subroutine profil(iplane) c******************************************************************** c This subroutine reads in slope input data from screen or a * c file and computes dimensionless elevations, horizontal * c distances and slopes (assumed linear between points) * c * c******************************************************************** c integer i, iplane, k, km include '' include '' include '' c c mxnsl : maximum number of soil layers c c********************************************************************* c * c Common Blocks * c * c********************************************************************* c include '' c c********************************************************************* c * c dist variables updated * c y(101,mxplan) : * c * c********************************************************************* c include '' c save real xstar(mxslp), yu(mxslp), yl(mxslp), slen(mxplan), c(mxslp), 1 sstar(mxslp) c slen(iplane) = xinput(nslpts(iplane),iplane) y(nslpts(iplane),iplane) = 0.0 do 10 k = 1, nslpts(iplane) - 1 km = nslpts(iplane) - k y(km,iplane) = y(km+1,iplane) + (xinput(km+1,iplane)- 1 xinput(km,iplane)) * (slpinp(km,iplane)+ 1 slpinp(km+1,iplane)) / 2.0 10 continue avgslp(iplane) = y(1,iplane) / slen(iplane) c c correction by dcf to prevent model bombing - do not allow avgslp=0 c c Change of AVGSLP value by Baffaut 1996 - dcf 3/97 c if (avgslp(iplane).le.0.0) avgslp(iplane) = 0.00001 if (avgslp(iplane).le.0.0) avgslp(iplane) = 0.000001 do 20 k = 1, nslpts(iplane) sstar(k) = slpinp(k,iplane) / avgslp(iplane) xstar(k) = xinput(k,iplane) / slen(iplane) 20 continue do 30 k = 2, nslpts(iplane) a(k,iplane) = (sstar(k)-sstar(k-1)) / (xstar(k)-xstar(k-1)) b(k,iplane) = sstar(k-1) - a(k,iplane) * xstar(k-1) 30 continue yl(1) = 1.0 xl(1,iplane) = 0.0 do 40 k = 2, nslpts(iplane) yu(k) = yl(k-1) xu(k,iplane) = xl(k-1,iplane) c(k) = yu(k) + a(k,iplane) * xstar(k-1) ** 2 / 2.0 + 1 b(k,iplane) * xstar(k-1) yl(k) = -a(k,iplane) * xstar(k) ** 2 / 2.0 - b(k,iplane) * 1 xstar(k) + c(k) xl(k,iplane) = xstar(k) 40 continue k = 2 y(1,iplane) = 1.0 do 60 i = 2, 101 xinput(i,iplane) = float(i-1) * 0.01 50 if (xinput(i,iplane).gt.xstar(k)) then k = k + 1 go to 50 end if y(i,iplane) = -a(k,iplane) * xinput(i,iplane) ** 2 / 2.0 - 1 b(k,iplane) * xinput(i,iplane) + c(k) 60 continue return end