subroutine range(wst,nsl,nowcrp) c c NOTE: Because of changes to the dimensions of PLIVE in RNGINT, c the recoded versions of common blocks RINPT1, RINPT3, & c ROUT are required. Also in INPUT, the read of PLIVE(JJ) c should be changed to PLIVE(jj,1). c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This is the main rangeland plant growth subroutine. It estimates c plant growth (canopy cover, canopy height, root depth, root mass, c and leaf area index) on rangelands. This routine calls all c management options. c c Called from WATBAL c Author(s): Weltz, Meyer c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 8 c c Changes: c 1) Added RGC to parameter list in call to GCURVE. c 2) Changed GROTYP from type "real" to "integer". c 3) Dereferenced the following common blocks: c CCOVER.INC, CENDS.INC, CPARAME.INC, CRINPT5.INC c 4) Added the following variable declarations: c real x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,tmpave,rmagy,rmogy c real tlivey,tempvar,smrati,rratio c integer nowres,istart,idecom c 5) RGC added to parameter list in call to GCURVE, since it is c *computed* in GCURVE, but *printed* from RANGE. Re: telcon c w/Weltz. c 6) Rewrote 4-day average water stress calculations. Saved IT; c divided running total by IT rather than SDATE; re-dimensioned c STRSS from (5,mxplan) to (3,mxplan); saved STRSS; deleted c DATA initialization of STRSS; eliminated local parameter c MPLN5; changed STRESS(IPLANE) to STRSS4(IPLANE), a 4-day c total, and used an unsubscripted variable STRESS for the c original purpose. c 7) Equation to compute conversion of standing dead wood to fallen c (Equation 8.6.27) was incorrect. It was changed from: c rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmogt(nowres,iplane) + (dwood(iplane)- c 1 (((1-smrati)/4)*dwood(iplane))) c to: c rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmogt(nowres,iplane) + dwood(iplane)* c 1 (1.0-smrati)/4.0 c Re: 4/1/93 telcon w/Weltz (No foolin'!) c 8) The following code moved from PATRIB to RANGE: c if(yield(iplane) .gt. 0.0 .or. oldplt .gt. 0.0)then c utiliz = tfood / (yield(iplane)+oldplt) c else c utiliz = 0.0 c endif c This meant OLDPLT & TFOOD can be removed from the dummy parameter c list for PATRIB. UTILIZ which was incorrectly treated as a local c variable in PATRIB, can now be ignored there. c 9) Deleted dummy parameters TMPFLG, ISTART, & TRTMAS from c GROW, and its calls from PTGRA, PTGRP, and RANGE. c 10) Changed variable IFROST to JFROST to make it distinct c from variable in winter routines. Re: 5/6/93 conversation c w/Weltz -- CRM. c 11) ROOTY(NSL) changed to ROOTY(NSL,IPLANE). Re: 5/6/93 conversation c w/Weltz -- CRM. c 12) Deleted SAVE of ANS, OLDPLT, T2, RGC. c 13) Modified loop which initializes EPIC parameters on the first c day of the first year of simulation, to initialize ALL the c plants if this is the first OFE. (Not just the plants that c happen to be growing *somewhere* on th efirst day of simulation, c but all the plants that are ever used in the simulation!) c 14) Changed local variable RGC to a non-subscripted variable. c 15) Dimensioned local variable IDECOM to MXPLAN, as in PTGRP. c 16) Dimensioned local variables X5 & X6 to MXCROP. c 17) Code involving PLIVE(PLANT) changed to PLIVE(PLANT,IPLANE). c 18) Moved location of statement "it(iplane)=it(iplane)+1" c 19) Changed data statement for IT from 0 to 1 dcf 5/21/93 c 20) Added back in save of T2, otherwise it is undefined on c sdate greater than 1 in SR GCURVE dcf 5/21/93 c 21) Added back in save of OLDPLT, otherwise it is undefined on c sdate greater than 1 in SR RANGE dcf 5/21/93 c 22) Moved IT(MXPLAN) to common block and removed c RGC from data statement jca 8/31/93 c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 92.25. c Date recoded: 03/29/93 04/01/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c + + + KEYWORDS + + + c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c