rainfall excess *'/30x, 1 '* *'/30x,'**************************' 1 /) 1100 format (//'I. SINGLE STORM HYDROLOGY',/,2x,9('-'),1x,5('-'),1x, 1 36('-')) 1200 format (//' infiltration, rainfall excess, and runoff', 1 ' hydrograph for event of',3(1x,i2)//2x,'hydrology summary'/2 1 x,52('-')/) 1300 format (//2x,18('*'),/4x,'hillslope ',i2,/,2x,18('*')) 1400 format (//6x,27('*')) 1500 format (7x,'overland flow element ',i2) 1600 format (6x,27('*')) 1700 format (/' infiltration input parameters'/2x,52('-')// 1 ' effective saturated conductivity ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' effective matric potential ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' effective porosity ',f8.2,' (mm/mm)'/ 1 ' saturation ',f8.2,' (%)'/ 1 ' canopy cover ',f8.2,' (%)'/ 1 ' surface cover ',f8.2,' (%)'/) 1800 format (//2x,'rainfall + sprinkle irrigation',/, 1 8x,'time intensity',/, 1 8x,'(min) (mm/hr)',/,2x,52('-')) 1820 format (//2x,'rainfall + snow melt + sprinkle irrigation',/, 1 8x,'time intensity',/, 1 8x,'(min) (mm/hr)',/,2x,52('-')) 1850 format (//2x,'rainfall',/, 1 8x,'time intensity',/, 1 8x,'(min) (mm/hr)',/,2x,52('-')) 1870 format (//2x,'rainfall + snow melt',/, 1 8x,'time intensity',/, 1 8x,'(min) (mm/hr)',/,2x,52('-')) 1900 format (4x,2f10.2) 2000 format (' rainfall amount ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' rainfall duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' normalized peak intensity ',f8.2,/ 1 ' normalized time to peak ',f8.2,/) 2050 format (' rainfall amount ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' rainfall duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' INPUT BREAKPOINT PRECIPITATION USED',/) 2100 format (' plane irrigated ',i2/ 1 ' sprinkle irrig amount ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' sprinkle irrig duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' sprinkle irrig intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/hr)'/) 2150 format (' snowmelt amount ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' snowmelt duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' normalized peak intensity ',f8.2,/ 1 ' normalized time to peak ',f8.2,/) 2170 format (' snowmelt amount ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' snowmelt duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/) 2200 format (/' input runoff parameters'/2x,52('-')/ 1 ' plane length ',f8.2,' (m)'/ 1 ' discharge exponent ',f8.2/ 1 ' average slope of profile ',f8.2/ 1 ' chezy coefficient ',f8.2,' (m**0.5/s)'/) 2300 format (/' output runoff parameters'/2x,52('-')/ 1 ' equivalent sat. hydr. cond.',f8.2,' (mm/hr)'/ 1 ' equivalent matr. potential ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' average pore fraction ',f8.2,' (m/m)'/ 1 ' average saturation fraction',f8.2,' (m/m)'/) 2400 format (/' runoff output'/2x,52('-')/ 1 ' runoff volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' peak runoff rate ',f8.2,' (mm/hr)'/ 1 ' effective runoff duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' effective length ',f8.2,' (meters)'/) 2500 format (/' output runoff hydrograph (95% of depth) ' 1 'for hillslope ',i2,/2x,52('-')/) 2600 format (' cumul.'/ 1 ' index time rate depth '/ 1 ' (min) (mm/h) (mm)'/5x,49('-')) 2700 format (5x,i5,3f10.2) 2800 format (2x,52('-')) 2900 format (/2x,52('*')) 3000 format (//2x,'runoff hydrograph summary for hillslope ',i2, 1 /2x,'------ ---------- ------- --- --------- --',/, 1 ' rainfall, snow melt + sprinkle volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' infiltration volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' runoff volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'// 1 ' peak rainfall intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' effective rainfall intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' effective rainfall duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' final infiltration rate ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' peak runoff rate ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'// 1 ' duration of rain/irrigation ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' time to first ponding ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' effective runoff duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' effective length ',f8.2,' (meters)', 1 /) 3100 format (//2x,'runoff hydrograph summary for hillslope ',i2, 1 /2x,'------ ---------- ------- --- --------- --',/, 1 ' rainfall + sprinkle irrigation volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' infiltration volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' runoff volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'// 1 ' peak rainfall intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' effective rainfall intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' effective rainfall duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' final infiltration rate ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' peak runoff rate ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'// 1 ' duration of rain/irrigation ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' time to first ponding ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' effective runoff duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' effective length ',f8.2,' (meters)', 1 /) 3200 format (//2x,'runoff hydrograph summary for hillslope ',i2, 1 /2x,'------ ---------- ------- --- --------- --',/, 1 ' rainfall + snow melt volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' infiltration volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' runoff volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'// 1 ' peak rainfall intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' effective rainfall intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' effective rainfall duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' final infiltration rate ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' peak runoff rate ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'// 1 ' duration of rainfall ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' time to first ponding ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' effective runoff duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' effective length ',f8.2,' (meters)'/) 3300 format (//2x,'runoff hydrograph summary for hillslope ',i2, 1 /2x,'------ ---------- ------- --- --------- --',/, 1 ' rainfall volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' infiltration volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ 1 ' runoff volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'// 1 ' peak rainfall intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' effective rainfall intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' effective rainfall duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' final infiltration rate ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ 1 ' peak runoff rate ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'// 1 ' duration of rainfall ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' time to first ponding ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' effective runoff duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ 1 ' effective length ',f8.2,' (meters)'/) c XXX - MESSAGE TO USERS THAT MULTIPLE OFE HYDROLOGY OUTPUT NOT c AVAILABLE CURRENTLY. c3400 format (//2x, 'NOTE - Additional multiple OFE hydrology output', c 1 /,' (hydrograph, hillslope infiltration & runoff summaries)', c 1 /,' is currently undergoing revision and correction.',/, c 1 ' This information will be included in a future WEPP',/, c 1 ' model release.',/, c 1 ' Note Date: 8/29/94 Authors: Flanagan & Stone',//) c3400 format (//2x,'runoff hydrograph summary for MULTIPLE OFE', c 1 ' hillslope ',i2, c 1 /2x,'------ ---------- ------- --- --------- --',/, c 1 ' water inputs volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ c 1 ' infiltration volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'/ c 1 ' runoff volume ',f8.2,' (mm)'// c 1 ' peak rainfall intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ c 1 ' effective rainfall intensity ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ c 1 ' effective rainfall duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ c 1 ' final infiltration rate ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'/ c 1 ' peak runoff rate ',f8.2,' (mm/h)'// c 1 ' duration of rainfall ',f8.2,' (min)'/ c 1 ' time to first ponding ',f8.2,' (min)'/ c 1 ' effective runoff duration ',f8.2,' (min)'/ c 1 ' effective length ',f8.2,' (meters)'//, c 1 ' NOTE - Runoff outputs for multiple OFE hillslopes',/, c 1 ' are currently under revision.',/, c 1 ' ***WARNING*** Values reported here may be incorrect.') end