parameter (mpln5 = 5*mxplan) c c + + + ARGUMENT DECLARATIONS + + + real wst integer nsl, nowcrp c c + + + ARGUMENT DEFINITIONS + + + c wst - water stress (0-1) 1=no stress; 0=total stress c nsl - number of soil layers c nowcrp - current crop c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include '' c write: be, otemp c include '' c read: rtm c modify: rmogt(mxres,mxplan),rmagt(mxplan) c include '' c read: cn, aca, ar c modify: vdmt(mxplan) c include '' c write: sumgdd, gddmax, dlai c include '' c read: ncount c include '' c read: tave, am, am2 c include '' c modify: rtmass(mxplan) c include '' c read: itype, grazig c write: btemp c include '' c read: rain(mxplan) c include '' c read: access(mxplan), plive(ntype,mxplan) c modify: yield(mxplan), pyield(mxplan) ,suppmt(mxplan) c include '' c read: rootf, gtemp, pscdst, pscd2s c write: pscday(ntype), strrgc(ntype), scday2(ntype) c include '' c read: jfdate c include '' c read: ptlive(mxplan), ihdate, xlive c modify: dwood c write: first c include '' c modify: totsup(mxplan), rtotsu(mxplan), rsuppm(mxplan), c sdead(mxplan), food(mxplan), growth c write: dinner(mxplan), ideath(mxplan) c include '' c modify: tlive(mxplan), tfood(mxplan) c write: rooty(mxnsl,mxplan), slive, droot ,utiliz c include '' c read: jyear c include '' c read: iplane c include '' c read: sdate c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + real oldplt, t2, death, trans, rknock real strss(3,mxplan), strss4(mxplan), stress, add(mxplan) real remove(mxplan), tstres(mxplan) real tau, tau2 integer grotyp, jfrost, iwarn, plant, i real x1, x2, x3, x4, x5(mxcrop), x6(mxcrop), tmpave, rmagy, rmogy real tlivey, smrati, rratio, rgc integer nowres, idecom(mxplan) c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c oldplt - c t2 - number of days in second growth period, using non-EPIC routines. c death - fraction of plant material killed by drought today c trans - fraction of standing residue knocked to the ground by rain c rknock - amount of standing residue knocked to the ground by rain c strss - last 3 day's water stress. Used for 4-day average. c strss4 - running 4-day sum used to calculate STRESS. c stress - 4-day average water stress coefficient. Fraction of material c surviving water stress. c add - amount added to residue today if plants have started losing c leaf material. c remove - amount of plant material killed by drought today c rgc - fraction of potential (unstressed) leaf biomass accrued to c date for first growing period (non-EPIC routines). c tstres - cumulative percent of material killed by water stress c tau - weighted time variable for surface residue c tau2 - weighted time variable for submerged residue c grotyp - flag. 1=use EPIC plant growth routines; 0=use GCURVE & RGRCUR c jfrost - flag. 1=killing frost has occurred. c iwarn - flag. 0=no warning generated by GCURVE this simulation year c plant - set to ITYPE(NOWCRP,IPLANE) -- Should probably be changed. c x1 - (SCURV variable) frost damage fraction for 1st point. c x2 - (SCURV variable) frost damage fraction for 2nd point. c x3 - (SCURV variable) [negative of] temp. associated with 1st point. c x4 - (SCURV variable) [negative of] temp. associated with 2nd point. c x5 - (SCURV variable) 1st constant returned by SCURV for this plant. c x6 - (SCURV variable) 2nd constant returned by SCURV for this plant. c tmpave - Average daily temperature. Always above zero (freezing). c nowres - current residue type c rmagy - standing residue yesterday c rmogy - residue on the ground yesterday c tlivey - TLIVE yesterday c smrati - fraction of surface residue not decomposed (non-Stott) c rratio - fraction of roots not decomposed (non-Stott) c idecom - Flag. When IDECOM is set (1), the residue parameters c are updated; ie, RESUP is called. c c + + + SAVES + + + save strss4, tstres, remove, iwarn, jfrost c save oldplt,t2,ans,x5,x6 save x5, x6, t2, strss, oldplt c c + + + SUBROUTINES CALLED + + + c SCURV, GROW, RESUP, RTPART, GCURVE, RGRCUR, RGRAZE, RBURN, RHERB, c PATRIB c c + + + DATA INITIALIZATIONS + + + c c + + + INPUT FORMATS + + + c c + + + OUTPUT FORMATS + + + c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c c initialization of local variables c rgc = 0.0 c c ---- Force use of non-EPIC plant growth grotyp = 0 c c ---- current plant type (community) plant = itype(nowcrp,iplane) c c Initialize for EPIC plant growth routines c c c ---- average daily temperature tmpave = tave if ( tmpave = 0.0 c nowres = 1 c if (rmagt(iplane).lt.0.00001) rmagt(iplane) = 0.00001 if (rmogt(nowres,iplane).lt.0.00001) rmogt(nowres,iplane) = 1 0.00001 c rmogy = rmogt(nowres,iplane) c ---- standing residue, minus biomass killed by herbicide or burning rmagy = rmagt(iplane) - dwood(iplane) if (rmagy.le.0.00001) rmagy = 0.00001 c c c Reset to initial values for the beginning of a simulation year. c if (sdate.eq.1) then t2 = 0.0 strss4(iplane) = 0.0 strrgc(plant) = first(plant) oldplt = rmagt(iplane) sdead(iplane) = 0.0 jfrost = 0 utiliz = 0.0 tfood(iplane) = 0.0 food(iplane) = 0.0 yield(iplane) = 0.0 pyield(iplane) = 0.0 totsup(iplane) = 0.0 rtotsu(iplane) = 0.0 ideath(iplane) = 0 iwarn = 0 tstres(iplane) = 0.0 remove(iplane) = 0.0 dinner(iplane) = suppmt(iplane) suppmt(iplane) = 0.0 rsuppm(iplane) = 0.0 pscday(plant) = pscdst(plant) scday2(plant) = pscd2s(plant) sumgdd(iplane) = 0.0 end if c c calculate relative growth curve c tlivey = tlive(iplane) c c (EPIC GROWTH CALCULATIONS) if (grotyp.eq.1) then c c ------ First OFE on the first day of the first simulation year if (iplane.eq.1.and.sdate.eq.1.and.jyear.eq.1) then do 10 i = 1, mxcrop c ---------- adjusted biomass conversion factor (kg/MJ) be(i) = 17.0 c ---------- optimum temperture for plant growth (C) otemp(i) = 30.0 c ---------- growing degree days at maturity (C) gddmax(i) = 2000.0 c ---------- fraction of growing season when LAI begins decline dlai(i) = 0.5 x1 = 0.01 x2 = 0.95 x3 = 5.0 x4 = 15.0 c ---------- constants (X5 & X6) for symetric assymtotic S-shaped frost-sensi- c tivity curve with 1% kill at -5 degrees C and 95% kill at -15. call scurv(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5(i),x6(i)) 10 continue end if c c ------ set base air temp. to temp. required to start spring growth c -- XXX -- Huh? -- CRM -- 3/31/93. btemp(iplane) = gtemp(iplane) c Original Code: c call grow(nowcrp,iplane,ncount(iplane),idecom c 1 ,istart,tempvar,x5,x6,tmpflg) call grow(nowcrp,iplane,x5(plant),x6(plant),ncount(iplane), 1 idecom(iplane)) c c ------- fraction of potential (unstressed) leaf biomass accrued c today, minus fraction accrued yesterday (can be negative) growth(iplane) = 0.001 c -- XXX -- Shouldn't this at least be based on VDMT? -- CRM -- 3/30/93. c c (NON-EPIC GROWTH CALCULATIONS) else c Original Code: c call gcurve(sdate,iplane,plant,plive(plant), c 1 iwarn,jfrost,t2,growth(iplane)) call gcurve(sdate,iplane,plant,iwarn,jfrost,t2,rgc, 1 plive(plant,iplane),growth(iplane)) end if c c -- XXX -- This seems a strange place to "range-check" TLIVE. Seems c like it would make more sense AFTER "tlive" is computed. c CRM -- 3/30/93. c ---- prevent leafdrop in evergreens if (tlive(iplane).lt.xlive(iplane)) tlive(iplane) = 1 xlive(iplane) if (tlive(iplane).lt.0.00001) tlive(iplane) = 0.00001 c c ---- add (ALL) material that died since yesterday, to standing dead if ( rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) + 1 tlivey - tlive(iplane) c Note: The preceeding equation is OK. M. Weltz & I checked it. c Other adjustments to rmagt all involve DEAD material. c TLIVE is LIVE material. -- CRM -- 5/6/93. c c c ********************** c * NON-STOTT DECOMP * c ********************** c ---- weighted-time decomp variables calculated from antecedant moisture, c average temp., and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. c WEPP Equation (8.3.4 -- August 89 version of User Doc.) tau = am(iplane) * tmpave / cn(plant) tau2 = am2(iplane) * tmpave / cn(plant) c WEPP Equation (8.3.3) c ---- fraction of surface residue remaining after decomposition smrati = (1.0-aca(plant)*tau) ** 2 if ( smrati = 0.95 c ---- fraction of roots remaining after decomposition rratio = (1.0-ar(plant)*tau2) ** 2 if ( rratio = 0.95 c c ******************************************** c * NON-EPIC four day average water stress * c ******************************************** c After day 4 if (it(iplane).gt.3) then c ------ delete oldest value, add current one strss4(iplane) = strss4(iplane) - strss(1,iplane) + wst cWarning from ftnchek cVariables may be used before set in module RANGE: c STRSS c ------ 4-day average stress = strss4(iplane) / 4.0 c ------ save values for tomorrow strss(1,iplane) = strss(2,iplane) strss(2,iplane) = strss(3,iplane) strss(3,iplane) = wst c First 4 days else strss4(iplane) = strss4(iplane) + wst stress = strss4(iplane) / float(it(iplane)) strss(it(iplane),iplane) = wst it(iplane) = it(iplane) + 1 end if c c reset water stress after rainfall c if (rain(iplane).ge.0.008) tstres(iplane) = 0.0 tstres(iplane) = tstres(iplane) + (1.0-stress) if (tstres(iplane).gt.20.0) growth(iplane) = 0.0 c c ---- total root mass c WEPP Equation (8.5.27) if (growth(iplane).gt.0.0) rtmass(iplane) = rtmass(iplane) + 1 rootf(plant) * growth(iplane) * stress * rtm(nowres,iplane) c -- XXX -- U.D. is somewhat ambiguous, but doesn't agree. RTM is the c *non-living* root mass! -- CRM -- 4/01/93. c c Range test data set TEST.RNG was bombing model, because equation c above resulted in negative value for rtmass, then rooty, used c in subroutine SOIL.FOR to compute hydraulic conductivity. c Fix to prevent root mass going negative. Weltz, etc. need to c determine why this occurs and fix better. dcf 12/3/96 c if (rtmass(iplane).le.0.0)rtmass(iplane)=0.0001 c c ---- root decomposition c WEPP Equation (8.5.28) rtmass(iplane) = rtmass(iplane) * rratio c c ---- root mass in each soil layer do 20 i = 1, nsl rooty(i,iplane) = droot(i) * rtmass(iplane) 20 continue c c ---- plant growth (non-EPIC), adjusted for drought stress c Original Code: c 1 call rgrcur(wst,growth(iplane),plive(plant),ptlive(iplane), c 2 slive,tlive(iplane),xlive(iplane),add(iplane),death, c 3 remove(iplane),stress(iplane),rmagt(iplane),rmagy) if ( call rgrcur(wst,growth(iplane), 1 plive(plant,iplane),ptlive(iplane),xlive(iplane),stress,rmagy, 1 slive,tlive(iplane),add(iplane),death,remove(iplane), 1 rmagt(iplane)) c c c ************************************************************* c * Convert standing residue to fallen, because of rainfall * c ************************************************************* c if (rain(iplane).gt.0.0) then c ------ fraction of standing residue knocked down by rain c WEPP Equation (8.5.11) c -- XXX -- This equation is incorrect in the User Doc. RE: 3/30/93 c telcon w/Weltz -- CRM -- 3/30/93. trans = exp(-(3.5-rain(iplane))) c ^ (U.D. shows a '*' here.) c CRM -- 3/31/93. if ( trans = 0.05 c c ------ amount of standing residue knocked down by rain rknock = rmagt(iplane) * trans if (rknock.le.rmagt(iplane)) then rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmogy + rknock rmagt(iplane) = rmagt(iplane) - rknock else rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmogy + rmagt(iplane) rmagt(iplane) = 0.0 end if else c -- XXX -- Why bother with this? -- CRM -- 3/31/93. rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmogy end if if (rmagt(iplane).lt.0.00001) rmagt(iplane) = 0.00001 if (rmogt(nowres,iplane).lt.0.00001) rmogt(nowres,iplane) = 1 0.00001 c c c Yield is calculated as total standing biomass at begining of the c year plus all new biomass produced in the year. It is used to c calculate percent utilization of forage by livestock and is useful c in establishing correct stocking rates. c if ( then yield(iplane) = pyield(iplane) + slive else yield(iplane) = pyield(iplane) end if c c ---- total standing biomass (live, dead, and wood) vdmt(iplane) = tlive(iplane) + rmagt(iplane) + dwood(iplane) if (vdmt(iplane).lt.0.00001) vdmt(iplane) = 0.00001 c c If temperature is < critical temperature kill deciduous and c annual plants. Evergreen plants retain leaves. c if (jfrost.eq.1) then rmagt(iplane) = rmagy + tlive(iplane) - xlive(iplane) tlive(iplane) = xlive(iplane) if (rmagt(iplane).lt.0.00001) rmagt(iplane) = 0.00001 end if c c ---- grazing if (grazig(iplane).gt.0.0.and.access(iplane).gt.0.0) then call rgraze(plant) if (yield(iplane) then utiliz = tfood(iplane) / (yield(iplane)+oldplt) else utiliz = 0.0 end if end if c c ---- burning (if there is adequate material for fuel) if (vdmt(iplane).gt.0.08.and.sdate.eq.jfdate(iplane)) call 1 rburn(plant) c c ---- herbicide if (sdate.eq.ihdate(iplane)) call rherb(plant) c c ---- update standing and fallen residue following herbicide application if (sdead(iplane).gt.0.0) then c WEPP Equation (8.6.26) c -- XXX -- Seem to be adding DECAYED material to that on the ground. c CRM -- 4/1/93. c ------ add decayed leaves to ground litter rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmogt(nowres,iplane) + sdead(iplane) * ( 1 1.0-smrati) c ********************************************************** c * Note: Assumes standing residue decomposes at same rate * c * as that on the ground. -- CRM -- 3/30/93. * c ********************************************************** c ------ remove decayed leaves from standing residue sdead(iplane) = sdead(iplane) * smrati if (dwood(iplane).gt.0.0) then c -------- add decayed twigs to ground litter (decompose at 25% the c rate of leaves) c WEPP Equation (8.6.27) c -- XXX -- This equation is not correct in the User Guide. rmogt(nowres,iplane) = rmogt(nowres,iplane) + dwood(iplane) * 1 (1.0-smrati) / 4.0 dwood(iplane) = dwood(iplane) * (1.0-(1.0-smrati)/4.0) c end if end if c c ---- total standing biomass vdmt(iplane) = tlive(iplane) + rmagt(iplane) + dwood(iplane) + 1 sdead(iplane) if (vdmt(iplane).lt.0.00001) vdmt(iplane) = 0.00001 c c ---- calculate herbacious plant height, canopy & ground cover etc c Original Code: c call patrib(iplane,plant,tlive(iplane),ptlive(iplane),tmpave, c 1 oldplt,nowres,smrati,tfood(iplane),dwood(iplane)) call patrib(iplane,plant,tlive(iplane),tmpave,nowres,smrati, 1 dwood(iplane),ptlive(iplane)) c c c *********************************** c * detailed output for rangeland * c *********************************** c c if (jyear.eq.1.and.sdate.eq.1.and.iplane.eq.1) then c c open statements now in infile c c 30 write (*,1100) c read (*,1000,err=30) ans c if (ans.eq.'Y'.or.ans.eq.'y') then c c ... open file for range output ... c ... unit = 44, status = 1 (unknown)... plant output c ... unit = 45, status = 1 (unknown)... animal grazing output c c detailed plant growth output c c open (unit=44,file='range.out',status='unknown') c write (44,1200) c c detailed grazing animal output affects on vegetation c c open (unit=45,file='animal.out',status='unknown') c write (45,1300) c end if c end if if (rngout.eq.2) then c write(44,2004)sdate,rgc(iplane),growth(iplane),vdmt(iplane), if(rngplt.eq.2) 1 write (44,1000) sdate, rgc, growth(iplane), vdmt(iplane), 1 tlive(iplane), slive, rmagy, sdead(iplane), 1 rmogt(nowres,iplane) if (grazig(iplane).eq.1) then if(rnganm.eq.2) 1 write (45,1100) sdate, yield(iplane), utiliz, tfood(iplane), 1 food(iplane), suppmt(iplane), totsup(iplane), 1 rsuppm(iplane), rtotsu(iplane) end if end if c return c c labels 1000, 1100, 1200, and 1300 have not been referenced c 12-16-93 09:15am sjl c c 1000 format (a) c 1100 format (/,' Do you want rangeland outputs (y/n)? -->', c 1 ' ') c 1200 format (' sdate rgc growth vdmt tlive slive', c 1 'rmagy sdead rmogt') c 1300 format (' date yield utiliz tfood', c 1 ' food suppmt totsup rsupp rtotsupp ') 1000 format (1x,i5,2x,f6.4,2x,f6.4,6(2x,f7.4)) 1100 format (1x,i3,5(1x,f8.4),1x,f8.3,1x,f8.4,1x,f9.3) end